How dirty are you?



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I save deep cleaning for the weekends. I leave the house at 7 am, work all day, go to the gym when I get off from work and generally get home and am showered by 6 pm. Dishes get done when the meal is done, laundry gets done while I am watching TV in the evenings, the litterboxes get done when I feed the cats and minor picking up gets done in the evening. Any vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, etc., gets done on the weekend unless there is a mess that has to be cleaned up.
  • ainzerillo
    ainzerillo Posts: 27 Member
    My theroy is... I am raising kids, not grass.

    I will let the yardwork slide to enjoy activities with the kids. And, the wife and I will let the house work slide in order to fit in more family time. We both put family first, then our workout (which we always manage to get to) and then house/yard work. We power clean and make a game of it. Then get back to life.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I don't do housework thru the week, that's what my kids are for. lol
    I am terrible for asking my sone to do things, I asked him to put away his bag of snowboarding gear today after a day trip and he looked at my like I just kicked his dog or something lol gotta work on that!

    They should do it! I used to take it all on but I've learned that I was just killing myself and not teaching them any life skills. I don't do dishes...ever. That's their job ;) The weekends I do my laundry & deep cleaning but during the week it's their (my 4 kids) job to clean up.
    Now if I could get the hubs to do more......:grumble:
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Ok, Ladies. Now don't get mad at me, but I don't do much around the house. I work full-time and my husband is currently unemployed. He does all the cooking (not the stereotypical "guy" cooking...he cooks everything from scratch since I eat completely clean -- bread, pasta, bbq sauce, broth, etc.), he keeps the house picked up, he does all the dishes, he takes care of the yard and the dogs, and he does "projects" day I came home and an entire wall was missing in our spare is now my workout/music/nail room. I am a lucy girl!! :heart:

    There ya go! Sounds perfect!
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I don't do housework thru the week, that's what my kids are for. lol
    I am terrible for asking my sone to do things, I asked him to put away his bag of snowboarding gear today after a day trip and he looked at my like I just kicked his dog or something lol gotta work on that!

    They should do it! I used to take it all on but I've learned that I was just killing myself and not teaching them any life skills. I don't do dishes...ever. That's their job ;) The weekends I do my laundry & deep cleaning but during the week it's their (my 4 kids) job to clean up.
    Now if I could get the hubs to do more......:grumble:
    You're right, I do not want him to turn into one of those men who comes home with a bag of laundry once a week for me to do! He's 11 and I still make his food and snacks, pour his drinks and bring it all to the table for him lol, I'm sooo ruining him for his future wife! I think I'll start him on something this weekend :)
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I don't do housework thru the week, that's what my kids are for. lol
    I am terrible for asking my sone to do things, I asked him to put away his bag of snowboarding gear today after a day trip and he looked at my like I just kicked his dog or something lol gotta work on that!

    They should do it! I used to take it all on but I've learned that I was just killing myself and not teaching them any life skills. I don't do dishes...ever. That's their job ;) The weekends I do my laundry & deep cleaning but during the week it's their (my 4 kids) job to clean up.
    Now if I could get the hubs to do more......:grumble:
    You're right, I do not want him to turn into one of those men who comes home with a bag of laundry once a week for me to do! He's 11 and I still make his food and snacks, pour his drinks and bring it all to the table for him lol, I'm sooo ruining him for his future wife! I think I'll start him on something this weekend :)

    lol yeah, you don't want him to be like my hubby baaahaha