i wanna do it but the knees dont.....



  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    sink down just a little bit and do punches. Keep your abs tight and put some force behind them. This is great cardio!
  • vernessie
    vernessie Posts: 47
    Hi, my name is Vernessie, I can relate to what you are going through, I have arthritis in both of my knees. I have found just walking alone is good enough. I walk daily from 15 to 60 minutes at a lesiure/slow pace. It all depends on how my knees feel, I may walk a short distance or I may walk a long distance. I found out, any movement is good for knee pain.
  • Scorpiotwinkle
    Hi, you can add me. I need a new knee defo on one side, and probably on the other side too. I am 50 years old and started using the gym "properly" from 3rd Jan. I too HATED exercise. Everything was a struggle, walking was a nightmare, sport was out of the question and all I could do was cycle to work a couple of miles now and again.
    On 11th January I got a Personal Trainer and I haven't looked back! He devised a programme which works around my knees. He knows exactly what to do with me and tonight just 10 weeks after I started with him I just did 1000 reps of various exercises for my whole body in an hour i.e. 10 exercises of 100 reps of each, including freestanding squats holding weights in each hand and being able to get down on the floor for abdominal leg extensions. There is no way I could have imagined this 10 weeks ago! I can do squats, leg press, and loads of other leg exercises. I LOVE the rower as I have no pain with that - I row 4000 metres every other day (I go to the gym six days a week). The elliptical is a bit challenging, I started with 2 minutes and am now up to 8, the bike I do about the same.
    Your comment about hating exercises rang true with me, but trust me if you get a personal trainer they will work round your weakness but more importantly build on your strengths - and you do have strengths, you just have to find them. I am amazed at what I CAN do and no longer focus on what I CAN'T do. Life is good. My PT is changing my life with me. It is a worthwhile expense - I look at it as a few months of debt for a lifetime of health.