1000cal/day diet, daily work out, not losing...



  • elp1920
    elp1920 Posts: 11 Member
    Yep - like others have said - eat more. Was hard for me to do at first but then I got with it and started loosing. Now I am not working out regularly and have been at or below 1200 many days due to some recent illness/medication side effects. Very little if any loss.

    I lost my first 13 pounds in one month a while ago when I was working out (hard) about 3 times a week (boot camp), lightly the others (walking) and eating about 1500 calories a day. My BMR is around 1450 - 1530 depending on which calculator I look at (ha) and if I get out from behind my desk at all.

    Went from 186 to 173 in 30 days at 5'6" tall. Have maintained that. Now to get on the wagon again and keep going!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    but even at a caloric deficit thats small you will still lose a little muscle. We lose a mix of both.

    The higher the deficit the more water and muscle you lose while losing some fat = you get the skinny fat look.

    That depends on how much weight you have to lose... I started out with approximately 50 lbs to lose... I've not lost ANY lean body mass and have, in fact, gained a very small amount due to being a starting lifter (a few months ago). If you don't have much to lose, don't have too severe a deficit, AND lift heavy things... losing muscle is not automatic.

    To the OP - EAT!

    edit to add: I've since adjusted my weight loss goal based on maintaining my LBM and getting to 19% bodyfat.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Def. need to eat more.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Eat food. Food is good. Losing weight because you're healthy and losing because you're starving are 2 completely different things.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    At the risk of sounding like a broken record......EAT MORE!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    MIGHT not be eating enough is a ridiculous statement. You are not eating enough food. Period. You must eat at least 1200 NET calories. As in ... 1200 calories of food AFTER exercise. Especially when doing something like 30DS. You need protein, you need fuel.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Long term starvation diets (1000 cals/day) will result in great scale changes but in terms of body composition you are going to tear down muscle (the body does this to recover in a large deficit in leaner ppl more so than obese) and in the end make it easier to regain that fat. What you want to do is make positive changes in body composition and this may mean a slower scale change or even an increase in the scale weight. Yes losing fat is the primary goal but you do not want to sacrifice muscle at the cost of fat loss as in the end this costs you more dearly than you know.
  • Fashionista012
    Fashionista012 Posts: 51 Member
    you will lose weight . Just think people who have weight loss surgery....all they do is eat minimal calories...sometimes only a few hundred. SO I don't really buy t he starvation deal after 2 weeks...come on you know you can do it just stick it out !! but try t o eat 1200 cals a day.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    you will lose weight . Just think people who have weight loss surgery....all they do is eat minimal calories...sometimes only a few hundred. SO I don't really buy t he starvation deal after 2 weeks...come on you know you can do it just stick it out !! but try t o eat 1200 cals a day.

    are you joking?
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    anyone else smell something? :noway:
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Your not eating enough... You should at least be eating your BMR calories. Have you gone to the bathroom recently? You may be full of S**T.

    You also could be too active for what your asking your body to do.

  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    2 weeks probably not but for those whom do not buy into the whole starvation mode thing (I hate the name on it) how would you explain a person whom loses more fat by eating more food? No it will not happen in 2 weeks or maybe even 3 (this depends largely on the person) but it will at some point happen if continued, and at the cost of killing your body composition for a scale change is just not worth it.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Hang on a second ... you've lost 17 pounds in 4 weeks? Soo... what's the problem??

    Definitely going to be the broken record, but you need to EAT more! Fuel your body for all that you are asking it to do!
  • flstarlady65
    Eat more food!!!

    High protein, good fats and carbs. I am doing 1200 calories and working out about 3 days a week. This is letting me lose about 1 - 2 lbs a week.

    Small steps.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Food is yummy. EAT.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Just in case you haven't gotten the picture yet .You are starving your body!

    Your body needs food to LIVE. You are not giving it nearly enough. Your BMR is how many calories your body uses just to keep your body functioning. Check it out at the link below. Beyond that, your body burns calories moving throughout the day, working, walking, living. Add to that your exercising, and you've got a buttload of calories your body needs to survive! Waaaaay more than 1000. Take some time to accurately set up your MFP profile, log all your food and exercise, and stick to the goal you are given, INCLUDING the extra calories added for exercise. You burn more, you need more.

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    you will lose weight . Just think people who have weight loss surgery....all they do is eat minimal calories...sometimes only a few hundred. SO I don't really buy t he starvation deal after 2 weeks...come on you know you can do it just stick it out !! but try t o eat 1200 cals a day.

    Ms. Derp from Derpistan.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Yeah -- I would say that if for the past month you have been exercising every day and only eating 1000 calories a day your body probably thinks you are starving and is doing everything it can to keep from losing any more weight!

    Your BMR is your base metabolic rate. That is the amount of calories your body would burn if you just laid in bed all day. It needs this many calories at a minimum to do things like make your blood pump and your breath go in and out and your fingernails grow, etc. If you go to the "tools" section of MFP you can calculate it for you. For me it is about 1400 calories a day. At a minimum you should be eating this many calories per day, and if you are working out you need to eat more because the initial 1400 (or whatever it is for you) is already spoken for by your basic body processes. The key is that you are eating less than the TOTAL amount you burn each day. Though my BMR is 1400 per day I actually burn about 2200 each day. That means that I can eat 1700 calories each day and still loose weight at my target rate of 1 lb per week.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    you will lose weight . Just think people who have weight loss surgery....all they do is eat minimal calories...sometimes only a few hundred. SO I don't really buy t he starvation deal after 2 weeks...come on you know you can do it just stick it out !! but try t o eat 1200 cals a day.

    are you joking?

    HAHAHAHAHA apparently not joking. But I can attest that some people when they hear the eat more theory what do they do? They eat more of anything and thats not what we are saying. Most of what we say to eat more of fills you up! So asking a person to eat more just for the sake of it is like leading blindly. We may think they want quick weight loss but it may be more complex than this. some people have a hard time eating MORE food because they simply feel full on what they currently eat.

    I am neither for or against eating less or eating more its whatever works for that individual. now of course if they are eating ridiculously low calories and working out like crazy then yes theres a problem or so we think.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I can't add to what everyone else said,...but I will.

    I know I'm successful so far because I get to eat and eat well. I never starve and I'm not burning up the scale, but It's steady and when the scale doesn't move the NSV's (non scale victories) are usually in gear. It's all about adjusting your intake as your body adapts and becomes more efficient. Eat more, but eat wisely, not just calories, but calories that benefit you.

    Huge Congrats on 17 lbs in 4 weeks thats friggin awesome! Yes you might have a lull, but it could be your body just balancing before you get to losing again. The ticket is consistency and sticking to an eating lifestyle you can live with.
    Good luck!