Who can't do jumping jacks (or sneeze) without . . .



  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I was so glad to read this. I thought I was the only one! :blushing:

    ME TOO!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    needing a change of panties? I think this is mostly and mommy thing cuz I've asked some other mommy types and they never had this issue prior to birthing their babes. Anyone have any solutions? Hilarious stories welcome too :)

    wow, funny that you mention that because i was a little weirded out by that myself. had a baby about 2 years ago and things haven't been the same every since. whenever i do intense cardio there seems to be that issue. i was hoping in 2 years it would get a little better but not so much. kegels really don't seem to help.
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    This is a funny thread.

    Everytime I know I'm going to do jumping jacks, I ALWAYS go to the bathroom first. But like clockwork, 2-3 jumping jacks in and I ALWAYS have to go again!

    And I have ZERO kids. Just a weirdo who has to pee a lot I guess!
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    All the joys of motherhood i am one day looking forward too have just been replaced with this image instead.....I sneeze alot, whilst i have no current plans for kids i will savour dry knickers while i can!! ha ha
  • danagettinfit
    danagettinfit Posts: 83 Member
    I thought about it too and I spoke with my doc about it. She said don't bother because most cases, the problem comes back. I've heard that from others as well. I went to a urologist when it first became a problem (I was 27, way too young to be dealing with that) and she said my bladder had dropped a bit and I had a tipped uterus. Whatever that means...

    I, too, never had a problem until my 2nd came along...and he was 9 lbs 3 oz, vag if that makes any difference at all. I remember walking up the stairs in the first week post-delivery and just losing it all over. I cried and cried thinking the rest of my life would be like that. Thankfully, it never was that bad ever again...but I'm definitely a fan of Kotex pantiliners!! Running, jumping, sneezing, and a host of emotions can bring it out. Kegels schmegels....I did them and darn it, they didn't improve much. Losing a bit of weight helped a little...but not enough. *le sigh....*
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    at least you ladies have an excuse :p

    kidding. but I have to say there is nothing sexier than a women that has given so much just to be a good mommy ;)

    well that's just the cutest thing ever, will you teach my boyfriend?
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks to the woman that mentioned Kegels because I always forget to do them until someone mentions them and then I immediately start up with them. Haha
  • melisa35158
    melisa35158 Posts: 16 Member
    I was doing jumping jacks the other day and it happened! I was so upset since I never had it happen during a workout. My first child was almost 9lbs and that put a ton of stress on my bladder...she'll be 10 this year. My second child was just over 11lbs...you can safely assume my bladder is shot! I've tried Kegels and I don't see much improvement. Panty liners and pads are the way to go!
  • danagettinfit
    danagettinfit Posts: 83 Member
    I thought about it too and I spoke with my doc about it. She said don't bother because most cases, the problem comes back. I've heard that from others as well. I went to a urologist when it first became a problem (I was 27, way too young to be dealing with that) and she said my bladder had dropped a bit and I had a tipped uterus. Whatever that means...

    I, too, never had a problem until my 2nd came along...and he was 9 lbs 3 oz, vag if that makes any difference at all. I remember walking up the stairs in the first week post-delivery and just losing it all over. I cried and cried thinking the rest of my life would be like that. Thankfully, it never was that bad ever again...but I'm definitely a fan of Kotex pantiliners!! Running, jumping, sneezing, and a host of emotions can bring it out. Kegels schmegels....I did them and darn it, they didn't improve much. Losing a bit of weight helped a little...but not enough. *le sigh....*

    I have a tipped uterus, it leans on your bladder and the pressure makes you have to go more (less room). .although i never had a prob before my girls i leaked shortly after my second on a trampoline in front of my three teenage nephews. Ever since i fall asleep doing kiegals every night and havnt had an accident in 4 years. Still have to pee alot and yeah been crossing my legs at sneeze became a habit when i was preggos the first time around.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    I didnt have a problem til I had my daughter (2 years ago). I am starting to try and do Kegels now to see if that helps. My husband laughs at me when I cross my legs while I sneeze too. I get the BULK pantyliners from BJs because I use them CONSTANTLY while I workout! Not just jumping but, most workouts! :(
  • trickerson
    Oh thank God!!! I thought it was just me...for me its when i laugh too hard or do any kind of jumping running etc. It is a mommy thing and comes with age. Our bladders get weak. Panty liners work well because there is not alot we can do otherwise.
  • jhehle
    jhehle Posts: 88 Member
    If i sneeze suddenly or have a bad cough, this happens to me. It started when i had my first child who was a preemie and weighed 5lbs 4 oz and then got worse after having my second child weighing 8lbs 6 oz. I do kegels and it doesnt happen all the time, but its still sucks when it does.
  • smelhart1
    I so know what you are saying. I am having surgery next week that is supposed to help this along with my other surgery. Keeping fingers crossed.
  • cookieibuck
    cookieibuck Posts: 21 Member
    Glad we are not alone!!! so when I see the lady down the isle at the grocery store crossing her legs and getting ready to sneeze... it's because she is just like me!! My first time was on a trampoline at my friends daughter's birthday party....... I thought I would be sooo coool and do a few jumps... but to my surprise.... and to others who could see my stoned washed levi's darken... and not from a spilled drink.... Ug.. how embarrassing.... Great thread by the way !!!
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    Add me to the list - and I don't have any kids, but when I got to be about 40 I started having issues if I run, jump rope, or do jumping jacks. Luckily sneezing has not affected me yet. I have bad feet, so it's a good excuse why I don't run (and legitimate!). It's awkward telling people you can't run because you'll pee. LOL
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    I have always had leakage when doing things with jumping or hard effort or sneezing. I can remember a time in high school on the trampoline and didn't ever really want to go back on. Walking and sneezing end up looking like I'm doing the grapevine walk!!! :laugh:

    I also drink lots of water and that's tough on everyone if we go somewhere. If I'm headed out somewhere I ALWAYS figure out bathroom stops and definitely don't have any caffeine.

    For me, getting fitter and being consistent in doing Kegel's help at times.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Kegel Exercises work unless it's too far gone..
  • purplebookworm
    purplebookworm Posts: 10 Member
    So glad you brought this up, I thought I was the only one! I can't get through 30 Day Shred withoout soaking myself and I always make sure to the bathroom first. Sneezing isn't a problem usually, but if I happen to get sick and throw up I usually pee all over the bathroom floor. The funny thing is it didn't get really bad until a few years ago and my youngest is 10. For those interested, there is an article about this in the latest Good Housekeeping, although I haven't read all of it yet.