Lies about weight loss...



  • mklynrswhlr

    I've had people question me about how much I eat each day and it pisses me off. Just because it may not work for YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone. This is a very individual journey and I feel like people need to focus on their own goals and stop worrying about what everyone else is or isn't doing.

    No need to judge others and how things are working for them. I don't know what works for me yet, hahaha...but I hope to find out soon.

    Even if the whole burning more than you eat thing doesn't do much for me, I won't judge others for how they "GET" it to work for them. It just does...the end.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member

    I've had people question me about how much I eat each day and it pisses me off. Just because it may not work for YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone. This is a very individual journey and I feel like people need to focus on their own goals and stop worrying about what everyone else is or isn't doing.

    No need to judge others and how things are working for them. I don't know what works for me yet, hahaha...but I hope to find out soon.

    Even if the whole burning more than you eat thing doesn't do much for me, I won't judge others for how they "GET" it to work for them. It just does...the end.
    Why wouldn't it work for you?
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I don't tend to read anyone's diary unless they ask me to do so. And quite honestly, if I did - I wouldn't question their weight loss. What works for some people, won't work for others. If they've hit on something that works for THEM - who am *I* to judge them?

    I've had people question me about how much I eat each day and it pisses me off. Just because it may not work for YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone. This is a very individual journey and I feel like people need to focus on their own goals and stop worrying about what everyone else is or isn't doing.

    I've learned that for me - it IS all about calories in/calories out. My body isn't phased by sodium, sugar, or carbs. As long as I stay under my calories? I'm good. I also know that I have a pretty wide range of calories that I can consume each day and still be fine.

    ^LOVE this! Its so very true our bodies are unique and deal with things differently. I would hate to be criticized for my actions if what i'm doing is working for me, and keeping me sane and healthy. We need to focus on ourselves, and not on what others say to do, or not do, because then you ending up going insane. ha ha.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't tend to read anyone's diary unless they ask me to do so. And quite honestly, if I did - I wouldn't question their weight loss. What works for some people, won't work for others. If they've hit on something that works for THEM - who am *I* to judge them?

    I've had people question me about how much I eat each day and it pisses me off. Just because it may not work for YOU, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone. This is a very individual journey and I feel like people need to focus on their own goals and stop worrying about what everyone else is or isn't doing.

    I've learned that for me - it IS all about calories in/calories out. My body isn't phased by sodium, sugar, or carbs. As long as I stay under my calories? I'm good. I also know that I have a pretty wide range of calories that I can consume each day and still be fine.

    ^^ Love this!! I thankfully have friends who are very supportive and don't question my food choices. I am losing weight and I am doing it MY way. I was always a big junk food eater... love ice cream and chocolate and cake and cheeseburgers.... Now I eat turkey burgers and skinny cow ice cream. I drink a caramel mocha iced coffee every morning from D&D along with an egg wrap. If someone told me I can't eat anything I like within moderation then I wouldn't be on here and I'd still be eating like a pig. Everyone's weight loss journey is personal. I welcome constructive criticism when I ask for help. Some people tend to think that because they're losing weight everyone has to follow their lead. I run my own show... and so far things have been going good for me. Sometimes you have to change up your exercise routine, eat more calories, and have a cheat day here and there!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If it is simply calories in/calories out, then I need to be studied for science, because I'm defying physics or thermodynamics or something with my major plateau!

    I feel the same way, despite coming in here with a total calories in, calories out mindset. It gets discouraging, but I am finding certain patterns in my own eating and activity levels. I can usually predict what the scale will say to the ounce when I get on it in the morning. I know how much water weight I tend to gain from a salty meal or how much real weight I'll have gained or lost due to what I'm eating and doing, again, often to the ounce. Now that's scary. I know for sure I can't go by someone else's weigh ins and diaries. What works for them sure might not work for me and vice versa.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Wow... y'all got some ruffled feathers.

    First let me say I am not judging anyone. And I agree that what works for one might not work for the other. And everyone has their own reason for being here and that might not be to be healthy, but rather just skinny.
    Whatever floats your boat.

    My frustration lies ultimately with myself... I don't know what else to do...where to turn.

    But explain to me the science and the logic of someone eating cookies and cake burger from where ever .. and still having a 3+ lbs loss in a week. It baffles me.

    I will say again as I have said before...
    I have no medical condition that would hinder my loses.
    I am eating Primal as of last week. I gave each of the other "ways" a month each.

    Some of you took this to a whole other place... and that is your deal.

    I appreciated those of you who stuck up for me and actually understand where I am coming from. And those of you who are high and mighty about what you have lost and how it was done... well... Remember how you started and where you came from. Have a little more compassion and support for those around you.

    This is one mistake I won't make again...
    How dare I come to the forum for answers and support!!...
    Little did I know I would be berrated with crass and snyde comments.

    So much for pals!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    But explain to me the science and the logic of someone eating cookies and cake burger from where ever .. and still having a 3+ lbs loss in a week. It baffles me.

    A net calorie deficit along with a little drop in water and glycogen weight most likely. I had a nice bacon cheeseburger and a pint of IPA last night. And some cake a little while ago (ZOMG my coworkers sabotaged me!!). No worries. I know my weekly deficit will still be in check. I know I will get the protein I need to maintain my muscle. And I know I will hit the goals I am targeting all in due time.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Yikes, going by several posts in this thread I guess shedding 100+ lbs of weight entitle you to make sarcastic, snide remarks directed at people who are at the start of their journey and frustrated at their progress too then? Losing a great amount of weight DOES make you a weight loss expert... when it comes to YOUR body and ONLY your body.

    While I don't pay as much attention to other's progress, I have my moments of frustration at my own (relatively) slower pace of losing pounds. It's not always a steady downward decline on the Progress Chart, for some of us the rate of losing is giant zig-zags in opposite direction. My advice would be to just ignore what other people are saying and recording and try a billion different approaches to exercising and eating until something works better.

    Thanks Sister! Wouldn't you think the ones with the most losses.. would be the ones who would share some insight. And have some compassion for others????... obviously not.
    I'll keep my eyes on my own page and my frustrations to myself from now on... thanks!
  • purrtypaws
    My frustration lies ultimately with myself... I don't know what else to do...where to turn.

    But explain to me the science and the logic of someone eating cookies and cake burger from where ever .. and still having a 3+ lbs loss in a week. It baffles me.

    I will say again as I have said before...
    I have no medical condition that would hinder my loses.
    I am eating Primal as of last week. I gave each of the other "ways" a month each.

    (Not that it really matters, but I've lost 34 lbs. --29 before trying out MyFitnessPal--, and I did it even though I ate a lot of junk food the whole way and hardly worked out; I just reduced the total number of calories I consumed, but didn't care at all about how many of those calories were from carbs, protein, etc. Now I've gotten to the point where I'm not really ready or willing to eat less, so I have to work out more to lose weight. I believe what I say in the following paragraphs is correct; I haven't always followed what I think though just because sometimes I just love eating junk too much and am willing to suffer health-wise for it lol.) What I write in the following paragraphs may have not worked for other people, but I'll just throw the suggestions out there in case you want to try them when you're done with the primal diet. The following are my opinions, based on many articles (which seemed to be from reliable sources) that I've read over the years.
    Iam frustrated with my lack of weight loss. I am 5'10 244lbs.. and I am a large framed girl...not just fluffy.
    I started out totally with MFP calculations and suggestions of 1370 cals a day.. working out 1-3 days a week.
    No big results.(I would eat clean.. and carbs at about 30%)
    I up'd workouts. Nothing.One month down.
    I changed my calories to be at my estimated BMR...1890... ate between 1500-1900 cals. No eating back. Work outs the same... Went up and down the same 5 lbs for a month. 2months down. Down 5-7lbs from the start date.
    Beginning of month 3...(Last week) I decided to try Primal eating. Lost 1lbs or so.

    First of all, I don't understand why you're frustrated when, according to what you said above, you lost at least 5 lbs. in 2 months and then 1 lb. in a week. That is an average of around 0.625 lbs. a week (I divided 6 lbs. by 9.6 weeks since there's an average of 4.3 weeks in a month), which is really good! Are you frustrated because you expected more loss than that? If so, then I think you just need to lower your net calorie goal because the calculators from which you get your TDEE, BMR, etc. are just estimates and could be really inaccurate. Moreover, even the calories consumed and burned during exercise that you try so very hard to get accurate are just an estimate, but to make this simpler, just assume the net goal given by MFP or whatever site has been overestimated; then, if you want to lose even more than you have been, you just have to lower the net calorie goal.

    Of course, there are other factors when it comes to weight loss/gain: if you do not poop enough (you're somewhat constipated), you'll weigh more on the scale; if you do not eat enough protein, you'll lose muscle and this will reduce your weight on the scale; if you eat more protein than you need to maintain your muscle, then you will gain muscle and this will increase your weight on the scale (without exercise, about 78 grams of protein is needed to maintain muscle, according to a recent article in Times, CNN, etc.; with exercise, more protein is needed). This is why weight isn't the only thing you should be looking at. If you don't already have one, you should get a scale like the one here that will show you a body fat percent; that scale also shows skeletal muscle percent. While the percents may not be totally accurate, it is good to look at those numbers weekly to see how they CHANGE: sometimes your total weight may not change, but your fat has decreased and your muscle has increased.
    I lose less than a lb a month... need to lose 80-90.

    That statement of yours contradicts what you said about having dropped 5-7 lbs. by the 2-month point and 1 lb. during the first week of the 3rd month. Anyway, the point is that if you want to lose more weight than you have been, then lower your net calorie (calories consumed - calories burned through exercise) goal.
    I have my cals @2000. Which is just 110 cals above my BMR. and still about 100-900 below my TDEE-depending on the day.
    I have a HRM and Body Media Fit.... that I use when working out.
    I work out 3-5 days a week... burning 200-800 cals.
    my TDEE is about 2800-3100... I eat between 1600-2100... And exercise 200-600 . By that logic... I should be losing more than a pound. But I am not.


    Okay, your current net calorie goal is 2,000. If you want to lose more than you have been, then reduce the net calorie goal, and meet it by eating fewer calories or exercising more. (Forget about what your TDEE, BMR, etc. supposedly is; those numbers are probably wrong since they're just estimates.) However, for people who have struggled much with losing weight throughout their life and for whom reducing calories or exercising more feels very difficult, I believe they should start out with a goal of just losing a small amount of weight per week, like half a pound ...because if a person has been gaining or maintaining their weight for a very long time and they find it difficult to lower calories or exercise more, does it make sense to aim at losing 2 lbs. a week instead of 0.5? --No. They might succeed for a few weeks, but if they feel too deprived, they may later binge, then feel disappointed, and lose motivation to go on. ...But if you still want to lose more than you have been, try reducing your net calorie goal to 1,750 (if you want to lose about 0.5 lbs more) or 1,500 (if you want to lose about a pound more).
    I don't use butter(well, seldom) I use olive oil and coconut oil in cooking. And gear towards good fats.

    You probably do, but just making sure: do you measure the olive and coconut oil and record those calories into MFP? Olive oil is a good fat but has many, many calories per teaspoon.
    I have only eaten fruit 1-2x a week. And I still eat dairy. But will add more fruit in at the 25-30 day of primal.

    I'm against any diet that requires less than 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables a day. While I haven't always eaten enough fruits and vegetables, I wish I did because they're very important to get proper nutrition (vitamins, etc. --a multivitamin is good to take when dieting but will never be as good as getting the vitamins from actual food), ...and fruits/vegetables also help you poop better, ...which results in a lower weight shown by the scale (because there will be less water retention and less weight of poop). (Sorry, I keep mentioning poop, but it's important lol. Pooping pebble-shaped turds or hard poop is bad; it should be long, soft, and easy to get out. Lack of enough water also causes bad turds.)
    And when is it needed?
    I was of the understanding that cardio was to exercise your HEART.... just as lifting wts exercises your skeletal muscles. I want a strong heart. I don't want to be outta breath walking up a steep hill....

    So, what is your idea of when it's needed?

    Cardio is absolutely necessary for good health. The minimum you should do is 2.5 hours per week (like 30 minutes 5 days a week, or if you can't do it 5 days a week, you can even do all 2.5 hours in one day, but spreading it out is best), but the more you do, the better for your heart and overall health (I'm trying to get up to 6 hours per week). Do however much you need to do in order to meet your new reduced net-calorie goal, but never less than 2.5 hours a week.

    You must also do strength training every week in order to maintain and build muscle so that your metabolism doesn't decrease too much --bare minimum is 2 sets per week of every muscle; doesn't matter whether you choose to do this over 1, 2, 3 or however many days of the week. (It takes me about 2.5 hours to do 3 sets of every muscle in a once-a-week session.) 3 sets twice a week per muscle is probably much better. Note: calorie counters are pretty bad at estimating calories burned during strength training; therefore, you should either not count them, or you should underestimate them --just definitely avoid overestimating them!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat more and sleep well.
    Create a deficit using mild cardio and lifting weights 3 times a week.

    Most women 5'2" and working out 3 times a week with 25-30% body fat can eat upwards of 1900 calories daily and lose fat.

    Check my profile for information on how to obtain your proper numbers.


    I am 5'10 !!!

    I have my "proper" #s ...And have 48% body fat... and am eating 1600-2000 a day. Been doing all that you have suggested.

    What else ya got?

    How long have you been at a deficit?
    When was your last diet break where you eat at maintenance and restore leptin levels?
  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    Eat more and sleep well.
    Create a deficit using mild cardio and lifting weights 3 times a week.

    Most women 5'2" and working out 3 times a week with 25-30% body fat can eat upwards of 1900 calories daily and lose fat.

    Check my profile for information on how to obtain your proper numbers.


    I am 5'10 !!!

    I have my "proper" #s ...And have 48% body fat... and am eating 1600-2000 a day. Been doing all that you have suggested.

    What else ya got?

    How long have you been at a deficit?
    When was your last diet break where you eat at maintenance and restore leptin levels?

    Since Jan 9th 2012....
    I have had a few days of going over whatever set cals I had that day...
    But a break and at maintenence of my current wt... which would be almost 3000 cals?...
    uhmmm since before January 9th probably...?? I haven't attempted to eat that much.. I think I would be sick if I did.
    I had chinese tonight .. (splurge),... and my belly is not happy.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't compare myself to other people and I don't focus on their weight loss. I focus on myself. I'm not trying to lose scale weight. I'm focusing on losing pounds of fat. Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. It's easy to lose scale weight, but it's not easy losing pounds of fat. Fat loss takes time and I'm glad that it does. It will take me a year or so to reach my fat loss goal and I'm happy about that. I love the slow road.
  • purrtypaws
    katieblueiz, did you see my long long long comment (posted on Thursday) lol?
  • shawnabug
    shawnabug Posts: 12
    I didnt mean to add this here, i was trying to qoute and it posted as a reply. Sorry about that.

    This is me!!! Before at mcdonalds I would eat a quater punder with cheese, a medium fry and a medium coke, possible refill on coke and then eat left overs that my kids have which could be either chicken nuggets, fries and or cheeseburger. So I can only imagine what my calorie intake was at that sitting. Now I get a small diet coke, small fry, and a mcchicken. By no means is any of this healthy lol but man it took that calorie intake WAY DOWN and I can still lose weight. I am all about a cheat/treat, when i deprive myself of the things i love I tend to over kill with it so I always allow me to have it if I want it, but portion control for sure!
  • shawnabug
    shawnabug Posts: 12
    Another thought is you don't know what their eating habits were like BEFORE. Sure maybe they are indulging in a big mac and fries but before they would have two big macs and fries with a shake and cutting down to one makes significant weight loss.

    ^^this. I ate Burger king last week and still lost 3 lbs, but I had a JR whopper, not even half the fries and no pop. The old me would have eaten a whopper, large fry and a large coke (with a refill) and probably would have stolen some of the kids chicken nuggets. Nothing is off limits to me on this journey, I just have to eat in moderation!

    This is me!!! Before at mcdonalds I would eat a quater punder with cheese, a medium fry and a medium coke, possible refill on coke and then eat left overs that my kids have which could be either chicken nuggets, fries and or cheeseburger. So I can only imagine what my calorie intake was at that sitting. Now I get a small diet coke, small fry, and a mcchicken. By no means is any of this healthy lol but man it took that calorie intake WAY DOWN and I can still lose weight. I am all about a cheat/treat, when i deprive myself of the things i love I tend to over kill with it so I always allow me to have it if I want it, but portion control for sure!
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    katieblueiz, did you see my long long long comment (posted on Thursday) lol?

    Yes I did! Thanks for taking the time to do all that....

    My poo is good.. soft and I go everyday at least once if not 2x.

    ... yes I would like to be losing consistently 1-2lbs per week. I thought 3 mos in I would be down atleast 20lbs.
    And yes I probably need to up my workouts. I am not too concerned about losing muscle because I build muscle pretty easily.

    I am eating fruit one to 2x per week for now.. but will increase that in a month.

    I don't want to keep going back and forth with what I am doing as far as eating and what not. Everyone has a different opinion.. and they are all different..... I have to figure out what works for me.
    I think increasing exercise and decreasing intake just a tad will help.
    I am attempting a small 16 hour fast....

    Thanks again for all your input. I know it took you a long time to write all that.