Confused about strength training vs. cardio



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    depending on the amount of cardio you mean, there's no reason you cant do both. of course training for a half marathon or marathon or tri is going to be a bit different

    i'm doing NROL4W for a second time. the first time i did it i also trained for a 10K. i was able to gain tons of strength, gain muscle (i didnt lose weight because i consistently ate over my maintenance) and finish my 10K race with a pretty decent time. of course 10K is still somewhat a sprint distance, but i do find it annoying how when the lifting heavy and cardio question comes up, people automatically assume that cardio means 90-120 minutes a day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Interesting posts, thanks everyone for your thoughts.

    I'm training for a half marathon in August (after talking up running just over a year ago) but also decided that this year i want to get stronger and faster, so I've started doing some strength training (using the machine we have at home plus a bit of bodyweight stuff).

    I've reduced my running to three days a week (from four or five days), so now I typically run x 3, strength train x 2, long walk x 1 and rest x 1.

    I feel as though my running is not up to scratch at the moment, but it's hard to tell if that is related to the strength work or because I had to stop running for a few weeks due to injury and then build up again.

    I don't suppose it really matters - I'm going to keep doing both for now and see how I go. I have a 14k race at the end of May so I think that will be a good test to see if I'm well on the way to the half. If the running still feels tough in a month or so I might drop strength training down to 1 x week until after the race.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member