Ok relationship question...guys...come on in, I need advice.



  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    Send naughty pictures!

    so MMS lol
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    If you find you have nothing to say, you are done talking. Just say, "that's all I got. Talk to you later." That is what I do with ANYONE. No need to stretch a conversation beyond it's natural life.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Ditto on the suggestion to consider moving on.

    When you find the right guy everything you talk about, no matter how inane, will spark up excited conversation. My wife and I still yabber each other's ears off after 11 years of marriage.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    If you find you have nothing to say, you are done talking. Just say, "that's all I got. Talk to you later." That is what I do with ANYONE. No need to stretch a conversation beyond it's natural life.
    I agree with this...also, spend time together face to face :)
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    If you find you have nothing to say, you are done talking. Just say, "that's all I got. Talk to you later." That is what I do with ANYONE. No need to stretch a conversation beyond it's natural life.

  • ladyfingers39
    Are you in a long distance relationship? Why so much phone time? lol

    I'm with the PP who said silence is good...I'm glad my husband get that. ;)

    If you think you are boring it's all in your power to change that...do something crazy....just don't get arrested.
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I had the same question as someone else..is it a long distance relationship? I haven't had long phone conversations with someone I was dating since I was in high school. Mind you, I hate talking on the phone so that could be why. If you don't live apart and see eachother fairly often, why not just skip the long phone calls...then when you meet up you'll have loads to talk about because you've been saving it up!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    No not long distance, just crazy busy lives I guess. I think you guys are right. When we were hanging out more we had tons more to talk about too...obviously. LoL

    He's actually one of those guys that likes to on the phone a lot. We used to talk day and night about anything and everything. Then hang out and not talk so much in person. It was kinna weird. LoL Who knows, maybe it can be opposite now. haha I really do feel boring these days. I'm bored period. I don't really see anyone except like one person at work sometimes, don't interact with the public much at my job, then come home to kiddos and they're who I hang with most of the time. LoL I love it, but at the same time doesn't really give me much to talk about...I mean who wants to talk about my job or kids all the time. ME...but that's it. haha

    I need to get out and do something fun! My coworker lived a full little life so far...she's got stories out the butt that she can tell...I think I secretly want that, but being a single mommy kinna makes that a bit difficult. LoL Not to mention, it is soooooo boring around here. Not much to do.