ashamed to run



  • SirDoctorofTARDIS
    SirDoctorofTARDIS Posts: 113 Member
    As a certified athletic trainer my medical opinion would say to actually start to walk at a quick pace almost like a power walker. With the weight you are talking about it can have some negative consequences on your ankles/knees,hips. Try walking everyday for 20 minutes at least and when you start to see the weight come off then start to lightly jog.
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    The only persons opinion that counts is YOURS!! If you feel like jogging DO IT! If you feel like dancing in the grocery store DO IT!! Its all about YOU! making YOURself feel good. So I say go for it. The people you see looking at you have issues to and are probably thinking to themselves "WOW I wish I could run like her" I know I used to think that before I started working out. And the tiny people are running for a reason also. They might be the "skinny fat" or just trying to stay in shape!! GO FOR IT!!! add me if you like.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Hi all, I have been actually eating like a normal human being for the last 3 weeks! I am very proud because it hasnt happened to me in a very very long time. Now that I feel I have fallen into a comfort zone and can sustain this lifestyle until I lose weight, I think it's time for excercise. SO I used to love to the weather is so gorgeous and I want to run outside. But I am huge and am so embarrassed to run in the street. everyone I see running is so tiny and looks great. If I saw a 250lb woman coming at me while driving, I'd be scared! SO I want to run...but am ashamed....anyone else have this problem? I would love some support. Also is it safe to jog at that weight? ( I would probably start dying after 1 minute of a very light jog) but is even that safe? I'd love any ideas on how to get started?

    I see heavier women running occasionally where I live and we notice them, not because of the fact that their heavier but because we're like, WOW, look at her go!! That is a motivated woman. If anything it'll get you even more respect (from the mature people) because you are taking initiative. Good luck and I totally think you should run, if you lived by me, I'd be your running buddy:happy: !! Who cares what people think, your not doing it for them, your doing it for YOU!! :wink: As far as wether it's safe or not, I can't imagine it wouldn't be, but that's def. a question for your dr.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    One of my half dozen reasons for starting weight loss was wanting to be able to drive a convertible without feeling HUUUGGGELY self conscious.

    Now I couldn't care less what people think - I live in my own little world of relative self confidence with only a few people I know who's opinion matters

    So get running - don't feel self conscious, spot all the people who look at you jealous like they wish they could get the motivation. Any rude people ignore them ... you are probably fitter than they are!!!!
  • Lynnhealthpro
    I understand and I too feel insecure at times. We all do. What helps me is to wear supportive clothes. Nothing that I will have to constantly adjust during my run. Then I listen to music that makes me feel good. At that point nothing or no one else matters. As for running. I would start with a good physical. If your numbers ( CHL, Blood Pressure, Diabetes) ... If you are healthy, beginning with a power walk is the safest bet. Then gradually a walk run until your walking sessions shorten and you can jog/run at a moderate pace. Good Luck! and keep me posted!
  • rtaddlowe
    rtaddlowe Posts: 70
    I think its great that you want to go out and walk or run. There should be no shame in trying to better your health. People for the most part are going to admire that you are out walking and or jogging. Judgmental people will always be there so don't bother with them or their judgments and do it for you. You will get more confident each time you go out and you will see progress. I don't know if you have a smartphone but if you do there is an app call C25K , where you start from just short runs and walk intervals to gradually building up to run a continual 30 minutes or 3.1 miles. Anyway good luck to you and conquer your fear of going out to run.
  • ccbing
    ccbing Posts: 162 Member
    I call what I do "Jalking" ...and good for you! One of my best friend's weighs approx 230 lbs and jogged 7 miles this past Saturday. She walked a little but not much. She's been walking/jogging for 2 years. Anyway...we all have to start somewhere. Jog a less traveled road or at a park where fellow runners may be....Runners are the most encouraging people I know!
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    Hi all, I have been actually eating like a normal human being for the last 3 weeks! I am very proud because it hasnt happened to me in a very very long time. Now that I feel I have fallen into a comfort zone and can sustain this lifestyle until I lose weight, I think it's time for excercise. SO I used to love to the weather is so gorgeous and I want to run outside. But I am huge and am so embarrassed to run in the street. everyone I see running is so tiny and looks great. If I saw a 250lb woman coming at me while driving, I'd be scared! SO I want to run...but am ashamed....anyone else have this problem? I would love some support. Also is it safe to jog at that weight? ( I would probably start dying after 1 minute of a very light jog) but is even that safe? I'd love any ideas on how to get started?

    When I started running I was 248. I had to realize that it didn't matter what anyone thought and in fact I guarantee most people would be "wow... good for her"... and if they aren't thinking that then they need to be prayed for because they are insincere. I am not going to lie, it was hard, I was only able to run a VERY short distance, but I did what I could and GUESS WHAT... I am now down to 207 and I can run 2 MILES without stopping! I am running in my first 5K on Saturday and am so excited!

    You can do this!!! Just do what you can and before you know it, you will LOVE running again! Even if you run (jog) 20 meters, then walk, then run 20 meters, you are still doing it! Just take it 1 day at a time and you will become a running machine!
  • 7memyselfandI
    You should go for it! So what if you start out slow...we all had to start somewhere! I am always so impressed when I see overweight people running or jogging because I am not a runner at all, wish I could be...I can workout for two hours strait high intensity cardio, but do not like to run, so more power to you!!
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I don't like running in public either, so I go to a nature center by my apartment and run on their trails. I see a few people, which is actually nice, but there's no cars flying by me or anything like that. I also usually go with someone, which helps me feel way less conscious.
  • taylordnmn
    taylordnmn Posts: 4 Member
    I echo everyone's sentiment. It IS tough when you're not at your highest confidence level to be out there, but in the end, what's the alternative? Listen to music, focus on how your body feels, and remember why you're toughing it out and how far you've come. After a while, those feelings of shame will be replaced by feelings of pride in yourself for taking action to become healthier. As for getting back into running, I noticed a few folks who talked about walk/run programs like the Couch to 5K; I echo that sentiment, too. I was a pretty avid runner but got hurt and had to take time off to heal. I am doing a walk/run program through Runner's World that is an eight week program designed to get anyone to the point where he or she can run for 30 minutes continuously. The Couch to 5K and others work the same way and yield great results for anyone wanting to slowly (and safely) get into running. As long as you are healthy and don't have any knee or joint issues, why not try one of those programs? They are self-paced, meaning if the running segments are too much for you, you simply walk. And if you find that at 250 lbs, a run/walk program is too strenuous, then just walk. Walking is highly underrated and under-appreciated as a great, low-impact weight loss method. It does a lot for the body and the mind! Good luck to you!
  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    I started out taking residential routes to ease into being seen jogging along with all my fluff. Now, I own the street when I'm out. And my favorite thing? Out-pacing or out-running someone who *looks* smaller and more fit than I do.
    Just 'cause you're tiny doesn't mean you're in shape! Besides, bigger people out running is inspiring and impressive to me.... if some people are a**holes, brush it off.....Who cares anyway? They won't be a**holes when you're one hot mamma!
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member

    Great thread. I feel the same way. Anyone trying to better themselves should be applauded. Everyone is at a different place in their journey, what matters is your are working toward your goal. Don't let anyone stop you.

    Go for it !!!
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    I know the feeling. It was hard for me to start, at about 250, but I did it, and it felt a little better each time. I started out running at 5 am in the dark, and now I keep doing it because I love it. You can do whatever you want, it's public space! Good luck!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    You know, it doesn't matter where you are, that's a common problem/issue. I hate going to the gym where I "think" people are staring at me. I'm overweight and I've got severe rosacia so I look like a lobster when I get on the treadmill, elliptical, etc. Occasionally I've been tempted to say "take a picture, it will last longer!" But instead I think to myself, "Heck with them, I'm doing this for me and my family. They don't matter."

    So, good for you! Go for it and keep it up and don't sweat what others may or may not be thinking!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I feel exactly the same way and don't run for that reason (plus it hurts my knees to run when I weigh so much) but if it is really something you want and love to do then who cares what other people think. You need to do what you want to make yourself happy. Just crank the headphones and block them out! (and before you know it...YOU will be one of those skinny runners that you see passing by the window!) Chin up girl! YOU are a STAR!!!
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Just do it, it does not matter what anyone thinks. Chances are you will inspire someone else to run. Have fun.
  • redwoodbsq1
    redwoodbsq1 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been ashamed to run too!! After i while I said f@#%$ it and did what I wanted but it was hard. Here's what I've learned:

    #1 I only wear the 'running' clothes when it is summer. They're skin tight and it's just killer on my psyche. I just run in a sports bra and a t-shirt. Helps me mentally knowing it's a bit less revealing.

    I also have a problem where shorts 'ride up' in the crotch when running. I bought some super breathable cotton yoga capris- they're sooo nice to run in and I don't have to 'adjust' when running in them (which was SOOO embarrassing!). They're also really soft and I wanna get more because I just find myself lounging in them.

    #2 I love to run on trails. Much more private. I do live with the Rockies right there so I understand if this might not be an option for you. I'd advise it if you can; trees keep line of sight down and lets me get in my groove.

    #3 I understand when people stare at me it's just human nature. I stare at people doing stuff while pumping gas; it's just something peeps do. I never take it all that serious, and if it gets to me I wave. They usually wave back and I realize they're not really judging me just watching the most interesting 'tv' in front of them.

    #4 One thing I never used to do is run with someone else. WAY to mortifying. I had to be married to my hubby for almost 3 years before I would run with him. I thought "OMG I just run so damn slow it will be SOOO embarrassing." Last week I started running when we were hiking, I went in front and set the pace. It was uber rewarding. Now I am so much less self conscious about running.

    I hope this helps- getting the clothing right was the #1 thing for me running in public with confidence!
  • thalv3
    thalv3 Posts: 1
    Take it from an old lady - it's not all about you. My son had to drive that home to me to get me back into the gym. People might look at you because you are just there - they aren't necessarily noticing you. Most people don't pay attention to you as much as you think they do; most people are focused on themselves and their own lives and anyone who might be judging you needs to get a life. Secondly, you are projecting your own issues on to others. I think it is more likely that they will be inspired and impressed by your efforts to get healthier. I admire people I see working out hard who are in worse shape than me and it inspires me to work harder (if she can do it at that level, then I have no excuses and better kick it up a notch).
  • crazybusymom
    crazybusymom Posts: 5 Member
    you should get out there! i bet you'd be surprised at how inspirational other runners (of all sizes), who aren't too exhausted themselves to notice you, will find you to be! plus, it feels great to run in the spring!