To Low Carb or Not to Low Carb



  • fieldsy4life
    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    Then everyone I'm friends with on MFP is low carb haha. 200g of carbs is pretty high, in my opinion. This debate could go on forever - I just know what works for me, I'm happy with the body composition changes I've made in the last 6 months; what everyone else does and whatever dietary ideology they choose to subscribe to is ultimately up them.

    To each their own :)
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    I guess I Should be dead then.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have tried low cal and low carb. Both work well....but what can I do as a lifestyle change?
    I have noticed that if I follow isocaloric diet, this helps me.

    So, I do 35/35/30 Protein/carbs/fat. So, when I am looking at what I want to eat, I try to make sure that my carbs and protein are basically balanced...but I lean heavier on the proteins and lighter on the carbs. This give me more of a freedom to eat some fruit, oatmeal, if I eat out...just easier than cutting out carbs or only doing low calorie. SO, I could get a grilled chicken with a small bowl of fruit.

    I do think that a low carb diet works wonderfully, and so does a low calorie diet...I just know that I can not eat that way for the rest of my life. So, eating around 1600-1900 calories (I workout everyday) and hitting around 100-120 carbs and 150 protein/day seems to work for me and is a good life style choice for my body.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?

    Me? No. Never. As a normal healthy individual, there is no reason to introduce such a handicap and discomfort into my life.

    I have used MFP's calorie tracking a few times for informational purposes and find that to be quite a handicap and discomfort in my life. The thought of even eating out in a restaurant is daunting to me when trying to account for calorie intake.

    Ok. This again?

    I find Harley Davidsons to be crappy quality, too loud, and dislike that they emphasize looks over performance. So do I go on Harley websites and talk about how I dislike them? No. That would be just as weird as going to a calorie counting website to talk about just how much I dislike calorie counting.

    So why go on a low-carb thread to talk about how you dislike them. Hypocritical much? This is NOT a "calorie counting" website it is a fitness/health/nutrition website. Seriously, get over yourself.

    OP asked "So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?". I answered the question.

    If you distill MFP down to the bare essence, it is a calorie counting website. Everything here is predicated on that.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I've heard about carb cycling and was wondering it was something I should look into... to keep the body guessing

    I read about this I always have a cheat Friday. I eat whatever I want...and that includes CARBS!! :D
  • kbc525
    kbc525 Posts: 149
    I carb cycle, but then again, I'm not training for a triathalon.

    On the days I am not carbing, carbs make up about 10% of my calories, which is about 35g active carbs a day. The days I do a carb load, carbs make up about 40% of my calories. Whether I'm having a low carb or higher carb day, I DO NOT eat sugar, white flour or starches. All my carbs sources I keep low GI as much as possible.

    I would recommend in the least stick with lower GI carb sources, staying away from white four and starches and avoiding sugar unless its naturally occurring. You can do this whether or not you do low carb, and since you're training for a triathalon, this might be a good option for you since it minimizes blood sugar spikes and will keep your energy levels for steady, plus greatly aiding in weight loss. Your exact ratio of carbs to protein and fat though, that's up to you and what works best for you.

    i would like to find out info on carb cycling... does anyone know where i can look into it - diet plans to follow// read any info on it?
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Nope I'm a carb girl. I just changed from simple carbs to the complex carbs and now I have more energy on my bike. I noticed when I had more simple carbs, I bonked faster then I did with the complex carbs. Also due to the amount of cardo work I do, I need to have the fat stores.
  • fieldsy4life
    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    God, this thread keeps pulling me back in!

    You are confusing Ketosis with Ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis is when your body produces TOO MUCH ketogenic acid and there are too many ketone bodies present in your blood.

    This is a concern with folks who are diabetic or alcoholics (liver compromised).

    I do recommend taking Milk Thistle if considering a Ketogenic diet.
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    I've heard about carb cycling and was wondering it was something I should look into... to keep the body guessing

    I read about this I always have a cheat Friday. I eat whatever I want...and that includes CARBS!! :D

    I've been using the 4Hour Body slow carb and my treat day is either Friday or Saturday (depending on my plans). This really helps me to make slow/low carb a lifestyle change if I know I can have a day to have whatever I want. Although, I find that after a few of those days on my next treat day I really don't want junk so I end up eating lots of fruit and whole grains and of course my downfall...chips & salsa! :)
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    I guess I Should be dead then.

    Give it time..... Ketosis is a back up system, it's not a primary system.... go do your research. Like I've told you before... We NEED carbs. People seem to think we need more than what is actually needed to provide our bodies with energy.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?

    Me? No. Never. As a normal healthy individual, there is no reason to introduce such a handicap and discomfort into my life.

    I have used MFP's calorie tracking a few times for informational purposes and find that to be quite a handicap and discomfort in my life. The thought of even eating out in a restaurant is daunting to me when trying to account for calorie intake.

    Ok. This again?

    I find Harley Davidsons to be crappy quality, too loud, and dislike that they emphasize looks over performance. So do I go on Harley websites and talk about how I dislike them? No. That would be just as weird as going to a calorie counting website to talk about just how much I dislike calorie counting.

    So why go on a low-carb thread to talk about how you dislike them. Hypocritical much? This is NOT a "calorie counting" website it is a fitness/health/nutrition website. Seriously, get over yourself.

    OP asked "So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?". I answered the question.

    If you distill MFP down to the bare essence, it is a calorie counting website. Everything here is predicated on that.

    I guess I can expect not to see you giving your opinion on any other low-carb threads that are not asking such a question.

    And I don't know what business it is of yours why I use this site anyways. 90% of my posts here have nothing to do with my opinion about calorie counting. I participate in other discussions as well that are unrelated to dieting at all.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    I guess I Should be dead then.

    Give it time..... Ketosis is a back up system, it's not a primary system.... go do your research. Like I've told you before... We NEED carbs. People seem to think we need more than what is actually needed to provide our bodies with energy.

    That's some bold claims you are making. I challenge you to provide me some evidence that:

    1) ketosis can lead to death
    2) We NEED carbs
  • JanetGurl
    JanetGurl Posts: 25
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    I guess I Should be dead then.

    I'm really not saying anymore about this topic..... I've been well educated about food seeing I've been a diabetic for 30 years. I know what works best for myself and CARBS work for me :happy:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I found it helped me to halve my usual carb intake at the start - a small spoonful of rice, one potato instead of 2, one slice of bread instead of a sandwich etc.

    I've experimented a bit, and found I do well on 100g carbs per day. I don't stress out if it's not bang on,but my stomach complains when I have a lot of processed white carbs (a fruit scone at a work meeting, say)

    I know I would find it very very difficult to do something like 30g carbs a day, and I'm not tempted by the ketosis/ Atkins approach.

    And I wouldn't go round demanding that everyone else does the same as me - it IS one that depends on the individual body.
  • fieldsy4life
    Give it time..... Ketosis is a back up system, it's not a primary system.... go do your research. Like I've told you before... We NEED carbs. People seem to think we need more than what is actually needed to provide our bodies with energy.

    EDIT: I want to clarify that we aren't suggesting to hit zero carbs per day - just below a individually-determined threshold to induce ketosis.

    Personally, I do cycles of ketosis then add carbs back with the addition of potatoes at dinner time and something sweet like fruit or sweetened almond/coconut milk during the day (and the occassional gluten-free chocolate chip cookie). I never get above 100g of carbs per day though.
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,498 Member
    If it works for it...If it doesn`t..Then don`t...Simple.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I read alot of comments but only a couple people threw out some many grams of carbs is a low carb diet and how many is high carb diet? Are we all actually taking about the same thing? As you can tell I'm new to this, but I would also like to know what carbs everyone is giving up if your on a low to no carb diet? No veggies? I guess I'm getting very confused.

    Everyone is going to be different, but you can purchase urine test strips (fun I know) to see if you are in ketosis. Most people find this is induced at under 30 net carbs per day, but some have to go lower than that. Net carbs are total carbs minus fiber.


    Well ketosis isn't that important as you should know reading that book. I think 150-200g is considered low-carb.

    How can you say that Ketosis is not important??? Ketosis can very well cause death!!

    I guess I Should be dead then.

    I'm really not saying anymore about this topic..... I've been well educated about food seeing I've been a diabetic for 30 years. I know what works best for myself and CARBS work for me :happy:

    You seem to only be educated about how food affects you as a diabetic.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?

    Me? No. Never. As a normal healthy individual, there is no reason to introduce such a handicap and discomfort into my life.

    I have used MFP's calorie tracking a few times for informational purposes and find that to be quite a handicap and discomfort in my life. The thought of even eating out in a restaurant is daunting to me when trying to account for calorie intake.

    Ok. This again?

    I find Harley Davidsons to be crappy quality, too loud, and dislike that they emphasize looks over performance. So do I go on Harley websites and talk about how I dislike them? No. That would be just as weird as going to a calorie counting website to talk about just how much I dislike calorie counting.

    So why go on a low-carb thread to talk about how you dislike them. Hypocritical much? This is NOT a "calorie counting" website it is a fitness/health/nutrition website. Seriously, get over yourself.

    OP asked "So, my question is, are you/wopuld you follow the low-carb diet and why or why not?". I answered the question.

    If you distill MFP down to the bare essence, it is a calorie counting website. Everything here is predicated on that.

    I guess I can expect not to see you giving your opinion on any other low-carb threads that are not asking such a question.

    And I don't know what business it is of yours why I use this site anyways. 90% of my posts here have nothing to do with my opinion about calorie counting. I participate in other discussions as well that are unrelated to dieting at all.

    I give my opinion in any low carb thread that I see in which the OP is misguided, (typically by people like you), into thinking that "low carb" is a general strategy for the general population to follow.

    Similarly for the "which cardio is best for weight loss" threads.

    Similarly for the "which protein powder will help me lose weight" threads

    etc, etc, etc,

    People have really mixed up ideas about weight loss and fitness, and you're really not helping matters. That's why I engage you in the forums. I should probably put you on ignore, but I just like arguing.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Last post before I stop checking this thread haha.

    This is from Lyle McDonald's book "The Ketogenic Diet", which is pretty much the low-carb bible:
    Very low-carbohydrate (aka ketogenic) diets such as The Atkins Diet, Protein Power and The South Beach Diet have come and gone repeatedly over the years and there is currently great research and real-world interest in their effects. Unfortunately, altogether too much misinformation exists regarding them.

    Folks who are pro-low-carbohydrate diets tend to present them as the quick and easy solution to everything including obesity. Easy weight loss without hunger or calorie counting is promised but never seems to pan out as well as we might hope.

    At the other extreme are the anti-low-carbohydrate folks who tend to present low-carbohydrate diets as nothing short of a nutritional disaster being perpetrated by a bunch of con men.

    The truth, of course lies somewhere in the middle. While low-carbohydrate diets aren’t for everyone and have their pros and cons, the research is clear: they have major benefits under certain circumstances and can be as healthy (and sometimes healthier) than ‘standard’ carbohydrate based dieting.

    Key things to take home from that passage: not for everyone, and as healthy as carb-based diets under "certain circumstances".
    Well, there you go being all reasonable. What fun is that? :tongue: :wink: