10 year reunion!



  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    thanks for the welcome lauryn1981 :wink: have you googled to see if maybe there's a website set up somewhere for your reunion? maybe the slacker kids just didn't bother to try to contact kids they didn't already have info for...

    i've been here since january, but i've been so sporadic that i'm not on the boards much. ok time to put up an actual picture of myself (instead of my adorable puppy lucy) so i can track my progress. this time i'm serious!

    No websites. I've joined the Facebook group they created. Many of us keep posting, asking for details. Thank goodness for networking sites like FB, keeping me in the loop with kids I probably don't really care that much about!! :laugh:

    ah yes, a facebook group is how mine started too. do you find that some of the people that never talked to you in high school all the sudden become your good friend on facebook? i friended the snottiest girl in high school (i friend everyone i know pretty much) and she wrote what a beautiful bride i was on my wall, and told me about her wedding...it was so bizarre! then when my hubby and i played an april fools joke (that i was pregnant) on facebook, she told me what a great mother i'd be! how would she know?? i love facebook.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    ah yes, a facebook group is how mine started too. do you find that some of the people that never talked to you in high school all the sudden become your good friend on facebook? i friended the snottiest girl in high school (i friend everyone i know pretty much) and she wrote what a beautiful bride i was on my wall, and told me about her wedding...it was so bizarre! then when my hubby and i played an april fools joke (that i was pregnant) on facebook, she told me what a great mother i'd be! how would she know?? i love facebook.

    I won't lie -- I facebook stalk. I compare my life to the ones of those I went to school with. Still measuring up to the ole Jones. Sigh. I need to stop but it's hard not to compare.

    But yes, there are those old acquaintances who suddenly come out of the wood work wanting to be bestest buds... I question them too. I am always suspicious!
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    hmm, maybe i'll hire a stripper to go to the reunion for me:


  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Omgosh, I'd heard about that. :laugh:
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    That's greatness! LOL
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    dilemma... going to the angels game tonight (gooooooo angels!) and due to my schedule i won't be able to eat before...

    so there will be beer and bad food there, and i'm budgeting about 600 calories for the game, but that's still a pretty small number. any suggestions on what kind of ballpark food might fit in those confines? i was thinking maybe a normal sized hotdog? and then i'll have room for a beer...

    of course given that its angel stadium they do have sushi, but i can't imagine the ungodly prices...plus not sure if i trust raw fish at a baseball stadium.
  • mrsnewyork19
    Can I join in? My 10 year reunion is in September, and I would like to try and lose at least 10lbs...more importantly, my husband's reunion is also this year. I want his classmates to think he has a hot wife! hehe:devil:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    dilemma... going to the angels game tonight (gooooooo angels!) and due to my schedule i won't be able to eat before...

    so there will be beer and bad food there, and i'm budgeting about 600 calories for the game, but that's still a pretty small number. any suggestions on what kind of ballpark food might fit in those confines? i was thinking maybe a normal sized hotdog? and then i'll have room for a beer...

    of course given that its angel stadium they do have sushi, but i can't imagine the ungodly prices...plus not sure if i trust raw fish at a baseball stadium.

    Do your research. 600 cals should allow for one hot dog with mustard and 2 beers????
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Can I join in? My 10 year reunion is in September, and I would like to try and lose at least 10lbs...more importantly, my husband's reunion is also this year. I want his classmates to think he has a hot wife! hehe:devil:

    10lbs by September? You've got that in the bag!! :wink:
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    I will definately keep you in check if you can keep me in check. My 10 year class reunion is in June, followed by a big family wedding that I want to look slammin' for. I keep saying I am going to lose more before then, but it just isn't happening. I need to lose about 25lbs more, but since my reunion is the beginning of June, I think it would be realistic for me to lose about 5lbs more.
  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    Wow, that reunion story is crazy! Lisa they might have a little deli stand where you can get a sandwich or packaged salad. At our stadium we also can get a grilled chicken sandwich, otherwise I would think a hot dog would be the next best thing and if you can eat only half the bun even better...I don't like sushi so I can't help you there. Good luck! Have fun!
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    My husband also wants to lose, but we completely enable each other, so we haven't had too much luck since we started living together. i think if i found some pals to be accountable to here, i could take motivation home to the hubby too.

    Have you thought about letting your hubby in on the whole MFP thing, too? I did that with my hubby and he LOVES it. That way, you can be accountable to your MFP buddies and to each other and you'll have another thing in common as a married couple--you'll be on the same page, fitness-wise.

    Just a thought--it may help out! :flowerforyou:
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    Can I join in? My 10 year reunion is in September, and I would like to try and lose at least 10lbs...more importantly, my husband's reunion is also this year. I want his classmates to think he has a hot wife! hehe:devil:

    of course! the more the merrier as far as i'm concerned!
  • hartkid13
    hartkid13 Posts: 1,551 Member
    dilemma... going to the angels game tonight (gooooooo angels!) and due to my schedule i won't be able to eat before...

    so there will be beer and bad food there, and i'm budgeting about 600 calories for the game, but that's still a pretty small number. any suggestions on what kind of ballpark food might fit in those confines? i was thinking maybe a normal sized hotdog? and then i'll have room for a beer...

    of course given that its angel stadium they do have sushi, but i can't imagine the ungodly prices...plus not sure if i trust raw fish at a baseball stadium.

    I'm not sure if I'd trust a ball park with raw fish either. If that is something you're interested in, you might wanna check with the rolls that have cooked fish (California, etc.).
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    My husband also wants to lose, but we completely enable each other, so we haven't had too much luck since we started living together. i think if i found some pals to be accountable to here, i could take motivation home to the hubby too.

    Have you thought about letting your hubby in on the whole MFP thing, too? I did that with my hubby and he LOVES it. That way, you can be accountable to your MFP buddies and to each other and you'll have another thing in common as a married couple--you'll be on the same page, fitness-wise.

    Just a thought--it may help out! :flowerforyou:

    yep, he's already a member. i told him about it the day i found it. we're just not consistent with recording. i think if i get serious about it (with support from the boards) i can get him on board too...we enable eachother in good ways too, we've just got to get the ball rolling.
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    Wow, that reunion story is crazy! Lisa they might have a little deli stand where you can get a sandwich or packaged salad. At our stadium we also can get a grilled chicken sandwich, otherwise I would think a hot dog would be the next best thing and if you can eat only half the bun even better...I don't like sushi so I can't help you there. Good luck! Have fun!

    yeah, i looked online and saw that there's a bbq stand, a cpk, and a deli at the stadium so i don't have to trust the sushi. i just need to stay away from the snack stand (with the nachos and burgers and fries, oh my!).
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    I will definately keep you in check if you can keep me in check. My 10 year class reunion is in June, followed by a big family wedding that I want to look slammin' for. I keep saying I am going to lose more before then, but it just isn't happening. I need to lose about 25lbs more, but since my reunion is the beginning of June, I think it would be realistic for me to lose about 5lbs more.

    welcome! you can do it!
  • alisha123
    alisha123 Posts: 71
    Wow, that reunion story is crazy! Lisa they might have a little deli stand where you can get a sandwich or packaged salad. At our stadium we also can get a grilled chicken sandwich, otherwise I would think a hot dog would be the next best thing and if you can eat only half the bun even better...I don't like sushi so I can't help you there. Good luck! Have fun!

    yeah, i looked online and saw that there's a bbq stand, a cpk, and a deli at the stadium so i don't have to trust the sushi. i just need to stay away from the snack stand (with the nachos and burgers and fries, oh my!).

    Oh my is right, that's the best food......Now my husband said we may get free tickets to the brewers game tonight so if that's the case I need to follow this same advice:smile: And today at work they are having an ice cream social and I am being strong and just sticking to my strawberries for a snack. It feels good to beat the temptation!
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    happy friday everyone! don't forget that check-in is monday! i need to get new batteries for my scale, they're dead (maybe from overuse)!

    i'm going to try my hardest to be good this weekend, but tonight is a friend's birthday dinner in santa monica...we're getting sushi so there's healthy options, but i'll have to watch the drinking!
  • lisapisa81
    lisapisa81 Posts: 68 Member
    how was everyone's weekend? i'm up a pound, boo. we'll see how friday goes...i'm usually the heaviest right after the weekend if i have anything to drink...which i did. eventhough i gained a pound, i ate and drank a lot less than on normal weekends, and i burned 275 cals at the driving range saturday! plus i recorded everything...which was a bit depressing, but that means i'm sticking to my goal for the week!

    other good news - the hubby and i bought a new digital food scale...i was shocked this morning to remember how little 3/4 of a cup of cereal really is!

    how did everyone else do?