New use for Cool Whip



  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Try this if you like pumpkin! Fat free Cool Whip, 1 can pumpkin, 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice! It's yummy! I got this from Weight Watchers! It's called Pumpkin Fluff! lol
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Sounds yum! Maybe blend it with some chocolate protein powder.

    LOL, her newest protein powder concoction! :laugh:
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    yep its yummy - especially the chocolate, which I can never find.

    You can also mix it up with some sugar free, and or fat free pudding mix powder - yummyness there. :) And flavor of your choice.
  • ToBeSmaller
    Try this...

    Use two tbls cool whip (fat free or whatever) and sprinkle it with a little cinnamon and mix. put it in between two caramel quaker oat puffed rice cakes and freeze it. YUM!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Sounds yum! Maybe blend it with some chocolate protein powder.

    LOL, her newest protein powder concoction! :laugh:

    I require chocolate daily....
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    Cool whip is disgusting in any form. Read the ingredient label. Use real whipped cream if you are gonna splurge.

    Stop judging. If you're not interested in the discussion, just don't click on the link.

    I agree!!!!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I do not know who this friend is.. but that is NOT what I use my cool whip for...
  • 2cutie
    2cutie Posts: 10
    Yes I have tried this when I am craving icecream it taste pretty good... As for as whats in it eveything we eat has something in it that is bad for you it how you eat it that counts..."I'm just saying"
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    yes i have done it and also you can add pudding mix to it mix it up and then freeze it for a ice cream kinda treat or put in fridge for a mouse type of treaT
  • PattiRoz
    PattiRoz Posts: 5
    would that include chocolate and cherries? its all calorie free if you keep it on the surface.:tongue:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    well this is disappointing... this is NOT they way i expected this thread to go... :)

    You and me both.... *sigh*
    I got sucked in too.. but its actually turned into a pretty good thread....
  • TwistedBanana
    yeeeees I've tried this it's amazeballzzzzzzzzzzzz the chocolate cool whip is awesome

    although it is true that cool whip has partially hydrogenated oils and my nutrition professor strongly recommends those to NOT be in the diet so I've stopped eating it :( but I think it's okay every once in a while
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Not a good idea for me, I ate way too much!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I usually just put a dollop on some fruit. Tastes great!

    Don't really care for ice cream...but frozen cool whip might taste good? not
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member

    It has such great potential though....
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    Cool whip is disgusting in any form. Read the ingredient label. Use real whipped cream if you are gonna splurge.
    thread title........"new uses for cool whip"
    Dont click it??? Derrrr
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298

    It has such great potential though....

    Seriously though, can we start talking about where we can put cool whip?!
  • jbrinda1
    jbrinda1 Posts: 153 Member
    Cool whip is disgusting in any form. Read the ingredient label. Use real whipped cream if you are gonna splurge.

    Stop judging. If you're not interested in the discussion, just don't click on the link.

    Now, as for frozen cool whip... I make chocolate meringues and put FF cool whip in the middle and freeze--Yummy and almost no carbs. (Not saying carbs are bad, but this is important to me because I'm a type 1 diabetic.)

    Aren't we supposed to be helping each other make smart choices? Just sayin' cool whip is junk. That's not opinion.
  • aelarek
    aelarek Posts: 83 Member
    My favorite use for cool whip is to mix it with a packet of hot chocolate. Stir it up really well, and you have low calorie chocolate mousse. its super freaking delicious.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hell to the yes, I do this. I almost like it better than ice cream, unless it's double fudge brownie or something.

    Oh, and melt a tablespoon of peanut butter as a topping? Food porn heaven.