Vegetarian at Restaurants



  • missfancy1980
    So you're saying vegetarians should just be quiet and meek and go elsewhere? As it happens many places don't even think about vegetarian options because it doesn't occur to them. I have suggested more veggie options at places before and gone back the next month to find out they listened to me! So no, i won't just put up and shut up or go elsewhere thank you very much. Why should i?
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    So you're saying vegetarians should just be quiet and meek and go elsewhere? As it happens many places don't even think about vegetarian options because it doesn't occur to them. I have suggested more veggie options at places before and gone back the next month to find out they listened to me! So no, i won't just put up and shut up or go elsewhere thank you very much. Why should i?

    Good for you. Totally agree. There is a real ignorance towards vegetarianism and why should we be treated as second class citizens.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    So you're saying vegetarians should just be quiet and meek and go elsewhere? As it happens many places don't even think about vegetarian options because it doesn't occur to them. I have suggested more veggie options at places before and gone back the next month to find out they listened to me! So no, i won't just put up and shut up or go elsewhere thank you very much. Why should i?

    Em, no. I never implied that in any way. Please read my post again.

    Giving suggestions anywhere, vegetarian or not, is a good idea. Whether they take the advice or not is up to the restaurant and whether it is worth it for them or not. Feedback helps every business.

    I'm saying no restaurant has a responsibility to do anything, or serve anything (bar health laws etc). It's up to the customers to encourage a business to do so by making it worth their while, rewarding those who are considerate and avoiding those who are ignorant. That way the number of considerate businesses should increase.
  • ladybrynamman
    eating out has always been a problem for veggies.

    personally i use before i go anywhere, and always review places after i have been. i have also discussed parmesan and fish being advertised as a vegetarian option/ingredient with some establishments, and offer veggie society booklets if they are interested.
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    eating out has always been a problem for veggies.

    personally i use before i go anywhere, and always review places after i have been. i have also discussed parmesan and fish being advertised as a vegetarian option/ingredient with some establishments, and offer veggie society booklets if they are interested.

    I've had so many issues with the parmesan as well. The thing is, there are vegetarian alternatives to it but restaurants are so stubborn to use it.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    As a chef i have to say that i do offer mainly fresh vegie options always use vegetable stock for risottos or couscous dishes, always have fresh vegetables to hand and keep quorn fillets and mince

    I totally refuse to keep frozen vegie meals which i came across as a younger chef "cheese and broccoli bake" and "Bulgar wheat & walnut casserole" which are the ones which stood out most, were used in a hotel I used to work in. What a crock of S#*T I've never tasted any thing so vile in my life

    I don't get many vegetarians through my Pub/restaurant id say we do 4/5 a month, but can honestly say I offer a variety of vegetarian meals, i do prefer a client to phone me before hand just to see what they prefer and i can tailor a dish to their liking

    I'm a meat eater, and love my steaks but i also indulge in my vegetarian meals, if I like them I can almost guarantee my clients will :bigsmile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As a chef i have to say that i do offer mainly fresh vegie options always use vegetable stock for risottos or couscous dishes, always have fresh vegetables to hand and keep quorn fillets and mince

    I totally refuse to keep frozen vegie meals which i came across as a younger chef "cheese and broccoli bake" and "Bulgar wheat & walnut casserole" which are the ones which stood out most, were used in a hotel I used to work in. What a crock of S#*T I've never tasted any thing so vile in my life

    I don't get many vegetarians through my Pub/restaurant id say we do 4/5 a month, but can honestly say I offer a variety of vegetarian meals, i do prefer a client to phone me before hand just to see what they prefer and i can tailor a dish to their liking

    I'm a meat eater, and love my steaks but i also indulge in my vegetarian meals, if I like them I can almost guarantee my clients will :bigsmile:

    On behalf of all the vegetarians out there.....a big thank you
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    Since becoming a vegetarian 3 years ago, I've found a whole new world of options. When I went to Belize a month ago, one restaurant even had a specific menu just for us. I thank everyone before me to request the changes, be aware of what a vegetarian prefers and having the guts to experiment with flavours! Weekend went alright. Did slip on the calorie front but nott the veggie front. Yay!