30 Day Shred: Am I the only one who keeps stopping



  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks for all the responses... only one telling me to suck it up? Come on guys... LOL. But seriously, I don't really hate 30DS. And I plan to stick with it... even if I am "phoning it in" to a certain extent. I am still getting extremely sweaty and red, and sore, so I think it must be doing SOMETHING.

    Xiao, interesting about barefoot exercise. I'll have to do some research on that. It's not the greatest time to drop $100 or so on a new pair of shoes. (Which also means a personal trainer is out.)

    I also think it will be better to listen to music than Jillian. Slight problem there is I wear glasses and when they get sweaty and I take them off, it's helpful to hear Jillian. I am blind as a bat, and I can't really do contacts any more (bad astigmatism and kerataconus). But I'm willing to give it a try.

    You guys are awesome; your responses make me want to stick with it. On to Day 3 manana!
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    I am on day 7 of 30 ds and i also hate the jumping jacks.What works for me is that I count the seconds and the jumping jacks. I know there are 30 of them and the back counting helps...."just 29 more...just 19 more..."
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    I've done it three times (and I don't mean three days in a row; I mean three times in about a month, because I only do it on rainy days when I can't get outside to walk) and I've had to stop each time. However, on the 3rd time I noticed I didn't stop as often or for as long. To me that's an improvement, so I don't care that I had to stop. Eventually I won't need to, but that day is not today. I know that I'm pushing myself and I'm working hard, so I don't care what Jillian says. It's still WAY better than not doing any exercise at all.

    Yeah... I have gotta stop listening to Jillian. She gives no As for effort, that's for damn sure.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I haven't started the 30DS (I did buy it though) but I started with Ripped In 30 by Jillian & couldn't even get through the first few minutes....I am now scared to start 30DS even though I heard it was a little easier than RI30...Jillian is a killer & I went out & bought a couple of other DVD's (not Jillian's) to start with...Maybe starting with her in the beginning stages of you wanting to start working out is too much...It is for me...But I plan to start them back up once I have gotten through a couple of The Biggest Loser DVD's first...I figure if they can do it I can too....I will deal with Jillian later when I have a little more stamina...lol Best of luck to you!! :)

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  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I am so right there with you! I just did day6 of Level1 and I am doing exponentially better now than I did on the first day. Believe everyone when they say it gets easier. Not easy, but easier! After my first day I could not walk with out saying, ouch! I took 6 days off before I did day 2. And now look at me I am moving into day 7 of Level 1.

    So far in Level 1 I do have to stop. I am getting better at stopping for only 5 seconds like Jillian says. This workout is hard. I could jog for 30 minutes and not work nearly as hard in 20 minutes of 30ds. The sweat is truly running down my body 12 mins into the workout.

    Today I was so blah...I don't want to workout today. But I pushed myself and was feeling better by the end of the video . And proud of myself that I again conquered the battle to change my life for the better and healthier.

    I love that some one posted...motivation comes and goes but what will keep you going is habit.

    You are not the only one who keeps stopping. It is a hard workout. Let's be committed to finishing the 30 days. Even if it takes us 90 days! We have to make allowances so we don't get hurt.
  • small4me
    small4me Posts: 46 Member
    I havent started 30 ds because I am afraid of the same thing happening.

    This is me too!
  • curiouslyvivid
    I started the 30 DS today. It was so hard to keep going, and I did take little (10 second) breaks when I needed it, but I ended up still being super tired. I am hoping that it will get better.

    As for your request for motivation:

    I have to suck it up, so now so do you. lol is that good?
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    I started the 30 DS today. It was so hard to keep going, and I did take little (10 second) breaks when I needed it, but I ended up still being super tired. I am hoping that it will get better.

    As for your request for motivation:

    I have to suck it up, so now so do you. lol is that good?

    Yes thanks... perhaps I am a bit of a masochist, although apparently not in respect to 30DS. But I'm gonna stick with it and try to push through the 30 days... today is Day 3 (not done yet), and my goodness, I can barely squat I am SOOO sore... so I guess it is doing something. Thought I wasn't gonna be able to make it down to the produce drawer in the fridge last night... LOL.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    Not stopping as in stopping for a day... stopping as in, I am failing to find the motivation to push myself through each 20 minutes (and I'm only on Day 2). I don't stop for real long periods of time, but long enough that my heart rate is dropping, which completely defeats the purpose. I have a million excuses and I just don't seem to want this badly enough.

    The strength training is ok, I feel like I could do 20 minutes of just that, perhaps with the exception of reverse crunches, which hurt my tailbone (guess I need a mat or towel, although my floor is carpeted). The cardio feels like it's killing me. I have no idea what to tell myself to push through. I also don't have any good workout shoes - yesterday tried barefoot, which wasn't too bad, and thought today I'd try with some really old Vans I have... which apparently was not a good idea since my feet started hurting. I guess tomorrow I'll go get some good shoes.

    Meanwhile I've been proud of myself for keeping my calories eaten under target. I always though eating less would be a harder challenge for me than working out, but apparently it is the opposite. So disappointing.

    I really admire those 400 lb people doing the jumping jacks... I am half that and I just keep giving up.

    Maybe admitting to everyone here how lazy and unmotivated I am being with this will help get me some motivation. Go ahead and be mean, maybe I need negative motivation more than positive.

    at some points i have to stop for a sec....and the jump rope...those kill my calves...if i can't do them i will do one of the other ones just so i keep moving....and the side lunge with the shoulder raise i can't do those more than 5 times...so i either put the weight down and do them or do a bicep curl or something....the idea is just keep moving if you can't do exactly what they are doing...something is better than nothing
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    I just read ur post then stood up and did 100 squats! You just motivated me to move :flowerforyou:

    Reading on here is deffo a motivator for me, how could it not be? With all these people in shorts, showing muscles and talking about working out?! Find the inner strength to workout, if Jillian doesn't rock ur boat, find something else, some days i just get up and go for a long walk rather than working up a sweat as it's not always needed.

    Good luck and remember just moving around more makes all the difference! :heart:
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    I just did day 2 (I tried yesterday but got interrupted by my 3yr old), I stopped a few times just for a few seconds and then continued, so glad that your face won't actually freeze when you make ugly faces like my parents used to tell me, cause that last round was hard!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    Don't get too demotivated it does get better. If you keep it up you will find you are stopping less and less and it does get easier! I managed to get to day 10 before getting the flu that's been doing the rounds and i haven't motivated to get doing it again.

    I do it in bare feet though i'm going to try jazz shoes especially for level two as it really hurt my feet on our rug.

    With regards to the tail crunches try putting a pillow under your tailbone that's what i do and it really helps take the pain away - and take away another excuse!

    Also, a good sports bra is a MUST...i'm too big for my old one and really started to notice the difference so i've gone and brought a new one :o)

    Most importantly, well done on keeping under your calories...always focus on the positives...give it a try for a week and as Stormyy says maybe Jillian doesn't float your boat - there is all sorts of others out there so try a few different ones (i gave up on 5 Step to Fat Attack by Claire Richards but that may be a good one as she is slightly bigger than skinny Jillian!)

    Good luck - you can do this :o)
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    It will get easier, I used to whimper and sometimes shed a tear during the cardio! One thing I'll do is, if it gets too hard to keep up, try marching in place or instead of butt 'kicks' just stand and do leg lifts so you're not jumping up and down but still getting the work for the back of your legs. Good luck, don't quit because it does work...just takes work! :smile:
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    I am currently on Level 2 Day 6 and I have a love/hate relationship with that biotch Jillian. When I 1st started it the jumping jacks was a killer, but now at level 2 it's the double jump rope. Just keep too it, do it at your pace and if something is too difficult do something else. Good Luck!!
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    Oh suck it up and just do it. (There).

    Don't be so hard on yourself -jumping jacks are tough. If you can't fully do the cardio, just keep moving. Do half jacks. Or jog in place, or dance or whatever it takes - one day soon you'll find yourself doing the whole thing.
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    Oh, you're not alone. I had to rest when I first started level 1 as well... and I was so sore for the first three days, but it got better. Now I can do it! Really, just focus on improving a little every day rather than beating yourself up if you have to rest. I never thought I'd get through level one, but I did. I just started level 2 yesterday, and here I am pausing or following the modified version again. I'm sticking with it- I shall conquer level two! If you want a motivational pal for 30DS, add me. I'll keep telling you that you can do it!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I totally agree with the "Suck it up and just do it!!"

    You'll hate every second of it and be SOOOO glad when you're through.

    Don't be afraid to make modifications that you need. It's not supposed to be easy, but you're not supposed to die from it either! Sometimes I use 2-lb weights, sometimes I use NONE. When I can't do the full jumping jacks, I just do the leg movements. If I can't do the front raises while doing lateral lunges, I do curls. I make a lot of modifications!!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I disliked level 1 of 30DS. LOVED level 2 & 3, maybe you just need to skip level 1. The whole stand up, get on the floor, stand back up again kills me. I just get up at my own pace while Jillian has already started. So what. I'm doing it. Jumping jacks kill my knees so I swap out butt kicks or just jog in place. Make it work for you. A little tweeking is fine!! Now go do it!! Good Luck!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I never stick to the program because I get bored with it. I have to switch it up every workout. I have several dvd's and I pick the one I am in the mood for.