One phrase that people say that make you CRAZY!



  • Janell31
    Janell31 Posts: 1
    Okay so this is an offshoot of the "one word that makes you cringe" topic.

    Mine is "It is what it is..." I can't stand it when someone says that. It is totally over used, and makes no sense whatsoever.

    I agree with this, I can't stand it when people say that.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    "WTF... why the face?"

    Sorry - reminded me of an episode of Modern Family. I think it was the pilot episode .

    My least favorite saying that comes in at number 1 is "Well you should have..." I CANNOT STAND THIS. And my mother was the one that used it.

    I get it - if you make a mistake - shoulda coulda woulda - but you can't f*cking change it now! I would be ok with "well next time make sure you..." but the "should haves" make me wanna stab myself in the eye with a pencil!

    Drove me insane!

    :laugh: Phil is one hip Dad. Why the face?! :laugh:

    I can't stand "they say" Who the eff is "they"??? :explode:
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I just recently (last week) suffered a miscarriage. The thing that drove me crazy was everyone saying this, if it wasn't "mean't to be" then why in the *bleep* did I get pregnant in the first place? Wouldn't it still not have been meant to be when my husbands guys met my egg? Why did it all the sudden become "not meant to be." Sorry mini rant.

    Haha!! Sorry, one of my biggest peeves is when someone says "All of THE sudden..." I don't know why, but it totally irks me. Also, I'm sorry you had to go thru that. :-(

    A few other things that really flip my lid are flustrated and prolly, and when someone says expresso instead of espresso. There is no X people!!!! My best friend does this and I want to choke her every.single.time.
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    seriously tho.......
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.

    i say, say what you mean, and mean what you say. muscle does not weigh more. period. so when people say muscle weighs more then fat, to someone who has GAINED weight after a WEEK of exercise, they are wrong in their usage.

    No. They aren't wrong. Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume. If you extend your assertion to other things than nothing can ever weigh more than anything else. After all, a pound of lead weighs the same as a pound of feathers. A pound of neutron star weighs the same as a pound of earth. Etc.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I do not like to hear the following things.....

    "That's O.K." and then they tell you how bad their stuff is compared to yours
    "Really? " usual response is .."no, I am lieing to you."

    There are more but that is a good sampling
    Oh yeah!! My husband does that! "its ok, blah blah blah." NO its not ok. Or I'll ask him, why is it ok? How does THAT make what I just said "ok"? Grrr...
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.


    not to mention that if said person DOES know what they are talking about, how hard is it to add "BY VOLUME" to the end of a sentence?

    It's unnecessary because everyone knows what it means. Nobody would ever say, "Lead weighs more than feathers by volume." It would be superfluous.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 422 Member
    The word "irregardless" makes me shiver with anger.
    Also, "borrow me a dollar." NO, I will lend you a dollar or you may borrow a dollar from me.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.


    not to mention that if said person DOES know what they are talking about, how hard is it to add "BY VOLUME" to the end of a sentence?

    It's unnecessary because everyone knows what it means. Nobody would ever say, "Lead weighs more than feathers by volume." It would be superfluous.

    yes, it would be superfluous, but to say "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat" is, on its face incorrect. A pound is a pound all the world 'round. A pound of anything does weigh the same as a pound of anything else, assuming that both are at the same height above the earth's surface. If one is at sea level and the other is in orbit, than a pound is not a pound. If you want to be accurate, you need to talk about volume or mass.
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    when someone says "I need to itch my leg"... you mean your leg itches and you need to SCRATCH it?!
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    Also when people say literally when they mean figuratively

    I hate when people use "literally" improperly. For example, "I am so hungry I could literally eat a cow!" Unless you plan to eat the whole thing including the hoofs, please choose a different word.

    Another phrase that drives me crazy is a favorite of my SIL, "He's all boy." What does that even mean? Was it possible that her son is only half boy??!
  • bigredhearts
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.


    not to mention that if said person DOES know what they are talking about, how hard is it to add "BY VOLUME" to the end of a sentence?

    It's unnecessary because everyone knows what it means. Nobody would ever say, "Lead weighs more than feathers by volume." It would be superfluous.

    no, NOT everyone know what it means. some people that come here arent equipped with weight loss terms or knowledge and ask questions in regards to such. and when givin a term, not knowing what it "means" they may take it as a truth.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.

    i say, say what you mean, and mean what you say. muscle does not weigh more. period.

    It seems you are the one not saying what you mean. If you mean a pound doesn't weigh more than a pound, then say that. If someone else talks about fat and muscle why assume they have a pound of each or that they even use pounds as a unit of measurement? You do know what happens when you assume, right?

    i meant a pound is a pound. and thats what i said. and it doesnt matter really what they use as a unit of measurement. any "unit" of muscle weighs the same, as that same "unit" of fat. they just take up different amounts of space. the phrase is flawed in that it does not clarify. and it drives me crazy.

    I can guarentee a cup of fat and a cup of muscle do not weigh the same. That's like saying a cup of water and a cup of styrofoam weigh the same. In terms of the phrase, when you say "muscle weighs more than fat" the person is refering to volume and people get butt hurt but essentially it's true. Of course everyone knows that a pound of A is going to equal a pound of B.

    You exactly correct, but you reminded that I also hate 'butthurt'. How the heck did that get started?
  • bigredhearts
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.


    not to mention that if said person DOES know what they are talking about, how hard is it to add "BY VOLUME" to the end of a sentence?

    It's unnecessary because everyone knows what it means. Nobody would ever say, "Lead weighs more than feathers by volume." It would be superfluous.

    yes, it would be superfluous, but to say "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat" is, on its face incorrect. A pound is a pound all the world 'round. A pound of anything does weigh the same as a pound of anything else, assuming that both are at the same height above the earth's surface. If one is at sea level and the other is in orbit, than a pound is not a pound. If you want to be accurate, you need to talk about volume or mass.

  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    "It's God's plan. Remember that God is in control..." Etc, etc, etc.

    Yes, I fully believe that God is in control. I know that it's His plan. But sometimes I DON'T need a sermon. Sometimes I just need a friend who will let me just be upset. Just for a moment would you let me be human and cry and not throw religion in my face??

    Amen! :laugh:

    :laugh: I was waiting for someone to say that!
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Haha!! Sorry, one of my biggest peeves is when someone says "All of THE sudden..." I don't know why, but it totally irks me. Also, I'm sorry you had to go thru that. :-(

    A few other things that really flip my lid are flustrated and prolly, and when someone says expresso instead of espresso. There is no X people!!!! My best friend does this and I want to choke her every.single.time.

    Periods between words....

    Just kidding, I do that too!

    My brother in law always says, "What you shoulda did is...." You mean "what I should have done", right?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Whoever said that is eating all the wrong foods. I would - and did - choose being overweight over giving up yummy foods.

    Thankfully, I found you can be lean and still eat what you love... and it's actually a lot easier than avoiding deliciousness.

    i agree. this is BS lol. food is soo good. i think that's why i haven't been able to get back on track.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I hate when people say "Well I'm GROWN!" Really, you are?

    "Well I say whatever I want." It drives me mad because no one seems to want to take responsibility for what they say or what kind of impact it has on someone else.

    "I am only human." First, you're only human? Does that imply that I am not human? Second, what does that ever have to do with anything?
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.

    i say, say what you mean, and mean what you say. muscle does not weigh more. period.

    It seems you are the one not saying what you mean. If you mean a pound doesn't weigh more than a pound, then say that. If someone else talks about fat and muscle why assume they have a pound of each or that they even use pounds as a unit of measurement? You do know what happens when you assume, right?

    i meant a pound is a pound. and thats what i said. and it doesnt matter really what they use as a unit of measurement. any "unit" of muscle weighs the same, as that same "unit" of fat. they just take up different amounts of space. the phrase is flawed in that it does not clarify. and it drives me crazy.

    I can guarentee a cup of fat and a cup of muscle do not weigh the same. That's like saying a cup of water and a cup of styrofoam weigh the same. In terms of the phrase, when you say "muscle weighs more than fat" the person is refering to volume and people get butt hurt but essentially it's true. Of course everyone knows that a pound of A is going to equal a pound of B.

    i agree that a cup is a unit of measurement, but in terms of weight, it is not. it is NOT essentially true. the phrase, in and of itself, it NOT true. and i agree, that alot of people understand what this means, however, when posting on forums to newbs about muscle weighing more then fat, and thats why their scale numbers are up, not down, it is simply not resposible usage.

    If you are too stupid to know that 1 pound of anything weighs the same as 1 pound of anything else, weight loss is the least of your problems.
  • bigredhearts
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.

    i say, say what you mean, and mean what you say. muscle does not weigh more. period.

    It seems you are the one not saying what you mean. If you mean a pound doesn't weigh more than a pound, then say that. If someone else talks about fat and muscle why assume they have a pound of each or that they even use pounds as a unit of measurement? You do know what happens when you assume, right?

    i meant a pound is a pound. and thats what i said. and it doesnt matter really what they use as a unit of measurement. any "unit" of muscle weighs the same, as that same "unit" of fat. they just take up different amounts of space. the phrase is flawed in that it does not clarify. and it drives me crazy.

    I can guarentee a cup of fat and a cup of muscle do not weigh the same. That's like saying a cup of water and a cup of styrofoam weigh the same. In terms of the phrase, when you say "muscle weighs more than fat" the person is refering to volume and people get butt hurt but essentially it's true. Of course everyone knows that a pound of A is going to equal a pound of B.

    i agree that a cup is a unit of measurement, but in terms of weight, it is not. it is NOT essentially true. the phrase, in and of itself, it NOT true. and i agree, that alot of people understand what this means, however, when posting on forums to newbs about muscle weighing more then fat, and thats why their scale numbers are up, not down, it is simply not resposible usage.

    If you are too stupid to know that 1 pound of anything weighs the same as 1 pound of anything else, weight loss is the least of your problems.

    its not about being stupid, it about spreading incorrect/incomplete information. and even so, if someone didnt understand what another person "means" does not make them stupid