low carb - makes you moody?



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Today, well yesterday, I started monitoring my carb intake and let me tell you I am soooo moody... I've just been in a funk nearly all day and DYING to eat a cracker, chip, REAL bread, rice, or something...

    has this happened to others? If so, does it go away soon?


    you start out extremely moody/foggy/etc because your brain isn't getting enough glucose to function properly. eventually your body will start producing more ketone bodies which your brain will develop the ability to burn for fuel in place of glucose, but it takes some time.

    why people think that's a healthy thing to force your body to do confuses me. **** don't make sense.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    That's why I prefer LOWER carb eating. I usually stay between 65 to 100 grams per day (sometimes I eat a bit more on my heavier exercise days but I never go above 125 grams). It is low enough to get good hunger control and control my tendency to high blood sugar but not so low as to cause other problems. And I make sure that I spend my carbohydrate allowance wisely. If I ate all 100 grams in sugar---that would be just stupid--there is not one bit of nutrition in sugar except carbohydrates (in fact, sugar could be considered to be an "anti-nutrient" as it takes B vitamins to metabolize it and there are no B vitamins in it). I eat things like starchy vegetables (they have lots of phyto-nutrients) and steel-cut oats (a source of beta glucans--good for the immune system). I also eat a serving or two of low-fructose fruit every day. I am losing weight at the rate of about a half-pound per week and I feel better than I have felt in years. What is interesting is that I have only lost 8 pounds since the beginning of the year but most people don't believe that that is all I've lost because it looks like more. My measurements have diminished significantly so I am convinced that I have continued to burn body fat even though the my weight has not exactly plummeted. This program is so easy to follow that I will continue on it forever. After I lose all the body fat that I want to lose (another 30 pounds), I will experiment to find a level of carbohydrate that my body tolerates without weight gain--the experts suggest that that is somewhere in the 150 grams per day range. When you don't eat any sugar or any gluten it is a very easy and simple plan to follow. I don't seem to have any cravings and I just let my body tell me what to eat from the healthy whole foods that I always have on hand.