Eww... You need to fix that.



  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I wish my husband would quit smoking
    I wish we would win the lottery
    I wish I

    hmm. clearly pretty happy, couldn't think of something.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    Not be so stubborn. And to quit being so hard on myself about everything. It's never good enough, fast enough, pretty enough...really need to quit that.
  • salxtai
    salxtai Posts: 341 Member
    Stop being such a procrastinator... like most definitely.

    Yep!! This all the way for me!!

    Yep - wait. Be right back: I need to do a bit more of my assignment...
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    I would like to be able to sing nice :P
    And I wish my boyfriend wouldn't look at naked pictures of "beautiful" woman all the time… It really doesn't help with my self image.

    Yes. I agree with that. l think it must be a guy thing but it pisses me off too.

    Agreed!! I hate it too, in fact i've been in many many arguments over it.......i've realized it's not worth it...

    get over it, end of the day we are all mammals and put here to procreate, no matter what anyone says we will always find other people attractive, its how you control yourself that matters,,, isnt it better to window shop, than just go get it

    and are really expecting us to believe that you dont look at blokes
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'd change that I'm ill right now, recovering from an operation and got vertigo. I'd change the fact that I'm a very anxious person. My partner? I'd change that he drinks a little too much still but nothing else! X
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    I would like to have the confidence to follow through on good ideas
    As for the hubby I wish he didnt think money grows on trees!
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    In my boyfriend...well, I love him to pieces, but I'd change his perception of himself versus other people. He's great but he puts other people, mainly me, down to keep himself up. Like, he's called me Lane Bryant a couple of times because he knows that gets to me. THOSE kind of put-downs. So I guess I'd try to heighten his confidence too so that he'd stop finding the need to tear others down all the time.

    It just sounds like you need to rid of your boyfriend completely. Hurting you on purpose? complete lack of respect.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I would like to be able to get up early in the morning, I feel it would improve my life hugely. I'd also like t give up smoking, I keep trying but keep going back.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I just want to be happy. Not sure how to go about fixing it.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    need to learn to RELAX. i seriously don't know how.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    I would like to be able to sing nice :P
    And I wish my boyfriend wouldn't look at naked pictures of "beautiful" woman all the time… It really doesn't help with my self image.

    Yes. I agree with that. l think it must be a guy thing but it pisses me off too.

    Agreed!! I hate it too, in fact i've been in many many arguments over it.......i've realized it's not worth it...

    Why dont you start looking at naked men...I am sure he wouldnt feel so great about it either. I make a big deal about that because honestly men are just as insecure and they need a wake up call.
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    My temper! I get very irritated and overwhelmed easily. I'm trying to find where my patience went.....if someone see's it, please let me know.
  • jessicae1aine
    I love to be less sensitive to criticism in general, not just body-related.

    I'd love for my fiance to see all the wonderfulness I see in him, because a lot of the time he really doesn't. <3
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I just want to be happy. Not sure how to go about fixing it.

    Advice from a stranger with absolutely no idea of your life, but I've been there often. Sometimes it helps to pick one thing that's going well or that you are content with to focus on. It can be a small thing. There have been days where it was simply that I got out of bed AND took a shower. Shifting focus from everything that's wrong and stressful helps me. And if you have no happy days at all, get help. Life is too short to spend living under a cloud of depression.
  • mgl8198
    mgl8198 Posts: 17
    I want to be more comfortable with the skin im in, I have to figure out who I am and quit worrying about the person others want me to be. Ive always been the one that was more concerned for everyone else than my own self.

    **Striving to Be who God wants me to Be**
  • BlueEyesXoXo
    My inability to be lazy. I just can't do it. Not really a bad thing, I guess.

    My boyfriend stresses about everything... I wish he would learn to chill sometimes and not worry so much.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I would change my impulsive behavior. I am a shopping addict. Mainly clothes, make up, and hair care. I NEVER shop over my means but we have SO MUCH money to throw around lately and I've been splurging non stop. I want to save or do something else with it sometimes. Or just shop reasonably.

    Sometimes I need to just sit down and chill. I'm always forcing myself to be productive and never relax. But I love my life and how awesome everything else so it's almost like I don't want to relax because its a result of hard work.

    There's other things I should work on. But I can't think of them at the moment. I think greed is my biggest issue.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I would change my attitude/negativity about certain things.

    My last ex, I wanted to change his drug use. I dumped his *kitten* though, so I don't care if dies from it :smile:
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    I would like to stop disliking all of the things I don't like about myself.

    There are some things I wouldn't want to *like*, but would be happy to be able to just accept (e.g., I can be an arrogant snobby know-it-all sometimes (e.g., using Latin abbreviations in an informal online forum post)).

    But there are many more things that I actively dislike about myself that don't really need to be disliked: traits like inconsistency and indecisiveness can be viewed as flexiblity and caution; and I'm not anywhere near as lazy, stupid, weak , short-sighted, immature, socially graceless, selfish, or irresponsible as I am forever accusing myself of being.
  • Marley112586
    Marley112586 Posts: 168 Member
    i wish i had 2 Fallopian tubes :(

    My mum only had one and she has 2 daughters. Don't give up hope. If you're trying for a baby, it'll happen when it's supposed to!
    thank you :flowerforyou:

    My sister in law and my mother only have 1 tube. My SIL has 3 boys and my mother had 2 girls.