PLEASE Throw out the scale!!



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I weigh myself every couple of days but only log it when it shows a consistent loss for more than a few days... every fortnight I do a weigh-in on wii fit as part of the game to see if I am getting similar numbers on there.

    I still want to be around 9st 7, but I'd have to drop lower like closer to 9st before starting to build muscle so it didn't take me over that WITH muscle... I guess I haven't reached the stage yet where the number is not important to me.
  • amoslionhorse
    last time i was focused on weight loss, i would jump on the scale 7 or more times a DAY.. now, my scale is broken, and the program that i'm going to (a Weight management clinic) only has me coming in to weigh, measure and take vitals every 2-3 weeks. It's also a 45 min drive.. so I'm not even tempted to go in more often. I'm excited and motivated to make that number go down.. and also to see what happens with my measurements.

    you are so right! I am now more motivated than i was when I was scale obsessed! I am seeing other changes already in 1 week.. like how easier it is to do a flight of stairs, how my jeans are looser already, how I'm sleeping better. I can't wait to see what differences i see and feel in another few weeks.. that have nothing to do with the scale.

    Great post! thank you! (also thank you to the poster who put up all the pictures! great reminder!!)
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    It's not for everyone. I threw out my scale a couple weeks ago and I know I've gained weight since. I can't wait to buy another one. For some people, it's a pretty reliable measure of their progress. I agree with you that measurements and how your clothes fit are the most important factors in tracking your progress, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to know that number on the scale also.
  • Dawn200321
    Dawn200321 Posts: 64 Member
    Not weighing myself is what got me into the mess I am in the first place. I am sure not having a scale is fine for some but for me it just will not work
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    Eyes are the best scale because they don't lie. Scale is good to be used once in a while just to be accountable. If you use it, don't use it more frequently than once a week or two weeks.

    Eyes absolutely do lie!! More than the scale sometimes! That's where body dysmorphic issues come in. Most people here didn't know it was so bad because their eyes were blind to it. So many of us think we're much heavier than we are, and others think we're very small when we've got a long way to go. Your eyes can trick you into seeing what you want to see. I've heard many people talk about how they've lost 30 lbs but don't really see a difference, even though other people are complimenting and noticing. When you're that close to your own body it's very hard to see the reality sometimes.
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    it's interesting that you point that out..the eyes lying.

    when i see a picture of myself i'm always shocked and horrified.

    BUT..then there is real life this woman in my office building who wears thin black leggings, and really shouldn't. Or, hey if she is comfortable with her body, fine, but lets wear thicker ones (or slightly looser ones) so we don't all know what underwear you are wearing - or not.

    So co-worker was describing this to another and he's like who? which woman is that? what floor? and i said you know..she's about my age, works on the 3rd floor, about my size..long hair..and the other co-worker says "OMG LISA ..she is like double your size what are you talking about???" I just smiled and kept talking..

    Later she came up and said "you know i meant that right? you aren't as big as she is, surely you know that?".

    um. i don't. and the pictures i see of myself say i'm right.

    so it's all very confusing lol..eyes lie. camera lenses don't.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I <3 my scale. I also use the tape measure and the mirror to *kitten*, but I couldn't live without my scale. You just have to get used to the daily/monthly fluctuations and not let it define your mood or your motivation.
  • FIT_Beanie
    I just bought a new scale yesterday (my other one was 10 yrs old)
    and this new one weighs me 4lb lighter Woo Hoo!

    But my weight fluctuates like crazy :(
    so I've now changed my workouts to strength training for my whole body, squats, lunges push ups, bridges and planks etc using weights and when im finished doing those then some cardio.

    I'm starting to believe that the more muscle u have the more calories u burn, opposed to doing loads of cardio.
    and so using a tape measure is a must for me now.

    The scales can be a real upset for me but I need to get a grip and focus on my tape measurements.
  • 2getgeorge
    2getgeorge Posts: 81 Member
    or get a better scale. I have a Omron HBF-514c
    It tells me Body Fat Percentage, Body Mass Index (BMI), Skeletal Muscle, Resting Metabolism, Visceral Fat, Body Age and Body Weight. Your body composition changes constantly. Of those measurements, I care most of the body fat percentages, I don't care about my weight,

    and if are obscessed with weighing yourself, know this your body composition changes, so weigh yourself the same time of day everytime. if you have to weigh yourself multiple times a day only compare the weights taken at that time from other days.

    best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning. if there is a weight change I change it on my HRM so I get accurate data and not cheat with ghost calories burned.
  • FIT_Beanie
    best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning. if there is a weight change I change it on my HRM so I get accurate data and not cheat with ghost calories burned.

    I weighed my self as soon as i got up and been to the toilet, then i weighed my self an hour later, hadn't eaten anything but weighed 2lbs heavier!!?? wierd or what.

    So perhaps it's best, if your gonna weigh each week to do as soon as u get up.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I think this logic works for some, but not for all. I have a pretty friendly relationship with my scale, and while I have the odd week when it truly drives me crazy, most of the time I can accept its vicissitudes without too much stress I think this comes down to personality style, surely?
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    I like information. I weigh daily but also measure. I do better at losing inches than pounds most of the time. I also look at any other measures I can. However being obsessed with only the scale has its problems. I am now wearing a size that I was alot lighter last time I was in it. Eating right is important and if the scale is getting in the way of that you have a good point.
  • xoMommyWxo
    I weigh in once a week. Just to track progess. I know that muscle "weighs more" than fat, I am just beginning a getting rid of fat :)
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    I like the scale. It's a simple way to track progress. I have no emotional connection to the number. My seeing the number go up or down, I can track my progress. People with a lot of weight to lose kinda have to watch the scale. If you're 300 lbs and trying to get to 150 lbs, the tape measure is not enough.

    Instead of dropping the scale, why not divorce your emotions from the number?
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    I like to know about how much I weigh. But, I only weigh myself when me and a scale cross paths. Then it's like well, I weigh this much, till I see you again mr.scale.
    When I own a scale it starts to be obsesive. I don't really know why either. It just calls me. Robert, psst...come stand on me...roooobert...

    It drives me nuts! I don't like to be dependant on some dumb scale.

    I used to call myself a fat *kitten* when I looked in the mirror but, now I look at myself and see potential. It's been like confronting my problem face-on and kickin it's *kitten*. I don't feel great about myself and I can't fix ugly but, atleast I see my problems in the mirror and I dictate what needs to be done! Not some scale.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I love my scale, it tells me good things, but my measuring tape is my second husband. He hugs my curves and tells me i'm shrinking.
  • emelou81
    emelou81 Posts: 9
    Just adding pictures to support, scale weight is not always the best indicater of actual fat loss, and body composition changes.
    here is a post I made on this a while back:
    Heres some pictures that may help you.
    My results have been similar, I am 10-15 pounds heavier then my "rough goal weight" but am already AT my goal clothing size, and physically I am about 1-2 times smaller clothing wise, then last time I was at my goal weight (when I had less muscle) - So I look tighter leaner and smaller, then before at my "small" weight. (size 7/8)
    So to everyone else I look like I am already at my goal weight. But I am scale weight heavier, which is fine :) Ignore the scale.
    Less weight - yep you will look good dressed and may fit the smaller clothing size - but, add more muscle and a bit more scale weight - you also fit the smaller clothing size, AND look good dressed AND look good nakkid. Thats a win-win :)

    Take inch measurements every 30 days from a variety of areas. Not all areas will lose at the same rate, but that's normal. And it does all eventually "catch-up". For me I often lose inches and no pounds for a few weeks, even a month or more - then Boom - one day I lose 5 pounds. (actually I have been losing it, it just "shows" all a once) And weight normally WILL fluctuate up and down many times through a day AND many times in the same week, or months. Thats normal - look at the AVERAGE over 30 days.

    5 lbs heavier in after pic, but tighter and leaner

    Not same girl, but cute example

    Same weight, after was when she started lifting heavy

    Different girls but both size 4

    Same girl, before and after lifting heavy weights, she lost 5 lbs

    Stacy, read her story here: She is 14 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    10 lbs heavier in after

    Different girl, but both size 2

    5 pounds difference - big body change

    Fat vs Muscle

    This was amazing and really helpful!!! I'm giving myself a month off the scales - one month till marathon race day and I have been so annoyed with myself for having run all these miles and not losing a pound - but maybe I really have made a difference!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    My scale helps me more than anything else. I'm gaining inches in my waist but my weight is going down. So no, I will not throw out my scale. It cost me $100.
  • 5ladybugs
    5ladybugs Posts: 135 Member
    I love my scale, of course days I hate it. But usually if I dislike the number it keeps me more motivated on that day.