4'10 and 91 pounds?



  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    I would just focus on getting into a healthy range for your height as a first goal, and then re-evaluate how many vanity pounds you would like to lose =)

    We're all different.

    thats my plan. gonna start with small goals like loosing 10 pounds and inches etc. see how far this takes me 120 might be good for my frame. hopefully
  • Hello. I am just shy of 5 feet tall myself, too, and I currently weigh 90 pounds after loosing approximately 25. It all depends on your muscle mass, too. According to my BMI, I am actually underweight (slightly) now. I have been told I should weigh at least 95 pounds, and the doctor said right around 100 is my ideal weight.

    Out of curiosity, and you certainly do not have to answer this if you do not feel comfortable, but is your shorter stature due to an underlying medical condition? I ask because mine actually is associated with a specific medical condition. See, that all plays a factor, too. People with my medical condition typically have thyroid issues, which does not help when it comes to keeping weight off.

    How did you manage to lose the last few? I'm 4'10" and 100, and I'd like to be somewhere around 95, but it's so difficult. The scale and my measurements won't budge.
  • Sexy_Bri
    Sexy_Bri Posts: 3 Member
    Hi idk how old this post is but I'm 4'11" and I weigh 91lbs. I'm 18yrs old. Currently tryin to gain weight to be at LEAST 100lbs. But my doc said my weight is normal.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Im 4ft 10 in currently weigh 124 after a 26 lbs loss since Jan, I have two children 15 months and turning 3 in aug ,my body isn't the same anymore im sure my goal weight of 110 will look great on my medium frame ,no less though before my children and back further I was 105 and fit, not sure if I would look as good at 105 might appear to thin.

    Those charts are not exact on me 120 is fine and 115 and 110, I looks good at those weights but best at 110 but its probably because I'm not small framed

    I'm 29 btw
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member

    I am 4'11. I am currently at 138 as of my last weigh in. My goal is between 110-115lbs. My Dr didnt want me going below 100lbs. I probably won't go below 110 because that is where I felt the most comfortable (before first baby at age 18). I also am slightly wider in the hips, smaller waist, and larger bust.. if that helps.
  • goshnames
    goshnames Posts: 359 Member
    I'm 5 feet and 90lbs. I think that's technically a bit underweight. While I do ideally still have some fat to lose, to be healthier, I think I need to gain muscle mass to get my poundage up a bit. I'm also in my late 20s. And it doesn't look unnatural or anything. I do think that if I wasn't as active as I currently am, I would probably even out around 95-100lbs. I've seen progress pictures of other 5 feet tall people on here who weigh around 125 and look way fitter than I do though.
  • MistynVT
    MistynVT Posts: 11 Member
    I have to agree with above statements...it really depends on frame, and how you look and feel. I am 4'10, mom of four and 33 years old. through high school I was very active: worked out in a gym, played soccer, and ice hockey. I weighed 115 lbs and wore a size 0/2. I had solid looking legs, but a figure 8 body. I was strong, healthy, and felt wonderful! Now, my body has changed and my expectations of the way it looks, needs to change with it. My legs are becoming strong again (thank The Lord for muscle recognition) but my waist, stomach and bum...that's another story... :( I will see, soon enough!

    All that to say, go with what feels good to you.
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
    4ft 11
    8st 2
  • Th3stral
    Th3stral Posts: 93 Member
    Pre baby I was 92lb and I'm 4'11. I have a very small frame though. I would say the quoted range is right if you are willing to take into account frame size. Someone with a small frame at that height would be right at 91lb, where as someone with a medium frame would need to be much further into that range to be at the correct weight for them.
  • winsorsmom
    winsorsmom Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, I am 4'11 and will be happy at my goal weight of 130. I have never been 110 pounds, well okay maybe in elementary school!! I have always been very active but have always been happiest and felt healthiest at 130. The doctors said longs as my numbers come in okay meaning cholesterol and blood pressure and the such than I will be fine with my goal weight.

    I think 91 pounds would personally make me look like I was sick and/or had an eating disorder, but just my opinion. We are all different and built differently so it definitely depends on the person.
  • magrat22
    magrat22 Posts: 7 Member
    4'10" and at my lightest I was 104lbs that was 10 years ago. I've never been super skinny so 104 I looked good and am wanting to get back there again. I think 91lb is pretty thin, does really depend as others have said on the persons frame. Still I'd look like Skeletor if I was that weight, would so not be a good look for me :)
  • squirrelshrimp
    squirrelshrimp Posts: 4 Member
    This thread is really old, but I figured I'd add my two cents. I'm 4'11" and 107 lbs right now, and that looks rather heavy on me. I look great at 102 lbs. But for me, it's less about the weight and more about the muscle and fat ratio. I have a bad habit of gaining 5-10 lbs, then it takes me months to work it off when I'm working on it constantly and eating right. I keep it off for a few months then very easily gain it back. Since the most I've ever needed to lose is 10 lbs, I figured out that looking at weight is kind of a trap. If I focus too much on it, I think I'm doing really great when I'm just dehydrated or haven't been eating enough. So I try to focus on how my clothes fit and my energy level rather than my weight.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I am 5’0” and look best at 120-125 lbs.
  • chelleedub
    chelleedub Posts: 50 Member
    well, there's healthy weight and then there's ideal weight. at your ideal weight, you'll fit into a size small. try out some BMI calculators.