Anyone else doing protein shakes??



  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i use protein shakes, im extremely sporty (in fact its my job! im a sports development officer) and i never get enough protein in my diet, and wanted to keep an muscle i have while losing weight as i do kickboxing and so would like to keep the muscle i have ;) anyway i use phd diet whey, and it means im getting enough protein in my diet (whereas i wasnt before) and im losing weight, which is even better lol!!
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    I am using them as meal replacements twice daily.

    doubt you'll be keeping that up for to long,
    maybe once a day but twice will be hard going
    i only use the if i'm exercising that day but but as others have said what ever works for you'
    and good luck anyway
  • Aleciajones
    Aleciajones Posts: 153
    I drink one some days after I exercise. Got the body fortress to try from reading posts here.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Not sure what all the fuss is about.

    Here is my opinion on this:

    1) Physique =/= good information. I can show you lean and jacked bodybuilders that don't know *kitten* about nutrition and I could show you a normal looking old guy or a few posters with no .avi to back up their claims, yet they know exactly what they are talking about.

    2) I would agree that "most" bodybuilding supplements actually are pretty much useless, or at the very best they are good under limited circumstance. I personally don't use anything aside from whey protein and a multi. There are a few supps that have some effect and there are a lot that don't really do much of anything aside from sucking a hole in your wallet.

    The supplement industry, unfortunately, will push useless things on everyone, IMO.

    3) Whey protein is a protein source. It's not useless but it's also only necessary to meet protein deficiencies in diet, or to make it easier to hit protein targets.

    The problem comes in when people assume that the inclusion of whey protein, to an already sufficient diet, is going to suddenly bring muscle mass or cause weight loss and that's just silly.

    Whey tastes good and is convenient and helps you reach your protein target. If you can hit your protein target with foods, there's no need to use whey. But it's not arbitrarily useless, it's a food source.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I do a whey protein chocolate shake with almond milk & a banana after a long run.
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
    I use protein shakes, mostly at the weekends when I like to give my digestive system a break from all the solid food I've eaten during the week
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Not sure what all the fuss is about.

    Here is my opinion on this:

    1) Physique =/= good information. I can show you lean and jacked bodybuilders that don't know *kitten* about nutrition and I could show you a normal looking old guy or a few posters with no .avi to back up their claims, yet they know exactly what they are talking about.

    2) I would agree that "most" bodybuilding supplements actually are pretty much useless, or at the very best they are good under limited circumstance. I personally don't use anything aside from whey protein and a multi. There are a few supps that have some effect and there are a lot that don't really do much of anything aside from sucking a hole in your wallet.

    The supplement industry, unfortunately, will push useless things on everyone, IMO.

    3) Whey protein is a protein source. It's not useless but it's also only necessary to meet protein deficiencies in diet, or to make it easier to hit protein targets.

    The problem comes in when people assume that the inclusion of whey protein, to an already sufficient diet, is going to suddenly bring muscle mass or cause weight loss and that's just silly.

    Whey tastes good and is convenient and helps you reach your protein target. If you can hit your protein target with foods, there's no need to use whey. But it's not arbitrarily useless, it's a food source.

    I second that :)

    I use whey I'm guessing 6-7 days a week :D Some days more than once... It doesn't make any difference to me if I eat a protein drink or chicken... its still protein. Its just more variety and convenience in my case! Some taste awful, I've just found a tasty chocolate one the other week! Regular people can use them for dietary supplements just like fitness models and such...

    Concerning the thing about maintaining after you've lost weight after drinking protein shakes: I personally could drink a protein drink for the rest of my life. It will be a regular aspect of my grocery bill. Why is it not feasible to use them now as a meal replacement for somebody? Its not normal, but neither is an average healthy weight in my opinion. Just because my parents never drank them, doesn't mean I wont make them for my kids and it be a normal thing in my household. I think once you've learned to use them that they can be a perfectly fine source of protein here and there.
  • numee2012
    numee2012 Posts: 39
    i have some maxitone but i really dont enjoy them has anyone tried them with milk as im considering trying that rather than water....i even put the tub on my worktop today and opted for toast instead ooooops need to use it really
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I use protien shakes for recovery after lifting.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I do them as snack replacements, especially on work out days
  • Ciers
    Ciers Posts: 5
    protein shakes are really good, I like the peanut better
  • tito_diaz
    tito_diaz Posts: 32
    I don't know why everyone is raging at each other, and after reading this whole thread, MachineMadeIn is hot headed but he is pretty much right when it comes to protein shakes being for athletes and body builders because it serves a purpose. To get quick absorbing protein for recovery and what other reasons there are i can't be bothered listing. However, despite whey protein and such being first used by body bu ilders and athletes, there's absolutely nothing wrong with normal people using them to replace meals. Whey protein in general is just another source of 'food' in my opinion, and even though eating whole unprocessed fresh protein (chicken breast, steak, turkey, fish etc) is much more thermogenic than whey protein itself, in the end, people can do what ever they want.

    But weight loss is dead simple. eat a calorie deficit and exercise, no need to use supplements. supplements are used to SUPPLEMENT your usual diet with the missing components that it lacks. If you're not getting enough protein from whole lean protein sources, sure, have a shake. But if you are able to afford and prepare your meals with lean meats and vegetables, don't waste your money on supplements.

    So everyone, don't get all butt hurt and offended by people's opinions or the scientific fact that they give you which has been proven with hard research and studies. DO WHATEVER YOU WANNA DO

    Good point. As harsh as that first guy was he kinda has a point. I cringe everytime someone says oh I bought this or am trying this because I have seen this on tv. Nothing will work without a strong mind and will power. No matter how many miracle pills or fad diets you try. Never say im gonna try to lose weight, im gonna start my diet on the lifestyle, pace yourself, you can do it! That being said I use a specific protein to help muscle pain from heavy lifting. I don't use anything else. If you haven't seen the movie bigger stronger faster I suggest you give it a shot. It touches on supplements and howthey work lol
  • kosygirl67
    no can't stand taste of them! prefer to make my own yogurt shakes when I do have 'em

    feel free to add me as well!
  • fatzombiegirl
    Jay Robb Whey Protein Vanilla (1 scoop), 1.5 cups fat free milk, 2 TB unsweetened cocoa, and 1 TB flax meal. This is my breakfast every day. I've lost 32 pounds since October.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    The one that has the best Designer Whey...It's only 100 cal for a scoop.

    I use that one, too! I also like the Shaklee chocolate. My usage of them varies. For awhile that was my morning meal. Now I have them primarily as a post-workout snack to up my protein for the day. Then there are days like yesterday - I had a particularly calorie-laden lunch and did NOT feel like eating dinner, but needed something in my belly. A shake was just the thing.

    If it works for you and is healthy, as these are, why not use them :)
  • runningdiva77
    yes I do! i like to eat it with a little bit of water so it tastes fudgy... like cake batter.. hehe.... i usually eat it with a carb like a fruit post workout
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I drink Six Star Whey in Vanilla. Love it in Almond Milk. Add a little strawberries and it's so yummy.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    I want to. But there is so many different brands that I dont know what to buy lol

  • sugarbear16
    sugarbear16 Posts: 8 Member
    If you like chocolate, try the chocolate almond butter. It's delicious.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I do!!!!!
    I have one right after I wake up, one after a workout (or around 3-4 p.m. when I'm the hungriest), and I have 2 scoops right before bed!

    You can add me if you want to!

    I also have a group: LIFE IN GENERAL...if interested! Our journeys through life shouldn't ALL be about counting calories and exercise! Come join and post whatever you, advice, music, etc.