Does anyone else have an unsupportive spouse?



  • dipobird
    dipobird Posts: 13 Member
    My husband is a skinny turd who has never and will never have weight issues. I can't tell you how many times I have looked to him for support and motivation to be handed something off diet, because he "feels bad" and can't see me "starve". I just had to come to the conclusion that he is going to supportive and caring in his own way and I have to do, what I have to do. He wants the best for me, but doesn't know how to help because he has never been in the same situation. I totally understand what you mean about dinners though... it's a hassle, but making meals ahead of time really helps.
  • LillyMosley
    LillyMosley Posts: 166
    I eat LCHF, Low Carb High Fat. Just after a couple of days I had no problem resisting candy, soda and junk food. I think it has to do with the fact that my blood sugar is on a even level so I have no cravings. I eat good, I'm not starving and I'm loosing weight.

    I cook my kind of food and for the rest of the family I add rice, pasta or potatos.

    My family is very supportive even if they eat junkfood...

    This is pretty much what I do, and the beauty I find, is I don't crave bad foods, I am hoping that lasts. There is no way at work or at home I would not be under high pressure to eat too much treat foods.
  • Mirandac2012
    Husband came home today with large meat pizza, chicken strips, garlic bread and to top it off Cookie dough and Icecream!

    He still eats cookies and sweets, chocolate, Mcdonalds the lot!

    Its soooo hard not to snack with him but he keeps saying if i can resist now then i wont go back to eating that way once i hit my goal weight. I do see where he is coming from but its killing me! :(
  • aqm22
    aqm22 Posts: 153 Member
    Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions! It's nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem. By the way, I don't cook 2 meals. Sometimes I cook one and he cooks another. I would not go as far as to cook 2 But he still puts stress on me by making me feel like it's a big deal at times for him to figure out what to make for himself. I guess I can look at it this way. At least he cooks.

    Don't feel bad. It's his choice to eat junk and it's your choice to eat healthier. When he complains, just tell him to eat what you make. There's food just not the kind he likes. In a marriage, it's give and take. He gives a little and you give a little. =)

    If my husband doesn't like my food, he finds his own meal (unless he works late or I feel generous). But most of the time, my husband eats everything I make even if it's "healthy". He does bring home donuts, pizza, and all the other good stuff though. But I really don't mind. I don't like them anyway =)
  • fitmommy75
    fitmommy75 Posts: 50 Member
    We rarely eat together anymore because I can't handle going out to eat all the time. And when I do cook at home my kids eat and he might have a little, but he wants to go out and get dessert afterward. Then he ends up devouring all sorts of food later. That is teaching all the wrong things and upsets me.
  • stacyutley
    stacyutley Posts: 5 Member
    my husband actualy doesn't want me to lose weight.. he likes me the way i am but i feel ****ty about myself so im doing it for me... he's a HUGE guy who eats tons. i finally got him to talk to the doc about deit pills for him becasue he has dieted but he burns 3500 cals just to survive cuz he is soo big... sigh.. hopefully we can both look and feel better :-) i wanna get back to what i looked like before KIDS!...
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    my wife does not know how to be supportive
    also i am not allowed to have a bad day
    if i do then it is about her
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    All I am going to say on this matter is that if my husband does not like what I cook for dinner he is more than welcome to make his own dinner or go pick it up. It is AMAZING at what that man will eat now. :D