BIG beer guy here

Just joined MFP on Thursday and all is going really well (so far)! I am a huge beer fan (have been for 30+ years) and beer is an integral part of who I am. You can read more at

I don't drink low calorie beer, but have always been athletic and a guy who exercised quite a bit through sport, so the beer thing is going to be my biggest obstacle. Anyway, I was DELIGHTED that today I managed to drink 25.4 oz of 10% ABV beer (approx. 635 calories), and still hit my calorie limit!

This is going to be HARD (in terms of beer), but I would say that today was a small (if somewhat early), victory.




  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    Think it's going to be tough but I could be wrong. Alcohol in small amounts seems to be ok for me but the weeks I've had more but still stayed in my calorie count I have failed to lose much. I've had to admit that alcohol sabotages my weight loss. Perhaps as a man it won't be as much of an issue. I had a Guiness last night for St Patricks day and it hit my system hard...very bloated too! (but I loved every sip of it!!) Good luck and keep us posted...cheers!
  • Colofit
    Colofit Posts: 177 Member
    PS: add me if you would like! :0)
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Mmmmm, that's a worry, but I guess only time will tell. I've only been here for four days so I have MUCH to learn but life without beer might be a little too much for me! Obviously it's all about a combination of willpower and decision making but that will be a significant hurdle! Onward! Victory!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    If you have gone 30 years needing beer on a daily basis maybe you should try something like AA. Sounds like an addiction to me.
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Firstly I never said that I drank on a daily basis (or that I 'needed' it), and secondly I'm an Englishman so have a VERY different cultural reference for alcohol when compared to your average, puritanical American!
  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    If you substituted "chocolate" (or "bread") for the word "beer," would the challenge be any different? I think we all struggle with choices when we decide to make a significant change in lifestyle.

    That said, I would try to see this as a matter of balance, not as something you constantly struggle (from a discipline or will power standpoint) with overcoming. If you want to make a choice to drink beer, then drink it (and log it). But I wouldn't be under any illusions that it contributes much on a nutritional level. Over time, you may decide to opt for more nutritional choices in terms of calories, etc.
  • MrsInmon
    MrsInmon Posts: 49 Member
    If you have gone 30 years needing beer on a daily basis maybe you should try something like AA. Sounds like an addiction to me.

    Not at all. It's only a problem if he is causing harm to others or if he drinks in the mornings.
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I love craft beers. I think low cal beer tastes like **** and I'd rather skip the beer or wine for the day (if it'll put me over my calories) than consume something that I don't enjoy.

    IMHO, MFP is not about dieting or giving up the things you absolutely love, but rather it's about finding out how to fit things like tasty beer into your daily caloric allowance.

    Just like going on a 900 cal per day diet or just eating cabbage soup is not something someone can do for the rest of their lives, it doesn't sound giving up beer forever is an option for you. Rather, find out how you can fit it in to your daily nutritional requirements. :)
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    I love craft beers.

    Love the headgear! Maybe my new mantra! Cheers, Ding.
  • ColCul
    ColCul Posts: 53
    I understand. I like wine. It is hard to fit it in when losing weight. I make it a part of my life on weekends. I get a kick out of people saying that you should go to AA because you admit that beer is part of your life. If there was only a group for ice cream AA, I would be there, because that is truly my dietary downfall. Just because you have recognized your dietary downfall doesn't mean that you need a support group. Good Luck and congratulations for starting a new lifestyle.
  • ding30180
    ding30180 Posts: 53 Member
    Any other big beer lovers out there on MFP?
  • MrsInmon
    MrsInmon Posts: 49 Member
    IMHO, MFP is not about dieting or giving up the things you absolutely love, but rather it's about finding out how to fit things like tasty beer into your daily caloric allowance.

  • coriner
    coriner Posts: 9
    I LOVE beer! I just (officially) joined today. I'm about 2 pounds from being 200 pounds and I'm freaking out. My default beer is Dos Equis with lime. I love a pint (or 4) on draught. I also enjoy craft beer. I live in Austin, TX and I get lots of opportunities to taste local brews. We've got some great breweries here. My husband and I have traveled to CA and Europe, and both trips ended up being beer tours. :)

    Anyway, I'm right there with you. I need to lose weight and I will surely keep my beverages in my plan. Fingers crossed!!
  • PunkRockDad
    As long as your staying within your calorie balance, it doen't matter how you get there. Stay thirsty my friend. Cheers.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    If you have gone 30 years needing beer on a daily basis maybe you should try something like AA. Sounds like an addiction to me.

    Alcohol is an important part of a healthy diet.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    If you have gone 30 years needing beer on a daily basis maybe you should try something like AA. Sounds like an addiction to me.

    Not at all. It's only a problem if he is causing harm to others or if he drinks in the mornings.

    I'm not saying anyone is an alcoholic, but I'm pretty sure the above problems listed above are NOT the definition of alcoholism. A person can wait until 5pm to drink and still be an alcoholic. They can also hide it so well that they are only seriously harming themselves. I'm not an expert at addictions, but anyone who watches Intervention would at least know that!

    Actually, I once saw an episode of Intervention where the alcoholic said "At least I don't drink in the morning!"
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    If you have gone 30 years needing beer on a daily basis maybe you should try something like AA. Sounds like an addiction to me.

    That was very rude!
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    I'm a big beer lover and have enjoyed brewing my own stuff at home. When out this weekend and faced with the choice of a Miller Lite or the Wildman Farmhouse IPA I had to go for taste despite the 200 extra calories. I agree with the others, it's all about finding a balance.
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    My husband and I are beer lovers too. He needed to lose a small amount of weight and lost most of it because he cut out the beer. Sorry! Having MFP has helped him to realize how many calories are in the beer he loves. He now knows that he can't go to a restaurant and order a burger, fries and two or three beers every time.

    For me beer makes me crave foods I shouldn't have... high in fat and carbs. Hard to enjoy a good beer with a salad for me. That's why I have cut beer out while I try to lose weight. I make healthier choices without alcohol. I do allow myself to have a night every so often where I can enjoy myself and say screw it. When I know I'm going to do that I put in extra time exercising and I have a very very good breakfast and lunch. Sometimes dieting and counting calories needs a break.
  • ms_success
    I, too, love beer (especially IPA) which is about 180 calories --- for most brands --- 12-oz bottle. But Kaliber NA "beer" is really tasty, and at under 100 calories for 12 oz, could be a good option. It actually won a taste test against "real" beers. Good luck to you.