


  • silvabelle89
    I have avocado for breakfast over a fried egg
    And multigrain toast topped w hot sauce. Best. Meal. Ever.
  • Raqfox
    Raqfox Posts: 11 Member
    I have recently taken to slicing it, then drizzle olive oil, lemon, sea salt, and pepper and eating as a side to a sandwich or something.
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing (so I searched and found your post). I just cut up a few slices and had it on top of a really spicy turkey burger- it was great! It helped tone down the spicy-ness and added a light taste and creamy texture. I highly recommend having slices with a strong flavored meat like pork!
  • ctychick
    ctychick Posts: 43 Member
    Great thread! Can't wait to try many of the suggestions here.
  • megancolette
    I use it as a spread on toast or sandwiches, cut it up and have it with a salad, or sometimes just dig in with a spoon.

    I haven't tried this yet, but found it on Pinterest and thought it sounded good:
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Someone else had a thread with the "Avocado Mousse" in it...i tried to make it...it was...different...
    basically throw avocado innards in food processor with a tbsp or so of cocoa powder and sugar/honey/agave/sugar substitute to taste.
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    I like it on my turkey burgers, or hamburgers for that matter. Also a salad with chick peas (drained and rinsed) halved grape tomatoes, diced cukes (I prefer the English ones) and feta cheese with a Greek Vinaigrette
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    On a sandwich. Also it does wonderful things for your HAIR! Buy an avacado when it's ripe and wait for it to get soft. Spoon into. Bowl and make sure you mash it really well and add a drop or two of olive oil and mix well. Put mixture in hair and wrap hair in a hot towel for about an hour then wash a normal :)
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I love mine with some lime juice and I also eat a banana on the side. Try it; it is delicious!
  • msarazine
    msarazine Posts: 65
    Cut in half with a little S & P.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Ok, I have to ask..... Is avAcado the correct american spelling of avocado?
    I see it on here (& in the food database) all the time, and it's very annoying as it's wrong (to me), however if it is right for you guys over that side of the world then I will just have to learn to accept it (kinda like the check/cheque thing, or color/colour etc :smile:)
  • Hanablu2
    Hanablu2 Posts: 134 Member
    You can make homemade Japanese hand rolls with avocado. Get some roasted seaweed sheets press some sushi rice on it and a slice of avocado and roll it up into a cone shape and eat it plain like that or add raw tuna or salmon, it's like an easy sushi roll less work. It's low calorie and if homemade you control the size and calorie count of the avocado and amount of rice to use. Dip it in soy sauce and enjoy. I just learned to make them and I love them and it hits the spot.
  • missfayefaye
    I recently had it as a mixed salsa. I used diced avocado, israeli couscous, black beans, corn and diced red bell pepper. Mix it together with some italian dressing, cilantro and lime. Eat it with pita chips.