Best exercises to lose the most calories



  • I find that biking a lot is a great way to go. Burned about 2600 calories today, just from biking. It's time intensive, but enjoyable.
    Just curious how long, how hard and at what intensity did you bike for?

    I can't see his stuff, but at my stats that would take about two and a half hours going about twenty on a paved trail, which isn't terribly brutal if you ride a lot. Street riding takes a lot of braking which tends to put a cap on how fast you can go depending on how the lights are spaced.

    thats an impossible calorie burn for that intensity and time. about half that would be more accurate.

    That is what I was thinking.

    Yesterday I totalled around 3.5 hours of biking, all north of 15mph. My bike is a fairly second rate crossover and all riding was done on regular roads, not bike paths.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Speed rope

    ^^ This
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Nothing burns more, IMO, than heavy lifting. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, and Overhead Presses, in all their various forms. These are the top moves that will burn calories like no ones business. These burn way more than any cardio exercise.

    Look at 5x5 strong lifts, or New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    You can thank me later.

    The other thing that no one ever talks about, is lifting takes a lot less time than cardio. But, it burns more. It's a better bang for the buck. And, it burns for days after too. It's unbelieveable how big of a difference lifting makes for women.

    Here's something you might want to look at:

    Out of interest, how much does it burn in say, one hour?
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    The best one is the one that you are comfortable doing.


    My martial arts cardio class burns a lot, but it may not be for you. The elliptical can burn quite a bit but it depends on your age, weight and incline that you choose and how fast you run it. The same is applied for treadmills.

    If you lift, you can build muscle to burn more during cardio. Again, it all comes down to what you are comfy with.

    For fun, I named all my equipment and exercises with masculine names to make people laugh. I have Eduardo, Bob, Ben, Ray, etc.
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    If you move from couch to 1000 calories per hour your body will rebell and shut down. Many people who start too hard face injuries snd this is unpleasant, painfull and costly side effect of wanting too much in too short time. We didn't get our extra weight in couple of days, we can't loose it in couple of days. Start slow and slowly add weight, distance, speed, choreography...
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    The best one is the one that you are comfortable doing.


    My martial arts cardio class burns a lot, but it may not be for you. The elliptical can burn quite a bit but it depends on your age, weight and incline that you choose and how fast you run it. The same is applied for treadmills.

    If you lift, you can build muscle to burn more during cardio. Again, it all comes down to what you are comfy with.

    For fun, I named all my equipment and exercises with masculine names to make people laugh. I have Eduardo, Bob, Ben, Ray, etc.
    Peter and Richard are joining in soon, she forgot to add.

    I box. But I'm exhausted after an hour.
  • MamaMaryC
    MamaMaryC Posts: 142 Member
    In my humble opinion....

    Don't search for a workout that burns the most. You might find it boring and dread doing it. Consider finding a workout that you will enjoy and look forward to.

    Your burn will differ from others depending on your gender, weight, and body type. Also consider purchasing a heart rate monitor. MFP tends to be generous in rewarding calories burnt. I purchased a HRM and found that I was actually burning over 100 less than what MFP was saying I burnt. Which is why I was losing slower than what I expected, at the time.

    I have been around many people who do a variety of workouts. I have heard a lot of good things about Zumba and Insanity. I have had success (burning many calories) with Zumba and TurboFire. Both of which were fun and burnt a good bit.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    The highest calorie burn per unit of time is with cross country skiing. A close second is running.

    To burn high calorie counts in an hour with either of these you have to already be in pretty good shape.

    My normal calorie burn in an hour of easy running is around 850 at 178 lbs. That is running continuously at 8:30/mi. Calories burned per hour drop sharply as the pace gets slower.
  • Swimming vigorously, water jogging, kickboxing, taebo, spinning, rowing, hiit, zumba, inline skating, trail running, biking, good luck.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    People who claim to burn 1000 calories in one hour either: a) have a very high body mass or b) are not calculating their burns accurately.

    The best thing you can do is wear a HRM when you're exercising. Deduct your resting calories from that because they are already calculated for in MFP/TDEE method.

    Overall, do exercise you enjoy. Doing something strenuous for the sole purpose of burning calories gets pretty boring pretty quickly.
  • Tigs2614
    Tigs2614 Posts: 142 Member
    Sounds like a very high amount of calories to burn to me. Not saying it's impossible but I do suggest listening to your own body. You will feel when you can push yourself and you build up strength and endurance. Interval training is great. I try to go as fast as I can for a minute and then slow it down for the next two minutes to recover and continue that way. All the best.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Whatever exercise you can sustain comfortably at a target heart rate to burn cals. In other words, you may think you want to say, do an hour on a stepmill at high speed but if you cannot do that without leaning over gasping for breath and stopping then that isn't the calorie burner for YOU.