Has anyone seen impressive results with a kettlebell workout

Good Afternoon fellow MFP'ers! I just bought a Kettlebell (15 lbs) and Jillian Michael's Shred It with Weights DVD. Any feedback or advice would be appreciated?


  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm investing in a Kettlebell tonight - any thoughts people?
  • KristysGonnaGetFit
    KristysGonnaGetFit Posts: 40 Member
    I'd be interested to know as well. I purchased a kettlebell and the Kettleworx DVDs a couple days ago and have done one or two of the 20 minute workouts each of the last 2 nights and definately sweated a lot and have been sore since starting (and I had already been working out/lifting weights) so I'd say it's doing something! But would love to hear from others who have been using them longer.
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    Curious as well :)

    I've been using them for almost three weeks and I haven't noticed any changes in appearance, but I'm definitely stronger. I've already moved up 5lbs for most of the exercises I do lol
  • KacieHetrick
    KacieHetrick Posts: 259 Member
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112

    Call me an Idiot but what the hell does "BUMP" mean??????
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I haven't tried kettlebells yet BUT there is a kettlebell class at my gym and every time I see that class going on it looks SUPER hardcore. Everyone who has taken it has said it's amazing and so challenging, so I'd bet a good kettlebell workout is totally worth it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,725 Member
    I integrate kettlebells with my clients to add variety. If the workout and form are correct, they are great. But so is any workout that's done correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • oharabears
    My first piece of advice would be to NOT follow Jillian's form with the kettlebells. It is WRONG and atrocious! There are tons of YouTube videos that show correct form, and also good ones to show how to pick the right kettlebell for you. Tracy Reifkind has good ones. Anyone with RKC after their name has a certification in Russian Kettlebell work, and would be a reliable source. You can really hurt yourself if you don't use good form, and while it's not too difficult to learn, I would highly recommend a session or two with a kettlebell instructor just to make sure you're injury-safe! That being said, I'm following Josh Hillis' "System Six Easy Fat Loss" program, which I LOVE! Short workouts (I'm talkin' maybe 15 minutes?), 3 times a week. Very effective so far, as far as fat loss is concerned!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Sorry I don't have pictures or 'results' because I am more on a maintainence mode right now but I was in a workout slump and I have found 2 new activities I really like the 1st is Kettlebells! Wow amazing workout! Not for the timid! Because of job I can't get to a class so I got 3 videos from the library...excellent workout! I thought I was a super-heroine...(in a Russian accent) it broke me! I love it!!! I was sore and tired but you feel burn coming to your and the ensuing power no lie! I am with a 15lb-er and hopefully in the next month or 2 I can get the 18-20. I definitely feel my upper body getting stronger.
    Keep it up!
    I agree with above the best instruction I got from video is a Russian one that is very particular and precise!
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    one "bumps" a post to send the topic to the top of the forum list:)
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Kettlebell workouts are a great alternative to using dumbbells but you have to make sure you do it correctly. Most of the movements come from you butt and hips, NOT your arms. If you feel stress in your arms, then you are not doing it correctly. I have the Jillian Michaels shred it with weights and 2 of Bob Harper's kettlebell DVDs which is really good.

    You will sweat and burn alot of calories...just make sure your form is correct!
  • jodyl70
    jodyl70 Posts: 94
    I had my 3rd kettle bell class last night and can already feel it working!

    With the proper instruction, it will work your core, all your muscles and build strength. My abs have not been worked this hard in a loooooooong time! In fact I am pretty sure my eye lashes were feeling the burn as well, so very intense and amazing!

    Done properly, you can burn 1000 calories in an hour! What is not to love about that! :love:
  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    Like oharabears said, I'd get training with an RKC if you can. Go to www.dragondoor.com and you can search for one in your area, (by zipcode). If you can't then I'd recommend Pavel's Enter the Kettlebell book & DVD. Very solid instruction and you'll build a good base of technique by following what he teaches. But remember this is a DVD/book that teaches basic kettlebell TECHNIQUES and there are no specific workouts given.

    Workout DVDs:

    Some good workout DVDs are from www.artofstrength.com. Particularly the Providence and the Newport DVDs. Excellent workouts and Anthony DiLuglio is RKC trained.

    Also eXtreme kettlebell cardio workout by Keith Weber, (also an RKC). volume 1 & 2. His workouts will leave you in a pool of sweat and, over time, stronger and leaner.

    Lauren Brooks. One of the better trainers out there. She's an RKC, lean, fit and a mom, (she was working out with kettlebells through her pregnancy). She's put out several DVDs and if you're a little intimidated by kettlebells she's an excellent choice. Her website is http://www.ontheedgefitness.com/

    And finally Mastering the HardStyle Kettlebell Swing With Master RKC, Mark Reifkind and Tracy Reifkind. The swing is the fundamental exercise for kettlebells and if you don't have access to an RKC, (or even if you do), this is a great resource that breaks the swing down and teaches you the proper technique along with assistance drills and tips to troubleshoot your own swing form.

    These are just a few suggestions. Kettlebells are a great tool and if used properly can really boost your strength and cardio stamina. Have fun and be safe!
  • KPainter70
    KPainter70 Posts: 152
    I second the Lauren Brooks suggestion. She's amazing and I've had great results with her dvds. I wouldn't do Jillian Michaels program if someone paid me to do it. She's not a certified kettlebell instructor and her form is awful. That's not how you want to learn to do kettlebells.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i have had no results because after doing 1 video of bob harpers and 1 of jillian micheals (separate times) i was so sore i could not sit to pee and did not try it again lmfao
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I integrate kettlebells with my clients to add variety. If the workout and form are correct, they are great. But so is any workout that's done correctly.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Agreed. Especially for a beginner the difference in results between a KB and a DB would likely be negligible to none.
  • MelHoneyRocks
    Very quick and noticeable results..that has been my experience. I use them about twice a week and you tone your whole body! I love the Bob Harper Bells...they are ergonomic in design and love his workouts.. I started with the 7lb bell and moved up to the 10lb bell after a few weeks. I think they are very affordable. I bought my Bob Harper bells from Amazon.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I have had great success. even the basics like swings, windmills, snatches, etc are great exercise.
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    I got my 15 Kettlebell at Amazon, which came with a free Bob Harper DVD, about 3 weeks ago.

    The first time I tried it, I could barely do 10 minutes, and then I was SO SORE for about 4 days.

    I took a week off from it, now I can do the entire DVD session at least 3 times a week.

    I'm already noticing how much stronger I am. It's an awesome workout.
  • lunaliberi
    I've been using it for a couple days now, and I already notice results.
    It burns a insane amount of calories, and is strenuous, but not that hard.

    I have a 10lb, and do about 25 minutes with it at least twice a week. Three if I'm not to sore.

    A online friend of mine used a 10, than a fifteen lb three times a week for 30 minutes. In three months she lost thirty pounds. The only diet change she made was cutting out fast food and as much sugar as possible.