What are your 'vices'?



  • coopersmom2006
    A big goblet of red wine with some lovely cheese and crackers. Mmmmmmm! I'm also a sugar junkie but I'm working VERY hard to control that. I do cave on occasion especially when it comes to chocolate/peanut butter or chocolate/caramel/salt.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    food, drink, and the sofa begging me to stay on it.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Pastries, I must have them all (not to be confused with pasties), dangerous irresponsible men, and alcohol.
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    Pasta, potatoes and baguette.
    And on the non-food side: cigarettes (though I'm moving to the e-cig now) and wine (yes, I'm French)
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Ice cream, shredded cheese, sour cream...wow, all dairy, yet I'm not a fan of milk. Weird.

    Oh, and almost anything with peanut butter.
  • akittynamedpup
    Anything that is dessert! Pies, cookies, cakes... if it is in my fridge I will eat it! Which is why I no longer buy or make these things anymore... :brokenheart:
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!! baked soft cookies and peanut butter
  • loftus2005
    Im a total junk food junkie!! Candy, cake, brownies, chips, pizza, creamer with a little coffee ;) oh man I could go on and on!!! Some days I really struggle to keep on the straight and narrow and stay away from these things! :sad:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Food vice: Dr. Pepper. I love it. And Dr. Pepper 10!
    Crab Rangoon. Here's the logic of it, I order 6 from the restaurant, then I can eat two while I'm there, and save the rest for later. What actually happens: I eat four there and the other two on the way home. Yep.
    Curry, lots and lots of curry. And plenty of white rice to go with it
    Tea. Green tea with honey, Sweetened iced tea
    Cereal. I'm addicted to cereal. I can eat it for all my meals and be perfectly happy. And of course, I like the ones with the bright colors that are loaded with sugar.
    Grapes. Not really a bad one, but I can eat the entire bag at one time.

    Other vices:
    Lazy *kitten*-ness
    Natalie from 30 Day Shred
    Boobs, in general
    Any cute fuzzy animal.
    Fast cars + country roads + loud music. Always a good time
  • loftus2005
    Jack Daniel's, French fries, ham and Pineapple pizza and SWEET TARTS......AND OMG VANILLA TOOTSIE ROLLS.

    Vanilla tootsie rolls YESSSSSS!!! Me tooo my absolute favorite!!! :D
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Memes. Forgot about memes.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    It's like watching cooking shows at night when your done eating and your still very,very hungry!!! The pain is so very sharp in my throat !
    @Nina - I know! cooking shows are the WORST!
  • sylwiasta
    sylwiasta Posts: 43 Member
    sweet wine (especially MOSCATO)!!! , chocolate (MILKA), french fries, bundt cake
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    Anything peanut butter, ice creams, reese's, snickers pb and pizza. I cant just have 1 slice.

    Ahhh...my vice twin. I love vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and hershey's syrup. Oh and cereal and milk. Any kind but especially fruity pebbles.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Caribbean Jerk Wings, Doritos, Cherry Dr. Pepper, Vanilla Coke, Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust w/ Jalapeno's, Franks Red Hot, and Homemade Cheesecake!
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    Dr Pepper, Whisky (but not both together, strangely enough), good barbecue, medium-rare steak, pizza and ice cream
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I don't even know if i can call them vices, i think it will quickly become more of a food i totally love but can't have list. For the most part, it's things i can't put in my house in more than a single portion because i will likely lose control and eat another....and then another....

    Cheese, first and foremost i could eat nothing but cheese and totally be happy. Brie, blue (mm castello), feta (sheeps milk please), dubliner irish cheddar (yum), string cheese, fresh mozerella, sharp cheddar, fondue...err yes, everything in this world should be covered with cheese. Therefore, i use laughing cow and light cheese sticks and small portions of strongly flavored cheeses to quell this urge without having too many cals. Ideally i won't really use cheese - want to get away from processed and animal fat products.

    Ice Cream. More specifically Rum Raisin, Double Chocolate Malted Crunch, Black Cherry. But will love anything...and love magic shell...mmmm, pure fat and chocolate...fudge bars for 40 cals, and creamsicles for 20 calories satisfy my need for a fix.

    Breakfast - you know, the crazy awesome kind, with pancakes and bacon and some type of eggs and coffee and juice...mmmhmmm. I do oatmeal primarily now, sometimes an egg, and coffee.

    Lobster/Crab smothered in melted butter. I still do the shellfish, just not the butter. Boohoo...nothing replaces it! And add to that Popcorn with melted butter and lots of salt.mmmmmmm

    Cocktails. I love drinking. I will be eternally mad that cocktails and my love for all things cocktail related, aren't good for me. Seem to raise my blood pressure, and well, i just can't stop! This is constantly a challenge area - as i like to go out socially, and well, good times = yummy cocktails, some food, good convo, and a place with a good vibe....so err ya, i hate giving up cocktails.I overall have, but have definate "binge" days every few months. I try to stick with booze and a diet soda to avoid the juice calories...which is why i so miss my next entry....

    Margaritas, chips and salsa, and a yummy mexican meal. ole! I do a lot of things with corn tortillas because i can have two for like 100 calories...i make scrambled egg tacos for breakfast, heat them up with feta and salmon, use them to dip in things, there are ways to do mexican feeling stuff and be in cals. I often cook fajitas and use a scoop on top of salad with some corn and beans and balsamic, sprinkle of cheese. Very nutritious. I could live without chips, or use baked ones but i do miss the margaritas...

    And how about the one offs, Best Foods Mayonaise, Sour Cream, Guacamole, Olives (especially gouda stuffed green olives), Butter, Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Caramel Bar with Black Sea Salt.

    So there we go. Cannot be in my house in any great amount as i will overindulge. Sad really. But at least now i know! And i have found great substitutes and don't actually miss them all that much. And once in a while (sometimes lots) i find ways to incorporate them into my day.
  • hollyjane77
    hollyjane77 Posts: 147
    Reading everyone's responses is making me hungry! LOL. Mac & Cheese, sweet potato fries, and mint chocolate chip ice cream preferably with hot fudge :-)
  • mandyjoy12
    mandyjoy12 Posts: 31 Member
    Mashed potatos and ice cream. And.....anything vampire.:blushing:

    In another life I was Elena Gilbert........ and sorry to those who don't know what I'm talking about lol!!!!

    My vice is vodka red bulls, but I'm trying to be good and use sugar free red bull :(
  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I have a lot of vices :blushing: : I :heart: cheese, french fries, bread, cookies and brownies. Yum