30 Day Shred Challenge check in 5/15



  • momta2girls
    momta2girls Posts: 60
    Day 3 Level 1 done! It definitely seemed a little less difficult esp the jumping jacks. Push ups are still a killer though.

    And I'm not quite as sore. :happy:
  • HannahRoo
    HannahRoo Posts: 48 Member
    So level 2 totally busted my butt and I took a break from shredding yesterday to walk for an hour instead because I was so sore. I feel like I overdid it. This morning I did level 1 advanced and I think I need to stay there for at least a couple more days for my arms and legs sake. I'm really proud of myself because I've managed to get some exercise in everyday this week. :happy:

    Btw I just found out I have tendinitis in my right thumb. :ohwell:
  • sdwillis35
    sdwillis35 Posts: 40
    Day 4 done for me!

    I burned 225 cals.
    Weighed myself this morning and I've lost 2lbs.

    started at 139 now 137! Yay Me! lol
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I need to get back on the ball here! I opted to take my daughter for a walk on Wednesday and then I had work yesterday. I was planning on still shredding yesterday but my daughter was napping when I went to pick her up after work. We got home late and she was in a horrible mood the rest of the night! My TOM started a week early yesterday. Day one is always the worst for me - I usually end up laid up in bed. I'm going to try to get the motivation to do the Shred anyway while my daughter is napping. I at least want to get through the first two circuits and if I am still in massive pain, I'll quit. Generally if I can make it through the first two circuits, I'll finish, though!

    AWESOME job to everyone who has stuck to this!!! :drinker:

    And if you haven't started yet or if you're like me and you slacked off, let's get moving!!! cheerleader3.gif
  • BeesBella
    BeesBella Posts: 24
    I got 30 day shred today and have done Level 1 already (kinda cancelled it out by having a take-out pizza after, I blame my boyfriend the junk food addict).

    So here are my measurements...

    Weight : 128lbs (varies between 126 and 128)
    Am at home so don't have a tape measure so will measure when I am at my boyfriend's tomorrow.

    Hope you don't mind me joining !
  • allisonie
    allisonie Posts: 34
    So I have done The Dreaded Shred for the last four days. Unfortunately, I found out last night that my boyfriend's parents bought tickets to a concert and I have to head up there straight after work! So I'll be missing day five of the Shred. Usually when I break routine I tend to lose momentum, I'm hoping that won't happen this time. :ohwell:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Well Day 6 is done!!!

    I burned 216 calories doing Level 1.

    I also did Slim In 6 Start It Up and Slim & 6 Pack. Now that is a KILLER ab workout!

    Burned 446 calories today!! Going to help friends dig out their pool.

    Have a great weekend!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    I missed this morning. Maybe after I hit some sales, I'll get it in... just sorta feel like giving myself a rest day, though, so we'll see.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • BeesBella
    BeesBella Posts: 24
    My muscles are still in agony after doing it two days ago. Is it still ok to work out while my muscles ache ?
    I didn't do it yesterday because I was in so much pain so I walked for an hour and a half instead. I don't want to miss out on another day.
  • momta2girls
    momta2girls Posts: 60
    Personally, I think you shouldn't work out if you are too sore. I did the shred the first time on Tuesday. Wednesday morning I was in so much pain, I wouldn't have been able to do it if I had tried. Until your body gets used to it, I think it's okay to skip a day. After that though, being the workout is only 20 minutes, if you want good results, you'll want to do it as often as possible. I plan to do it 5 times next week. Got 3 in this week---mostly due to ballgames, end of school activities, and AF---but the pain was a factor too.

    My weight hasn't changed (AF?) but my hip measurement went down one inch! Everything else stayed the same......
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    Hello Shredders!

    If you haven't yet checked in with progress for this week, please do so. I will get stats posted tonight or tomorrow.

    I did not lose any pounds :grumble:

    I did lose a half an inch in my waist and an inch in my hips. I haven't had a chance to check my arms and thighs...kinda bummed for all the work I put into it but I think my stress level is having an impact on my metabolism, so I am working on that.

    Good luck everyone!
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    I missed shredding yesterday...I had company all day (birthday party) and I weighed this morning...no weight loss at all...thats a bummer :grumble: I haven't shredded today...YET I'll get it done no worries...LOL
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    new stats...

    was 210, now 207
    bust was 46, now 44
    waist was 39, now 38
    hips was 45, now 44
    arm stayed the same
    thigh was 24.5, now 24

    so that's a loss of 3 lbs. and 4.5 inches! wow!

    planned on taking another rest day, but will sneak in a shred if I feel like it after church.
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    Hi Everyone! I am new. Just did day one of Shred and my calves are in pain. They can't take the body weight. The poor things. I wonder how to make the pain go away so I can do the dvd again tomorrow. It almost feels like it's the actual calf bone that hurts when you touch it.

    Hope you don't mind if I join you all. You are so motivating and I need that more than anything. I have also been following Jillian's dieting plan from her website. Tomorrow will be one week that I started that. I will be weighing in tomorrow. I also go to aerobics twice a week.

    Doesn't it feel like we are burning more than about 200 or so calories when we do the shred? I never sweated that much in my life. Not even after and hour on the treadmill.

    See you all tomorrow.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good Monday Morning!

    Well I haven't done my Shred yet today but I wanted to come in and weigh in.

    188.8 I am not going to do my measurements until I am done my 30 days.

    Ill be back to post when I am done the Shred
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Done Day 7!!

    I just finished Level 1 and burned 180 calories. It was a lot lower cuz I was tired from my morning workout but still did it!

    Have a great day!
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Going to do my shred riiiiiiiiight after this hehe... one week down, folks!!
  • allisonie
    allisonie Posts: 34
    Hello all!

    Well I missed three days of the Shred this week, no good excuse for that! I went from 197.7 to 197.1. I checked my measurements, everything stayed the same except that my thighs went from 27 to 26 inches. Thank you Jillian Michaels!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I only did two whole days of The Shred and walked with my daughter one day. I just need to get my act together and plan ahead. I don't remember what I weighed in with because I've been reporting my weight to three different groups (two MFP, one on a blog) on three different days. Today I was 192 and I'm doing my measurements every four weeks. I really don't need to be depressed by a half inch movement when I can be stoked about three inches in a month! Not sure if that makes any sense to anyone but it does in my head... :laugh:

    Happy Shredding this week!
  • I did 4 days of the Shred last week...doing day 5 in just a few minutes. No weight loss yet :( grrr.....I don't get the fact that I can eat well all week and work out, and actually put on a few pounds. My body is so weird.
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