Does anyone feel the same? (Lost weight but still feel fat?)



  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    I feel the same way.. I feel like I haven't made much of a difference in my body but when I look at my before/progress pictures there is a huge difference! But I feel like I'm never going to be satisfied with myself and I'm always going to think that I don't look thin enough :/
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Many times the war of the mind progresses more slowly than the war over the flesh.. but since the flesh always follows the mind, it is a battle that is essential to long term success. Keep a goal in front of you. Congrats on your success.
  • kitsiekitty
    kitsiekitty Posts: 166

    I've always felt fat. I'm five feet five, and currently weigh 143lbs, after losing about 15lbs? I never ha dmuch to lose in the first place, but i've always felt fat. Now that I'm wearing smaller sizes, I still feel fat. Everyone around me says i've lost, and they tell me to stop losing butbutbut! I can't. ): And I always feel as if one binge day (like last night where i went mildly crazy at a food fair in my place), will make me put on weight again overnight.

  • Rosie4732
    Rosie4732 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm so glad I've read this
    I'm exactly the same as many of you - gone from 157 to 119lbs (I'm only 5'5 so it's been a dramatic size loss)
    Still have the same confidence issues.
    Still pick up the wrong size clothing.
    Still panic about social situations as I'll be the fat girl
    Don't recognise myself in the mirror as my minds eye still sees me at 157.
    I even point out women I think I'm the same size as now to my husband to try to help and consistently p pick larger women - when he picks out women he says I am a similar size to I don't believe him and get in a stop saying he's just trying to make me feel better!
    I have a totally unreal image of my body in my mind - but I can't seem to change it!

    Eta - I also feel less pretty in the face for some reason - I used to like my face and felt it was a slightly redeeming factor - in fact I'd never look in a mirror that showed below shoulder level
    Now I barely look in a mirror at all
  • samanthawardle31
    samanthawardle31 Posts: 58 Member
    I know I am thinner, I look better in clothes, but do I really FEEL thin, no. I have a way to go.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Sometimes, but I tend to want to rush things. And I get frustrated if I put on a pair of jeans and I'm still not satisfied about how I look in them, same goes for slim fitting t-shirts then I'll feel fat. -.-
    But in the end, I still know that I lost weight and I'm looking better, and I point out the areas that I feel confident in, etc.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    thank goodness I found this topic - I thought it was just me!

    I look in the mirror and cannot see any difference. I have lost over 4 stone, gone from an 18/20 to a 12/14 - so I KNOW I am smaller but I cannot see it.......... its bizarre!!!!

    I was told I have body dismorphia by a 'friend' who told me I had lost enough weight now and was starting to look haggard, when i told HIM (not a woman!!) that I still needed to lose half a stone to get to my goal weight. Perhaps I do have it ......... after years of being overweight, and being constantly told that I was fat by my ex-husband, perhaps those words are stuck in my head and will never go?

    Fortunately my husband now tells me how fantastic I look, and sometimes I can almost see it!! And the other day, I was in a shop looking and I wondered why the lady stood next to me was getting closer and closer as I was looking at a rack of clothes .. only to realise it was me in the mirror - I honestly didnt recognise myself! THAT was so weird!!
  • AJChenh
    AJChenh Posts: 10 Member
    I've lost around 33 lbs and I can honestly say I don't see it at all (not even in before/after pics). Sometimes, it gets really discouraging because I'm working so hard at it and feel like I'm just stuck in the mud.

    I'm terrified that even when I hit my goal weight I'll still feel this way. Kind of a scary thought.
  • MJ_Watson
    MJ_Watson Posts: 180 Member
    Yeah, this is me, too. I've lost 25 pounds in the last two and a half months (down about 40 from my highest) and even though I can tell I'm getting smaller (things don't fit well any more, stuff that was too tight feels just right, etc) I just do NOT see it. My BFF and family members keep telling me there's a big difference, but I look in the mirror and on most days I look... the same.

    Someone recommended progress pictures to me (before I started, since I've had issues with body dysmorphia in the past). You can see the pics I took on my profile page, and believe it or not, I couldn't even see the difference between THOSE when I first put them side by side. Then I got an idea: I cropped my head off, then I went away for a day or two. Came back, looked at them again, and just exclaimed "Holy sh**!!!" Were these even the same pictures?? It was amazing.

    If you have an issue seeing a difference even in progress pics (I hope I'm not the only one...), I really do think it's a good idea. Maybe it tricks your brain into thinking of you as a different person? IDK, but it's worth a shot.
  • radlamb
    Wow thank you for feeling the exact same. So over nearly a year i have lost just over 3 stone gone from a UK size 16 to nearly that size 12 on bottom and size10/12 on top.

    I feel like i should be jumping over the moon as my weight depressed me so much but I am not. First i still feel the same, I know my clothes have gotten smaller but it just feels surreal. Even though people compliment me something is still not clicking in my head. Part of me stills wants to lose more weight maybe another stone so i can be a comfty size 12 or even better a size 10.

    Also my body feels gross, its feels not toned and saggy, (even though i exercise)....

    I know i should be happy and proud of myself as I have done it slowly and changed habits but part of me relied so much on food for my happiness that I can sometimes slip into old habits and even though i feel bad about myself I want to turn to food to comfort me (vicious cycle - i knw).

    I guess my question is. How do I overcome this? Will I ever feel happy with myself?? I still just dont feel comfortable in my body??

    Its good to know that I am not the only one feeling like this.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I've felt this way lately. Started my regimen in August, from then to September I was getting slimmer and really felt it. Through October and especially after last week I had water retention, and lately I've just felt chunky and bloated even though I'm in much better shape then before.

    I dropped the scale when doing some cleaning and I think it might be broken, so I am getting a new scale to know where I'm really at and have decided to make measurements, too. But I've been in a "chunky" limbo lately and that is frustrating.

    Only way I'll combat it is to know that numbers don't lie and the voice in my head can STFU!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I often feel like this, especially if I'm in the bath and see my flabby tummy:sad: But if i catch sight of a bit of myself in a mirror, I have to stop and check its me - I now have slim legs (OK I still have difficulty getting boots but I did even as a 16-year-old (UK) size 8/10), I have knees not lumps of fat, I have elbows and my arms are no longer the size of thighs! And I can put on dresses that were always snug and actually have room to spare! How did that happen?

    Yes I'm a work in progress - especially my tummy - but compared to where I've come from I have something to celebrate!:drinker:
  • nuttinbutsuga
    nuttinbutsuga Posts: 12 Member
    I use to hear people say this all the time and I would wonder wth was wrong with I'm saying it. lol I know I've lost almost 60lbs and I know I've gone from a size 28 to a 22 but I still see that 380lb chick. People compliment me on my weight loss and instead of saying thank you, I often tell them I look hella smaller in pics (which I do IMO) and I'm still well over 300lbs so I haven't lost much. Talk about bein nuts!
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    I'm only down 10lbs down, so I cant see a great difference yet, but I recently tried on some jeans that were huge for me, and a bridesmaids dress I wore a year ago that fell off me onto the floor.

    so although I don't feel any different, trying on old clothes makes me realise that I am doing well and making progress :)
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I feel the same way! As I approach maintenance, I worry that I'll never truly be happy with the way I look... but I know it's really just a body image problem and recognizing that is the first step!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Oh yes! Even after 152 pounds off I still some days feel fat. And I'm constantly worried about not being able to get the rest of it off (need to lose another 75) or gaining it back. I think anyone who has a lot of weight to lose has this issue, so you are not alone.

    I've been told it takes our head a long time to catch up with our bodies, so take heart that someday you may stop feeling this way.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Yes! I sometimes feel worse now than I did when I had a lot more weight...

    There are days where I'm like hmm I can't wear that I think I look fat in it...and my boyfriend is just like 'you wore it all the time before you lost weight and didn't think you looked fat, why do you think that now?'

    It's all in the mind...!

    Totally agree.

    I have a bit of an issue with this, as I grew quite comfortable being super sized and thought of myself as attractive in that particular way, like super big, actually accentuating my 3X curves. It kinda "worked" for me or at least I felt like it did. Now that I'm going down into the smaller plus sizes my body is nothing like it was. I am more like a chubby version of an athletic/hourglass figure. So things I "rocked" at 260-300 lb I totally can't pull off now. It is a mindf**k. My go-to styles, cardigans and dresses with leggings, don't look good on me now. Everything is totally different and shopping is surreal. I pick out my longtime favorite items and then after horrors in the changing room I'm back out on the sales floor choosing smaller and completely different styles. It's almost like going through puberty all over again ;-P I feel like even though yes I've lost a ton of weight already, I need to lose more to look right in my current "type"!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member

    Eta - I also feel less pretty in the face for some reason - I used to like my face and felt it was a slightly redeeming factor - in fact I'd never look in a mirror that showed below shoulder level
    Now I barely look in a mirror at all

    Yes! Me too! I look older, and I feel like my nose and ears are more prominent!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    Eta - I also feel less pretty in the face for some reason - I used to like my face and felt it was a slightly redeeming factor - in fact I'd never look in a mirror that showed below shoulder level
    Now I barely look in a mirror at all

    Yes! Me too! I look older, and I feel like my nose and ears are more prominent!

    I had the same problem, however, when taking lots of new photos and comparing to the old photos side by side I really do see that I look better, even though I look older and my features are sharper. It is difficult to adjust to but over time becomes more apparent that it is a positive change despite some negatives. Maybe you'll discover the same!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I totally I hear ya ... :smile:

    I hope those bad voices will get less and less for me. I'm pretty much at my goal, .2 lbs off, and some days I think whoa I'm hot, other days I look at myself and still see the old fat me. Sometimes in public I catch a reflection of myself in a mirror or a window and have a "holy sh-t!" moment because it's very bizarre seeing myself this size. Almost like an outer body experience. People who haven't been through any of this don't understand how weird it is to see a smaller you.

    And this ^^^. I am also at my goal and am terrified that I will follow past behavior and "rest on my laurels" and allow the weight to creep back on. So I will have days when I am happy with the changes I see and days when all I see are fat rolls.