Why do some believe their way is better??

I am one of those who believe that each person loses weight differently, whether it is eat healthy and exercise or some sort of diet program. Although, when someone asks me what I am doing to lose weight and I say eat right, less, and exercise, they (usualluy those on some sort of diet program) frown at me and try to sell me the plan they are on. Stating, "On so and so plan you lose weight faster, or this other plan thats $300 less a month you can lose, just not as fast as this one or have you tried the all shake replacement diet..." If they dont know me, I tell them these plans are not in my budget PLUS, I have tried so many diets that I roller coastered from one diet to another, meaning it didnt work "for me." Those who know me still try to push their diet because the scale is dropping twice as fast as mine and anytime I mention my measurements are down, I feel better, I can follow this LIFESTYLE for I do terrible at those where I am restricted (thats me though) I still get dirty looks and comments "Just try it wont take you so long to lose the weight." Is this a race to lose weight and I am losing the race?:huh:

I try to avoid talking about this with these people but there are times they ask how I am doing on my weight loss, I say good, they look me up and down, then continue another conversation with someone else because most know I dont like to be preached to and are upset about this.

Does anyone else have this issue? If so, is there any other way to approach it?


  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    Because it's human nature to think their ways are better. It makes them feel superior to feel that they've chosen wisely.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I think all you can do is shrug it off and keep focusing on yourself and your goals. If they press, you can tell them that everyone is motivated by different things and you're enjoying the path you're on.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Fortunately I've never had someone tell me what I should be doing - at least not without me first asking them for advice.

    I do find it funny, though, that when I tell them that I've simply started eating better and exercising I usually get the reply of "Oh....really, that's all?" Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes WORK to lose weight, not magic fairy dust.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    In your case it sounds to me that they are trying to sell you something so that they benefit.

    We are only different as far as our preferences go and our individual intolerances. Medical conditions aside (diabetes, food allergies or intolerances), we still lose weight the same for the most part.

    Here's a good article on this, and while I know this isn't the intent of your post, you might find this to be a great read:

    As far as your situation goes, I find it refreshing that you said this:
    Although, when someone asks me what I am doing to lose weight and I say eat right, less, and exercise

    ..and I'd say that it would be hard for anyone to come up with anything to sell you to improve your plan -- you're doing it right.

    I think the best way to handle it is to either not say anything and trust the fact that your method > their product.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Is this a race to lose weight and I am losing the race?

    I CONSTANTLY tell people this!!! It's NOT a race, it's a journey and if you don't learn anything along the way, you will never see the end.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    There are lots of deeper social and psychological reasons to this (fear, security, groupthink, etc.), but it really comes down to this:

    If I didn't believe my way was better, I'd probably choose the way I thought was better.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Most people believe if it works for them then it must work for everyone. Very few people stop and consider how many other things they have tried and been unable to succeed at. I am frequently that way too. I try to say everyone is different as a caveat, but I do forget sometimes.

    There is one truth with weight loss. ANYONE can do it if they find the right system for them. It may be painfully slow, but it can be done.

    Eat less, move more, and drink more water has been my motto!
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Is this a race to lose weight and I am losing the race?

    I CONSTANTLY tell people this!!! It's NOT a race, it's a journey and if you don't learn anything along the way, you will never see the end.

    Me too! I say, I didn't get fat overnight and I'm not going to get skinny overnight either. It took a long time to get this way and it's going to take some time to get fit.
  • alliover
    alliover Posts: 32 Member
    The best diet to be on is the one that works for you!! Personally, I don't consider myself to be on a "diet". It's more of a lifestyle change which includes healthy eating :)
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Considering I have tried a million other diets.... I probably could say "I've tried that, didn't work for me!" hehehe

    The other answer is.... well that's nice, what I'm doing is working for me. But if I want to try "whatever they say", I know I can call you. I find that humoring people like that is the best way to get them to shut up without offending anyone.

    The key thing is not to turn around and start "preaching" about what you are doing. :)
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I just explain to them that I'm looking for a long term solution and that eating right and exercising is working fabulously for me. :)
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Because it's human nature to think their ways are better. It makes them feel superior to feel that they've chosen wisely.

    This makes complete since. I am one who thinks my way works better for me, but its not for everyone. My MIL has tried every diet out there, she even will make this statement, but having to try different diets all the time tells me something is not working.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    In your case it sounds to me that they are trying to sell you something so that they benefit.

    We are only different as far as our preferences go and our individual intolerances. Medical conditions aside (diabetes, food allergies or intolerances), we still lose weight the same for the most part.

    Here's a good article on this, and while I know this isn't the intent of your post, you might find this to be a great read:

    As far as your situation goes, I find it refreshing that you said this:
    Although, when someone asks me what I am doing to lose weight and I say eat right, less, and exercise

    ..and I'd say that it would be hard for anyone to come up with anything to sell you to improve your plan -- you're doing it right.

    I think the best way to handle it is to either not say anything and trust the fact that your method > their product.

    Thank you.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I think it is human nature to think the way we do things is best (otherwise we would change it if we thought otherwise, right?). I also think friends try to help one another, but sometimes go too far. Yes, your friends are going too far.
    Have you told your doctor what you are doing to lose weight? I ask, because this way you can say your doctor approves of your method (or maybe even go so far as to say "recommends" this method if he says something that honestly suggests he does, and why wouldn't he?). A "friend" should respect your choice to consult and listen to your doctor.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Yes, I know how you feel. I have tried many things like WW and Nutrisystem and so on... I start to lose weight be then everything comes back just as fast. This time around, I feel like I'm choosing the hard way, of also eating right/less and getting more exercise in. I feel that even though the weight will come off slower, it is more likely to stay on and in the process I'm learning how to change my eating habits and add exercising in as a habit.

    To deal with these other people who try to sell you stuff, I just stand my food strong and explain "This is why I'm doing it.... If i ever change my mind, I know who to go to."
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I don't get quite what you get, I do get a variation. Something like this:

    "You drink beer on a diet? " Shock and/or disgust on the speakers face...
    "I am not dieting. I changed the way I eat. It is okay I have factored the beer into what I eat during the day."
    "But you can't lose weight drinking beer." Entering smug mode.
    "I have lost 20 lbs"
    "Well you must not be eating healthy" Obviously has told me how it is and is done.

    You can put other words in place of beer. Any food that someone doesn't see as diet food. Or you can modify that conversation to include the fact I work out at home and not a gym.

    I just let them go and ignore them. The only person I need to prove anything to is me. And I am doing that in a manner I can maintain. Will I change things in the future? Of course, as I change some things will change.

    Just my experience.
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    The best diet to be on is the one that works for you!! Personally, I don't consider myself to be on a "diet". It's more of a lifestyle change which includes healthy eating :)
    I always find it amusing but aggrevating at same time that most people think I am on a diet.
    I feel pretty good about foods I eat and the amounts. I know where I stand at end of day now.
    I can see my body changing and my cloths are getting bigger.

    Keep doing what you are doing if it is working and you are happy. :-)
  • Suz_w8loss
    Suz_w8loss Posts: 197 Member
    I've had people ask how I am losing & I tell them the same thing "exercise & eat less & increase veges/fruits". Nobody has ever tried to "sell" me on what they consider a better way but if they did, I just would put on mySnoopy ears & all I would hear is "wonk, wonk, wonk, wonk..."

    You gotta do whatever works for You :)
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I've always felt that people want to impress upon others what has personally worked for them. There's no wrong or right. They are just passionate about what they feel works. But those with open minds also know that what works for one person, may not work for the next. We all come in different shapes and sizes... and metabolic capacities. I burn differently than the next guy does, and definitely more so than a woman does. So what works for me, may not work for them, and vice versa.

    But to the original question, again, I feel it's just passion. Unfortunately, some people believe their method so blindly that they do not realize that other ways may work just as well.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I don't get quite what you get, I do get a variation. Something like this:

    "You drink beer on a diet? " Shock and/or disgust on the speakers face...
    "I am not dieting. I changed the way I eat. It is okay I have factored the beer into what I eat during the day."
    "But you can't lose weight drinking beer." Entering smug mode.
    "I have lost 20 lbs"
    "Well you must not be eating healthy" Obviously has told me how it is and is done.

    You can put other words in place of beer. Any food that someone doesn't see as diet food. Or you can modify that conversation to include the fact I work out at home and not a gym.

    I just let them go and ignore them. The only person I need to prove anything to is me. And I am doing that in a manner I can maintain. Will I change things in the future? Of course, as I change some things will change.

    Just my experience.

    Enjoy your beer, dude! :drinker: I haven't had a beer in a while, but the thought of NOT being ALLOWED to have one would send me straight to the fridge for one to drown out the sorrow of not being able to have one. Yes. Convoluted, but there you go. Being allowed to have whatever I want so long as I work it in makes me less contradictory (and more likely to choose food, because I'M HUNGRY!!! .