Why do some believe their way is better??



  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    People know what works for them and usually in an attempto help others, they tend to get a bit self-righteous. While there are some basic guidelines, the details are different for each person. Next time it's talked about, point out that all good diets have a base of eat well and be healthy. The reason there are so many (not including the scams to make miney) is because there is no one diet that works for everybody.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    It's funny you mentioned this. It reminds me of an episode of Oprah when she had Jarred Vogel from the Subway commercials on. He said what he ate to lose the weight including potato chips. She paused to say potato chips aren't good for your diet. My thought was the guy just told you he lost 240 lbs and your telling him that you shouldn't et potato chips on a diet.
  • msslimann
    msslimann Posts: 122
    I have tried so many different diet plans, programs , etc. and lose weight but then I gainit back cause I can't stick with it. Don't like the thought of being on a DIEt. Anyway a friend of mine has did different programs too and now she is losing but she is getting diet pills from a doctor in the next state. Another friend and her go every month and pay $100 for them. She tries to get me to go and is always talking about my need to lose weight. She eats sweets and whatever she wants and will bring me sweets knowing I don't need them. She eats what she wants and drinks cause she is taking the pills.when she stops taking the pills she is going to gain all the weight back if she keeps on eating the way she is. I told her I am changing my life style and don't want to take any pills. This is a life style not just a quick fix.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Although, when someone asks me what I am doing to lose weight and I say eat right, less, and exercise, they (usualluy those on some sort of diet program) frown at me and try to sell me the plan they are on.

    I think a lot of people don't want to believe that the answer is really as simple as eating well and being active. They want it to be a gimmick, because that means it's easier (and also something to blame if it doesn't work out). The diet industry (MFP included!) banks on people's desire to find the magic bullet

    Just keep doing what works for you!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    It is because people work for the companies that sell supplements and diet programs, etc. Fad diets are very popular because people lose pounds fast, which everyone wants the quick fix. I have been there in the past, too. Then I gained 50 pounds...

    It's all relative... no one way is better necessarily than another... however... there is enough proof available out there to suggest that a very high majority of ANY fad diet is not sustainable over the long haul and eventually will result in either the gaining of the weight lost or that plus some.

    I think you're doing it the right way... and if it's working for you... stick with it! :)
  • Vermilla
    Vermilla Posts: 348
    Fortunately I've never had someone tell me what I should be doing - at least not without me first asking them for advice.

    I do find it funny, though, that when I tell them that I've simply started eating better and exercising I usually get the reply of "Oh....really, that's all?" Sorry to burst your bubble, but it takes WORK to lose weight, not magic fairy dust.

    I brought that magic fairy dust for nothing??!! Dammit!!!
  • Hgilmer
    Hgilmer Posts: 2
    I started my weight loss journey doing Weight Watchers. And honestly, for me, it worked great, as long as I worked it. Basically the same concept as MFP only you count points instead of calories. You learn how to eat healthier, get in your water and your exercise. Hard work is the only way to do it whether you choose points or calories. I have recently switched to MFP due to financial reasons, but also because the android app is more user friendly for me than the WW app.

    I admit, I did pimp out WW to my friends, but only AFTER they noticed my weight loss and asked how i was doing it. For me, I need the structure and accountability of tracking and posting. I've noticed with MFP i'm more inclined to workout because i can eat more if I exercise more (i love to eat)

    I also get the comments from people when they see me with a fast food bag at work... 'that doesn't look like diet food'..... i'm not on a diet!! i'm chaning my lifestyle, i'm eating healthier and i'm eating less and i'm working out.....for the rest of my life. That's the only way to guarantee lasting results. I recently was approached by a 'skinny' friend about a shake product she was selling, her big sell point was 'my mom lost 7lbs in 3 weeks'..... ok, great for her. Last week using MFP and WW, eating right, exercising... I lost 5.6lbs. Without skipping meals to drink a shake. Because what happens when you stop drinking those shakes? Are you really going to drink shakes for the rest of your life?

    Life is not 'The Biggest Loser'..... in real life, it takes hard work, determination.... and TIME.....to lose weight and keep it off. I even recently heard a radio ad for a 'diet supplement' from a 'former biggest loser contestant'..... so wow, she lost a ton of weight in a very controlled enviroment of a TV show.... but obviously learned nothing and can't maintain her loss.

    Dont let what anyone says get to you, everyone is different. To them maybe what they are doing is best because it has worked best for them, or it is easier than anything else they've done or it's faster. That doesn't make it better. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.... and that doesn't have to be the same as yours. Keep up your good work!! Let haters hate....
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    If you're not using MFP...you're doing it WRONG! :bigsmile:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    It’s the way we are wired, we want our way to be the right way since it is what we are doing. In general some people can’t stand to be wrong or not agreed with.
    For me, I know what is working, but am reasonable enough to know it may not work for everyone. We are all different and have our own way of doing things. Do what works for you that you can sustain long term.
  • Hgilmer
    Hgilmer Posts: 2
    good for you!! What's that story about the turtle and the hare?!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    My mentor says "It is none of your effin business what other people think of you! What do you think of you?" I spent too much time worrying about what other folks were thinking.
    And he also says " Worrying is misuse of my imagination!) LMAO
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Thank you for all the replys and it makes sense all the way around. I have been there and done that with "diets" and decided that I can either keep doing this yo yo or make an actual lifestyle change. I wanted the quick fix, but this in return gave me another quick fix, all the weight back on. Some of us want our way to work for everyone while others know and understand the case, I dont mind others telling me about their journey, I get inspired, no matter what they are doing. I just tell people what I do (only if asked) and give advice if asked, but other than that, nothing more. Good luck to all.:love:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My way IS better. For me. I can tell you what works for me, but i can't guarantee it will help you.
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    It's funny you mentioned this. It reminds me of an episode of Oprah when she had Jarred Vogel from the Subway commercials on. He said what he ate to lose the weight including potato chips. She paused to say potato chips aren't good for your diet. My thought was the guy just told you he lost 240 lbs and your telling him that you shouldn't et potato chips on a diet.

    Hahaha ridiculous!
  • JigglyPig
    JigglyPig Posts: 231 Member
    Is this a race to lose weight and I am losing the race?

    I CONSTANTLY tell people this!!! It's NOT a race, it's a journey and if you don't learn anything along the way, you will never see the end.

    Yes, yes, yes! It's not a race! What is the big rush?!
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Regardless of the subject, if you dont do it their way its wrong. losing weight isnt rocket science, pick a diet that you can stick to for the long haul and pick an exercise program that you enjoy doing. And make adjustments along the way if needed. Like mentioned before, this isnt a race, Who cares if it takes you a month or 2 longer to reach your goal.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    In your case it sounds to me that they are trying to sell you something so that they benefit.

    We are only different as far as our preferences go and our individual intolerances. Medical conditions aside (diabetes, food allergies or intolerances), we still lose weight the same for the most part.

    Here's a good article on this, and while I know this isn't the intent of your post, you might find this to be a great read:

    As far as your situation goes, I find it refreshing that you said this:
    Although, when someone asks me what I am doing to lose weight and I say eat right, less, and exercise

    ..and I'd say that it would be hard for anyone to come up with anything to sell you to improve your plan -- you're doing it right.

    I think the best way to handle it is to either not say anything and trust the fact that your method > their product.

    ^^^Well said SS!

    If I see someone jumping feet first into the pirana pool I'll lend them some Protips but if it's a sustainable diet that doesnt hurt lean mass or have them eating raspberry ketones.....
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,671 Member
    Because they want other people to share the suffering they went through! I get lots of referrals from previous/current clients and I believe it's because they want to share the misery with their friends!
    But I do get them results without them having to diet, so it's a win, win.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I get these on nearly a daily basis.
    "You're eating too much of x. It will make you fat." Where x = fat, carbs, peanuts, milk, red meat or fish
    "If you lift heavy while trying to lose weight, you'll fail at both."
    "You have to do an hour a day of cardio to lose weight."
    "You have to do low weight / high rep to lose weight."

    News flash: I don't HAVE to do anything. I do it because I like doing it and the weight is coming off fine on its own. I don't need any unsolicited advice to make it go any faster. I hated running when I was in the army and I still hate it now. The best workout routine is the one the keeps you coming back, not the one that drives you away.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    The reason they think their "plan" is better -- is because they get a commission if you buy it!
    I'm so sick of seeing herbalife, Body by Vi, Shakeology, Beach whatever....

    Your way of eating healthy, exercise is the way to go and you don't need to pay for any of those programs.