Why do some believe their way is better??



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I actually wasn't ranting about anyone on here. It's an IRL person who's been getting on my nerves more than usual lately. Just wanted to clear that up.
  • Jenbtech
    Jenbtech Posts: 21 Member
    I tell people "Whatever diet you can sustain for the rest of your life and gets you results should be the one you choose." I dont care if its vegan, paelo, atkins, south beach, or cheesebugers and fries. As long as your body is becoming more healthy (stronger, less fat, good labs and bp) and you can sustain your lifestyle the rest of your life, go for it.

    For those people who want a pill, or a shake, or surgery, I only ask that they make sure they have a plan to sustain their lifestyle once the pills stop or the shakes go away or stress takes them back to their bad behaviours.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    1. Your not going to change them.
    2. They're not going to change you
    3. You know what works for you

    Great responses
    "I'm so glad that's working for you, so how long do you think your going to be shelling out the $300/month?"
    "It seems like your satisfied with the weight you've lost which is great but what is it you don't you like about your diet?"
    "So you like drinking your breakfast and lunch?"

    Sometimes if you can get them to acknowledge the cons of that particular diet they may stop bugging you to try it.
    Also, they may be going it mostly alone and just looking for added support because some of those diets are expensive and hard to stick to.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I feel the same. My job offers the Weight Watchers program, and my coworker has been putting down "my way" of dieting and trying to get me to join Weight Watchers. Nothing against WW, but I just don't understand how their points work and some the rules don't make sense. IDK how well it has/is working for her, but her plate is full with junk each day, and mine isn't :)

    Don't let them get you down, do what works for you. Good Luck.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Look at all the arguments on the forums here. Even MFP users all have their own opinions on how things should be and believe that their way is the best. I used to look for easy way out diets but have come to the conclusion that won't work for me and I like this much better.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    Personally I believe what works for one may not work for the other. Sometimes it seems like everyone is running around trying to find the next EASIEST or QUICKEST weightloss plan...when in the long run the benefits of those plans are little to none. I truly beleive a LARGE part of losing weight successfully is "Learning YOUR OWN body". People ask me all the time what I do to lose it and I tell them : I eat better and exercise and I am VERY dedicated to it. I don't like giving specifics because I don't want them using my foods or workouts as their weightloss bible. My journey is COMPLETELY customized to me. What brings one success may not bring success to others. I never mind answering a sincere question... but i always have to add a disclaimer that Iam only going off my personal experiences and what works for me may not work for you. I don't know why people think their way is the ONLY way... its unrealistic.

    **** My approach ...you get what you put in. The greater you work for it the greater your results. Anything worth having is worth working for... I am not interested in the diet pills, weight loss supplements, and liquid diets. I am trying to learn more about my body and teach myself better habits and there is NO shortcut to that. Its not about how fast can I become skinny its about how healthy can I become!!! And personally I am not taking any pills supplements and shortcuts.... because I don't want ANYTHING taking the "credit" for the hard work I AM putting in - except my God,for giving me the motivation to continue on this journey.