I am sooo tired of this plateau!



  • CourtneyB610
    You should switch up your exercise routine. The body, atleast mine, once it gets comfortable doing an exercise doesn't seem to burn lbs from it. Just switch the cardio. If you always to elliptical, try going for a run outside, or swimming laps in the pool. Mix in sprint/jogs, try a set of tabata's with pushups, situps, and air squats. Just get creative to keep the body guessing. Just my 2 cents.

    I'm switching it up when I go to the gym later!! My parents have a pool as well, and my gym doesn't have one.. so I'll def. be using that alot this summer! Lol. And I appreciate your 2 cents!
  • CourtneyB610
    Hey girl, not only is eating enough very important... but eating the right things. Try to shop on the outsides of the grocery store so that you are buying less processed items. Also, alot of people think that calorie counting is what is going to make you lose weight, which is right to an extent.... you should also look at sugars, fats, carbs ect. ALWAYS look at the nutritional content before you buy. Do you have a heart rate monitor? I have found by personal experience that the training machines tell me that I am burning more calories then I am actually burning. Might be something to look into. I hope this helps a little, and I wish you luck in pushing through this plateau :)

    There's actually a place about 20 min. from where I live.. it's called Sorgel Orchards.. they grow everythinggggg and make everything there! Tons of fresh veggies and fruits and what not. I'm stopping there this weekend!! :) And I don't have a HRM. I think I'lll be investing in one of those too lol because a couple people have asked me that! And it does help thanks!!!
  • CourtneyB610
    It has been a couple months now that I have been stuck at 136, and I can not seem to get the scale to budge! I want to get down to 130 in the worst way. I have changed my eating. I upped my cardio from 10 minutes to 25 6 days a week. And I'm taking CLA. I don't know what I am doing wrong that I can't shed a pound! My diary if open if anyone would like to view it to tell me if I'm eating anything horribly bad for me. I'd love some tips, pointers, or advice. I came across SparkPeople.com and saw that they can make you a personalized nutrition chart and training chart to get you to where you want to be but I'm skeptical. Thanks!!

    I recommend trying the 1st cycle of the 17 Day diet. That really help the scale move for me.. Since you only have 6lbs to lose this will surely help. :)

    ^^ This. Since the principle of the 17 day diet is eating clean and cutting out processed food, eating lean protein, veggies, fruit, yogurt, healty fats and drinking green tea (and going low-carb) for the first cycle (which is the first 17 days), I have not seen ANYONE who has not lost weight on the first cycle.

    Good luck! Also teaches you what other people are talking about when they say "eating clean" :)

    I have to find this book!!! Hahah