What changes have you made to your grocery shopping habits?



  • 77Maria
    77Maria Posts: 90
    I choose things that are usually from the garden. I choose things that are whole and not processed (meat). I choose fish over steak and chicken over processed meats. I choose liver if you like it and/or lean red meats then can be cut into portions and frozen. I choose fruit as my snacks and spend 20- 30 minutes in the health food aisle reading labels. I love Terra veggie chips....you may too! I choose low fat cheese cut into chunks and in small amounts. I choose my favorite low fat yogurt (lime) and I choose eggs or egg whites. (high in protein) I choose simple breads...low fat pita, low fat wheat, english muffins wheat, I choose gatorade. I choose water...and lots of it.....lol it comes from the sink and is free. I choose grapefruit, a natural appetite suppressant. I choose low fat yogurt or low fat sour cream. I choose herb shakers to flavor my veggies when I steam them and no butter. I choose canola spray oil to do my eggs, salmon, fish, veggie burgers or soy burgers in. I choose special k chips, crackers, cereal and meal bars when I need to have something that won't cost me too many calories. I choose raw vegetables to curb my appetite and I have 1 tblsp of low fat ranch with a bowl of raw veg's....and dip lightly. I choose sliced strawberries. I choose a cutie orange. :) Peanuts....a handful when I think I cant survive without sugar and Its all in the choosing. Take your time.shopping ...hope this helps and other peoples ideas and encouragement. CHOOSING HAS CHANGED MY LIFE, MY WEIGHT AND MY HEALTH. It can change yours too. :) hugs
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    In general I buy a lot less now,
    less snack foods
    less cheeses, and cold cuts
    less biscuts,
    less bakery products
    less meat
    less pasta and rice

    More fruit and veg
    more fish
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    I have really started using the knowledge I've gained from forum surfing here while I'm looking for something to eat. I pick up more fish and lean meats and check out the nutritional information. My mom and I are trying new things like stevia based sweeteners and MIO for our water. We are like protein bars addicts now, our doctor wants us to definitely up our protein and cut carbs.
  • raechellg
    raechellg Posts: 30 Member
    i have been really bad about doing any major grocery shopping in the last several weeks because i know if sweets or treats are on sale i will want to get them for my kids and well i have a major sweet tooth so i would want to eat them too lol so my kids have been complaining lately that i don't have a house filled to the gills with groceries like i normally did.. but i need to try and get past that. and of course all the healthy meals to cook are stuff they would mostly stick their noses up at so i have been having a hard time deciding on what to even buy for dinner that i can eat and they will enjoy too..
  • Laura3846
    1. I create a mater grocery list
    2.Then weekly 5 meals for the week based on coupns and comp shopping from meat and produce. Save $ (I only purchse my groceries what is on my master list) ( check to see if you have a farmers market that fun too)
    3. Then I create a grocery list and write down stores.
    4.My meal planing consitis on a 7 day carb cyle high and low.

    In the past my dinner are never the same.based on whats on sale (hint)

    PS. I recently got back in my routine and feels great!
  • Laura3846
    I keep sweet out of my home and my son who is 12 lost alot of weight he was consider obese but went back to dr and he healthy.
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I have made lots of changes.

    - Very little processed stuff. I bought two frozen meals on Monday - one for that night and one on stand-by and that felt a little weird to me, so I guess my shopping habits have absolutely changed for the better.
    - No ready made meal bases or sauces.
    - I do have chocolate in the house, but it is in small portions (right now I am loving Whittaker's Chocolate Almond Bar 15g) and I am ok with this. But otherwise, no confectionery, chips, bakery products. I occasionally bake, or someone in my family bakes and I will eat these home made goodies. A lot of which is fruit based, but we mix it up. Nothing is really off limits for me, but I'd much rather have a home baked treat than something from the supermarket aisle.
    - Low-fat dairy
    - Making sure my pantry is stocked full of staples to make meals... tinned tomatoes, dried beans, lentils, baked beans, pasta.
    - Fruit and vege I make an effort to go to the local fruit and vege shop. Much cheaper and you get lovely, mostly local, seasonal produce. Best thing I have done I think, just wonderful value compared to the supermarket and I feel good trying to support local producers when I can.
    - Nuts, seeds, meat, fish I get at the supermarket but one day I will take the leap and go to my local butchers. For some reason I find the butchers intimidating (not the people, just so much meat and I am not really familiar with the different cuts lol)
    - Reading labels was something I never did... Now it's just a habit and I'm a more informed shopper for it.
    - I have a local shop that has a nice fruit and vege section and a service station with some lovely specials as well (both with mostly local produce), so I do use these if I'm desperate and don't want to run into the supermarket. I'm bound to have some supplies in the cupboard to whip up some kind of meal. I'm getting better at this.
    - My next mission, as well as getting acquainted with the butcher, is becoming better at meal planning, list making and time management!!!

    - Not really shopping, but my herb garden has been a Godsend! I never knew tarragon was so good lol. And basil. Rosemary. etc.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I shop online so I'm not tempted by stuff in the aisles. I create a 'healthy shop' add lots of fruit, veg, chicken, fish to it and save it then can just add the same list to basket each time, occasionally i need to add other stuff,, cleaning things etc when they run out but it doesn't take nearly as long.

    I never shop when I'm hungry or have cravings otherwise I just end up with loads of chocolate in my basket! If I'm going to try something I decide before I start shopping what it will be and check it out before hand for calorie content and whether its wheat and nut free.

    I've managed to stick to diet, but luckily I don't get chance to eat out often as mostly housebound so my diet doesn't often get sabotaged!