What is it about climbing stairs....



  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I am trying to work up to 20 minutes of stair running a day. I'm on 16 at the moment, but I only log half of that.
  • dairaoga
    dairaoga Posts: 22 Member
    Not only I lose my breath when climbing stairs but also my (non existing) leg muscles passes out.
  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    I find stairs never get easier because you naturally challenge yourself on them much more than on a machine. When you're able to climb a flight, you naturally go to the second. Or increase your speed. Or take two at a time.
    Machines are good to measure your capabilities but the actual day-to-day office stairs never seem to get easier for me. Until I look back to where I started.
    Love/Hate stairs
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited February 2016
    Climbing stairs was a major part of my rehab from major knee injuries that left me with one leg like a twig after 3 months unable to bear weight on it.
    Such as easy, but very productive, thing to fit in your everyday life.
    Anybody else have something they do for their health even though it's not particularly fun?
    Running any distance over 100 meters would qualify for me, always hated any running that wasn't sprinting or done as part of a sport.
    Only do it once in a while as I don't want to lose the ability to run and there's a certain perverse satisfaction from doing something to a mediocre standard you are naturally bad at!
    3k in 15 minutes made me ridiculously happy....