My daughters lice is gonna make me fat again! (long)



  • wcox
    wcox Posts: 5
    Hang in there! Looks like people gave you good tips and you seem to be washing, etc. This obviously needs your full attention right now. Don't beat yourself up over an off day of eating/exercising. You WILL get back on track. I am a teacher and know how lice spreads. Please do not feel shameful. Anyone can get it and it is a challege to get rid of it. You will though. :) Take care of yourself and know that you are not alone.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    THEN STRAIGHTEN HER HAIR. Fry those suckers.

    I like that idea.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    My now 30 year old daughter has still not forgiven me for the fact that I ended up so desperate at the constant re-infestations that I cropped her shoulder blade length hair! It was her hair or my sanity and the sanity won :bigsmile:
  • mrscampbell318
    I am SO sorry you are going through this!!! We went through it last summer and me and my three kids had to be treated, over and over and over. I was very overwhelmed and thought it would NEVER go away!!! I was so tired of washing EVERYTHING everyday (clothes, sheets, couches, etc) and buying new brushes just about everyday.....and crying everyday!!!! I hope it's something that NEVER comes into our house again. One time is enough! I've warned my kids to never hug, get close to anyones head, wear anything of theirs, no headbands, jackets, etc. I know they're kids, so they're probably going to forget.... but I know I almost had a mental breakdown last go round!!! What ended up finally treating it, wasn't the over-the-counter treatment, or the first prescription from the doctor, but a very strong second prescription from the doctor (which sounds like it's what you've gotten now). So have hope!!!
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Get on to your school. At the schools I've been involved with if they have this problem, they encourage a de-nit weekend, where all children and households are treated on the same day. It's the only way to break the cycle!
  • aSunflower
    aSunflower Posts: 73 Member
    Several years ago my daughters school had a very serious lice problem. It took forever to find the secret and you are going to think I am crazy but we all use this now.

    Go to the drug store and buy an electric comb. They are in the lice section. Everyday comb out your daughter hair one small section at a time. When the comb hits the lice it will kill it and stop buzzing, just clean out the comb and keep going. I thought this was a scam and laughed when I first used it but it was the only thing that really worked.

    It will not kill the eggs- nothing really does- so you have to use it for two or three weeks until all the the eggs have hatched and been caught.

    Now I use the comb on my kids every fall (the worst of lice season) once a week just to check.

    Good luck- I know how you feel- we spent almost a year dealing with this. It turned out my daughter shared a locker with a girls who's parents never treated her lice effective and kept re-infecting my daughter. I know it can be very frustrating!
  • dawnagetsfit
    Listen, I'm going to tell you a shamefully disgusting story that may make you want to vomit, but should hopefully help you see that's you're doing a good job so put a smile on your face

    several years ago one of my family members had a 12 year old daughter who came down with lice. I found out about this after myself, my husband and my toddler son came down with lice And I called them to warn about it. It turns out that they had actually had the infestation for A YEAR and were giving up fighting it because they couldn't get rid of them.

    GIVING UP #!$*&???? WTH who does that?!??!!

    SO I offered my help and went over to their house to help and show them what to do.

    You could SEE lice crawling on their couch. Lice were literally falling out of the Childs hair while she just sat there. Her scalp was severely inflamed and she was malnourished from them feeding on her for close to a year!!!!!

    I can't go on, you get the picture.

    Point is, you're doing great with whatever you're doing because there are people out there who actually give up and let their child and home be infested with lice!!!
  • cwestcott01
    cwestcott01 Posts: 14 Member
    Wash her hair with white vinegar, the vinegar strips away the glue that holds the nits on the hair, do that a few times then wash her hair they should come really easy. Then don't have her wash her hair again for a week, and put hair up, they hate dirty hair and if her hair is up she shouldn't get them if you have gone through your house. Also you wanna take all pillows, stuffed animals... and put in garbage bags and put aside for 3-4 days to suffacate any bugs in them.