What do you eat when you need to "snack"



  • btb079
    btb079 Posts: 56 Member
    Peppers and hummus, strawberries, a grapefruit, light string cheese and pop chips are a few of my favorites.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I love String Cheese and raw almonds!!
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    strawberries. nom.
  • Tiranna
    Tiranna Posts: 4
    I like sunflower seeds (in their shells, so I can get the most enjoyment out of each one), low-fat string cheese, any small fruits that are in season, or sometimes small fruit snack packs from Healthy Helpings if I want something sweet :)
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    Yoplait 2x protein coconut Greek yogurt!!!! 110 cal of heaven!!!
  • bchmura
    bchmura Posts: 18
    I have an oral fixation which is one of the reasons I am so fat!!! I have started chewing on straws, but it just doesn't cut it. Are there any low calorie snacks you like to munch on through out the day?

    It takes 21 days to break or make a habit. Drink water, get up and move around, just anything to distract you long enough for the craving to pass.

    Some theories hold that you get that urge if your body is low on something... Are you getting the right nutrition? is that causing it? If not, aim for eliminating empty calories, try for nutritionally dense foods.

    Depending on the diet advice, you may want to fit snacks into a schedule. I know people that won't go 2-3 hours without eating some small thing to keep the body firing. Small amounts of nuts, or a fruit or something.

    If you really think this is the problem - I'd vote to work on eliminating the behavior, not encouraging it by finding things you can snack on. You are here, so you are obviously motivated to make some change. You can do it! Set up a snack schedule so you have a snack (healthy and small) between meals... just tell yourself you can make it to the snack.
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    See's lollipops are great for oral fixation and low cal
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I used to smoke, I chew my nails, I have serious oral fixation. I KNOW what you're going thru. I also snack on the 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn. THEN, when I'm done with the popped ones, I actually chew on the unpopped kernals a couple at a time. Good for my cravings, bad for my TMJ.

  • carrots! I love the snapping sound so its kinda fun to eat. Bring me back to the Bugs Bunny days :)

    Also -

    Fiber One cereal bars
    Chobani Plain Yogurt mixed with jello to add flavor!
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Oral fixation could be a cause of iron deficiency. Maybe you need some lean red meat, or spinach in your diet.

    If you want a no calorie crunch, chew on some ice cubes.

    If you want something with flavor, seasoned edamame, sauteed sugar snap peas, air popped pop corn, or some dried salted laver does it for me.
  • nadiafox
    nadiafox Posts: 24
    Plain air-popped popcorn is only 93 calories for 3 cups, and you can always add a little olive oil or salt for flavor.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Celery sticks are good cause they need a bit of chewing - we often chop up a bunch and put it on a communal table at work for everyone to munch on. Gotta love having a department that have all gotten on board the healthy eating thing!

    Raw nuts are also good, I've always got a tub of mixed pistachios, almonds, macadamias, walnuts, etc on hand as well :)
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    1) Gum!
    2) Popcorn
    3) Berries

    I Love all these very much!
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    home popped popcorn (for crunchy days&), gherkins (for salty days), and frozen peas (for I'm reading and want something to do that is mindless type days).
  • Borgbear
    Borgbear Posts: 7 Member
    I've discovered two things for me. I love chocolate. The first is Double Feature Trail Mix from Whole Foods. It has almonds, cashews, sour cherries and mini peanut butter cups. A 1/4 is only 150 calories and 4 grams of protein. The second is Quaker 25% Less Sugar granola Bars 100 calories a bar and only 5 grams of sugar. I love the Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter ones.
  • Ginpugh36
    Ginpugh36 Posts: 5 Member
    My go to snacks are frozen blueberries (full of fiber so they stay with you a while). Fried pork skins, almonds, a tsp of peanut butter, one hershey kiss. I try not to "deprive" myself but if its not in my house I can't eat it.
  • GroupXZ
    GroupXZ Posts: 196 Member
    Peanut butter and apple. I eat this almost everyday....
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    i dont munch throughout the day... i do keep enough cals for a skinnycow though :-) or strawberries (i love them)
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    If it's just an oral fixation, there's chewing gum in every imaginable flavor. Extra has dessert flavored ones - Apple Pie, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Strawberry Shortcake.

    If you are actually hungry, Reduced Fat String Cheese Sticks, Raw baby carrots, Raw Pepper Slices (mini sweet peppers)

    And when I need a "naughty" snack, I love Dark Chocolate Roasted Almonds...or a single Hershey's Special Dark Miniature bar (I've still got some in the freezer from a bag I bought over 6 months ago)
    way to go miss 100 pounds smaller!!!
    and I agree, if you're actually hungry have something nutritious, but if not there are some great gum flavours. oddly I sometimes just brush my teeth when I feel that way.
  • fourtolove
    fourtolove Posts: 2 Member
    I love very crisp and cold celery. And if I need to sweeten it up a bit I add a smidge of peanut butter and some raisins. Very kid like, but also very satisfying. I also just learned how low calorie red and orange raw peppers are tonight. If you think you don't like them, try them again! Wait for them to go on sale and pick up one. The red and orange are the sweetest and very crunchy! Good luck!