This might be a stupid question...BUT...



  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    Thanks for all the answers! :) x
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member

    I don't know which type of vodka you prefer, but I was able to find the nutritional (if you can call it that) content of Grey Goose.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I try to stick with vodka! I mix it with crystal light packets and water or diet cranberry juice! Enjoy your weekend!!!

    This is a great idea! I used to drink Bud Select 55 but was diagnosed with celiac last June and can't have beer. I started drinking rum and diet. Then all diet pop started tasting bad to me. I don't know why being gluten free would make diet pop taste funny but it did. Anyway, I switched to vodka and cranberry juice but there are so many calories in juice. I could order vodka and water and put a little cranberry crystal light in it! I'm so excited about this. LOL Thanks! :bigsmile: :love:

    Rum is sooooo high in sugar...especially the dark!! if the bar I'm at doesn't have the diet cran I just ask for a glass of water and start diluting it..that way I'm drinking that same one oz of vodka forever, instead of ordering multiple drinks!! Or u can ask the bartender to add 1/2 water 1/2 cran ...but I prefer to do it myself!