What would you do?



  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    Jacquelyn--you are still finishing school dear-this isn't going to terribly mess up ANY future employment..I've been in this situation before and you don't need to sit through that! AND if a future employer were to find out, explain the circumstances..if they were to turn you down due to this situation are they really someone you want to work for? That would show me that they didn't really appreciate or respect their employees like they deserve..I promise sweetie..you are young..don't be scared into being bullied and harassed!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Do you have references you can use on a resume that aren't from this current office?

    If so. Get a box, pack your stuff and go home today.

    Life is short, don't let people treat you like s**t.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    If you are not using them as a referance I would say F it an leave,very loudly
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    Contact HR.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Could you walk over to their office door (so they see you) and look them in the eye and slowly close the door, sure would show them that you heard them and perhaps embarrass them. When I first started at a previous job, my boss was talking badly about me and I just walked away and always regretted not letting him know that I heard exactly what he said.

    ^^This is a good idea. Alternatively, you could gut a fish on your desk a la Office Space.
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 197 Member
    Been in that position and it is not nice.

    I worked at a place for 7 years. Did six months off site and came back to a roasting from ths boss becuase one of the new boys (he had been there 9 months) had been bad mouthing me.

    I told my boss straight that I did not like being stabbed in the back but it was not his problem I had to deal with it.

    I had another job offer so the next day I quit. But I still saw out my months notice as I did not know where I would run into him again or how word of mouth would travel.

    Started new job 50 miles down the road to find out that my new boss was close personal friends with my old boss and knew every bit of what had happened. But he also told me that bad mouthing would not happen at my new job and had more respect for me that I stuck it out for the full month notice even though this guy was giving me hell every day. My ex-boss did nothing.

    Funnily enough I quit the new job after a month and they said I had to do a month's notice. Luckily I was on holiday for 3 weeks of that and took it unpaid. They forced me to come back for a week and made my life hell.

    I was on call for the week. They made sure there were problems all night every night so I was working on 2 hours sleep. When in the office I was being ignored to the point they would pass me notes rather than talk to me.

    I stuck it out for the week. Walked out with my head held high. No hand shake or anything.

    As I left I opened the window. Went and got in my car. Drove round the front of the building and leaned out the car window doing a dukes of hazzard style YEE-HAAAAAAAAA

    It felt satisfying but I still had my head held high and both companies have given me a good reference.

    Now I word with a cracking bunch of chaps in a lovely office. 2 people have left and while there has been joking they have both been respected for bettering themselves and the jobs they have done.

    Good luck. Stay strong and it will be over in 5 working days.

    If you hear them talking about you go and have an extended coffee break. You have handed your notice in. There is sod all they can do about that. And only do half the jobs your supposed to do even if you tell them it has been done.

    They will only notice once your gone and they won't be able to get you back lol.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Call your boss out on it. Tell them you can hear them and it isn't appropriate.
    You deserve better.

    This is probably the most appropriate thing to do, but to be honest, I would most likely to tell her to kiss my *kitten*-ets... goodbye. Yeah, I would just call in sick like all next week.

    Good luck with this. Sorry they are treating you so badly.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Do you have references you can use on a resume that aren't from this current office?

    If so. Get a box, pack your stuff and go home today.

    Life is short, don't let people treat you like s**t.

    Yes - thankfully I do! I will list this job on my resume of course since I have utilized A LOT of skills here, but there is no way in h*ll I would use them as a reference even if we WERE in good standing. They are the type of people to say they'd give you a great reference but stab you in the back any chance they got.
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    You should leave right now if you don't need the money. my wife is a HR executive and the two week "rule" is old and outdated. You should write an email so you have "proof" of the hardship at work, act totally professional and just say you are terminating immediately.

    To bad a company that small does not have a HR department so you can talk to them.
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    Could you ask your boss to give you a letter of recommendation instead of hope that when she is called she'll be nice? That way she would write the letter and you would be able to see it and deliver it to your future job prospects. Just a thought.
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Call your boss out on it. Tell them you can hear them and it isn't appropriate.
    You deserve better.

    This is probably the most appropriate thing to do, but to be honest, I would most likely to tell her to kiss my *kitten*-ets... goodbye. Yeah, I would just call in sick like all next week.

    Good luck with this. Sorry they are treating you so badly.

    I would love to call them out but I'm extremely passive, especially in situations like this... so much that it's almost a weakness. It sucks!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Could you walk over to their office door (so they see you) and look them in the eye and slowly close the door, sure would show them that you heard them and perhaps embarrass them. When I first started at a previous job, my boss was talking badly about me and I just walked away and always regretted not letting him know that I heard exactly what he said.

    ^^This is a good idea. Alternatively, you could gut a fish on your desk a la Office Space.

    Or burn the place down because someone took your stapler?

    This is my :O face! LOL! :laugh:
  • jbuntu
    jbuntu Posts: 54 Member
    I agree that you should stick it out, but only for a sense of personal triumph over adversity. The best revenge on a bad employer is always to get a better job. For fun, you can always leave a resignation haiku on your last day. Here's my personal fav:

    Stupid can’t be fixed.
    Leaders lack vision and wit.
    F*** this place. I quit.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Could you ask your boss to give you a letter of recommendation instead of hope that when she is called she'll be nice? That way she would write the letter and you would be able to see it and deliver it to your future job prospects. Just a thought.

    I like this. Because if she puts on the paper that you are awesome then tells them on the phone that you suck then her reference loses all credibility.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Are you allowed to use headphones? I wouldn't burn any bridges anywhere. You never know when it will come back and bite you in the *kitten*. Just listen to music this next week to avoid overhearing anything they feel like saying, be polite/better person, collect your paycheck and move on.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    im not even sure how many people ACTUALLY call the references..this happened at my last job..the 3rd shift manager harassed mostly all of the females, but he mainly geared it towards me for some reason..we were cool when he started there, but each time he got into a higher position, his attitude got worse..one night, after about 3 months or so, i was tired, as i had been there for 10 hours, and had to be up in 4 hours, he made a comment about me leaving without asking, and i told him to shove it up his @$$, ad told him to *kitten* off, i was quitting, and i threw my uniform at him..he got pissy and tried to tell me i needed to come in in the morning and talk to the owner about it, and i said i was on my time now..unfortunately, the owner didnt care that i left because he was best pals with this jack@$$ manager, so he took his side..there is alot more to this situation, but me leaving that way never affected my ability to get a new job..good luck, do what you think is right for YOU..only you know that:flowerforyou:
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Without reading all the responses, my instinct would be to get up and leave since you don't plan on using them as a reference and if you can afford it. I just don't have the personality to sit around and listen to people talk smack about me without getting into an altercation. I'd rather leave then potentially wind up in jail!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Walk in on them as they are talking about you and let them know that you can leave today if that would be better. :)
  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Could you walk over to their office door (so they see you) and look them in the eye and slowly close the door, sure would show them that you heard them and perhaps embarrass them. When I first started at a previous job, my boss was talking badly about me and I just walked away and always regretted not letting him know that I heard exactly what he said.

    GREAT idea.
  • If this was your career, I'd say stick it out until the last day, but it sounds like it's just a job. If you don't need that last week's salary, call in sick and give yourself a little adventure for the week. Or spend the time more productively by packing and getting excited about your big move! I've spent all of my adult life busting my butt for people who didn't deserve it and a few of them threw me under the bus when it was convenient. No job is worth the aggravation, and years from now you'll barely remember their names. You will always find people in the work environment who are small-minded, petty and who bring their special kind of crazy into the workplace. I've reached a place in my career where I've learned to rise above that nonsense. It's refreshing. Congrats on all the exciting positive changes in your life!