What would you do?



  • SkinnyRuthy
    SkinnyRuthy Posts: 154 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it! I know that seems flippant, but I recently dealt with a very painful gossip situation and still kind of am where people were saying things about my husband and about me that were totally wrong and inappropriate---we were being accused of something we TOTALLY did not do and also made fun of for another time when we made a correct decision but it wasn't what others wanted us to do because it would have benefited them but it would have put my husbands job at risk. I think in these situations, you need to take a step back, deep breath, and realize it doesn't matter. It really really really really really doesn't matter. The more thought, energy, focus you give to this the more energy will be taken off you staying focused for your new life changes, you could have stress arguments with your partner, walk away with bitterness instead of joy moving forward, and really... letting them get to you means they win. I know it hurts. I know you want to fight back and tell them whats what, but who cares who knew what first. It doesn't matter.... unless you're in elementary school of course... oh wait, it doesn't matter then either. The truth is you are strong, beautiful, talented, and a wonderful creation. Are you really going to hand your boss the power of your day too? Stand strong. Smile kindly. Thank your meany pants boss for allowing you to have your job and express something wonderful you have learned while you were there. I swear to God, your boss will feel like literally squishy poo. My mom always says "Kill 'em with kindness". Give it a whirl and keep that chin up freaking HIGH. You got this...unless you don't and you let them keep stomping all over you. Show them how strong and valuable you REALLY are by not acting as low and disrespectful as they are. If you can walk away with dignity and grace you win. Hands down. *hug* This is only a moment. It will not last and in 3 months it will not matter. Don't burn bridges unnecessarily. Best wishes!
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    I posted yesterday about how I put my two weeks notice in and now my boss and two other co-workers of mine (there are only 5 of us total, so basically the whole office) have been talking badly about me. Now I'm sitting at my desk, my boss has her door wide open and one of the leasing agents are in there. They are talking about a replacement and who they know that might be appropriate for the job, then they started blatantly talking badly about me! They lowered to a whisper, but it was more of like an indoor library voice that everyone can still hear.

    I'm shaking and I'm upset. I still have to be here for one more week and it's not fair for me to be subjected to their horrible opinion of me. When I started this job, there were certain things my boss used to do and then she gave me a pay raise and said it was my job. I agreed to do it because of the raise (duh) but because I didn't know any better. After a few weeks, I realized all along she should've continued to take over that responsibility because that way she had a "hand" in what I was doing. Now her and one of the ladies are saying she needs to go back to that because that's how it SHOULD be. I've been saying it all along but nobody gave a crap.

    They are going to continue to talk badly about me until the day I leave. I won't be using my boss as a reference because I don't trust her even though she says she will give me a good one. I'm half tempted to leave and not come back. I'm miserable.

    What would you do? I've been here for 5 months and I've never been treated worse. Stick it out or say F it and leave?
    i absolutely would go and speak to your boss and ask her questions, am i a good employee? did i do my job? get her opinion and than if it is all good, ask her why she is bashing you in front of the other employees. make sure the door is open so everyone can hear.
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    If you don't need the cash or a reference.. leave.. and let boss know why.. but my motto is never to burn any bridges.. you never know.... Good luck.. Feel bad for you.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I would have stood up right then grabbed my stuff and walked out....
  • PurpleSweetpea
    Walk in on them as they are talking about you and let them know that you can leave today if that would be better. :)

    I like this!! Sorry you're having a crap time and I wish you all the best in the future!
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Personally I would wait till Friday and then leave. I wouldn't wait another week. I would either say directly to their face or send an email and say that you felt unneeded and belittled and you felt it was better for everyone if you went ahead and left. I wouldn't just sit there and deal with their crap.
  • jenseye
    jenseye Posts: 166 Member
    In my opinion, take or leave it, I'd stay. It's just the way I am, I feel I piss them off more by continuing to come in do my job to the best of my ability and put a smile on my face. Don't burn bridges you can't rebuild them...you may think you won't need her reference or the company's, but you never know what happens in the future.
    BUT I would say something privately before I left. Be calm and be professional...maybe something like this...
    "I would like to thank you for the opportunity to work here, and appreciate the experience I gained. Before I leave I would like to say I feel it was very unprofessional for you to speak disrepectfully about me behind my back. If you weren't happy with my performance here or had an issue with something that I done you should have spoken to me directly and let me know. But if that is the way you want to run your business and treat your employees that is totally up to you and I wish you the best of luck".
    Shake her hand and walk out with your head held high!
  • JoeSzup
    JoeSzup Posts: 51 Member
    Walk in and say "Hi, I can every word you are saying". The flash and evil smile and walk away. Let them wonder. -OR- Go right to HR if that is an option.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    My opinion, It's a week so stick it out. Not a year, not even a month. If you can, turn on some music a tune it out and focus on how great it will be once you don't have to work there anymore. I bet it will make your next job, no matter how crappy it may be, look like a breeze.

    F those B's!!!

    Stick it out and show them that they can't break you!

    Just because you are passive doesn't mean you cannot appear to be strong!!
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I would send your boss an email that reads.

    Do you need to speak with me? I hear you mentioning me in your office, I can be there whenever you are ready.

    That will either shut them up.. or they will tell you, that you are free to leave now.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I am a big loud mouth. I would have actually got up from my desk, walked in there, said," If you would like to talk about, please share. I am all ears." Then, they can either say what they want to say or not. What's the worst they can do? Fire you? Unemployemnt sounds good to me while you are job hunting. Don't let anyone walk all over you. I don't know how it is for you but in Iowa even if they are a reference they are not allowed to disclose anything but a few things. They can't say why you were fired etc. Just if you would be eligible for rehire.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I would send your boss an email that reads.

    Do you need to speak with me? I hear you mentioning me in your office, I can be there whenever you are ready.

    That will either shut them up.. or they will tell you, that you are free to leave now.

    I like this... and where in Florida are you moving too! Welcome to my State!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I would send your boss an email that reads.

    Do you need to speak with me? I hear you mentioning me in your office, I can be there whenever you are ready.

    That will either shut them up.. or they will tell you, that you are free to leave now.

    I like this... and where in Florida are you moving too! Welcome to my State!

    Ormond Beach :)
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    Call your boss out on it. Tell them you can hear them and it isn't appropriate.
    You deserve better.

    Also I like the idea below my comment lol

    I agree!!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I was in the same position a few months ago. A small office of about 6 people, and 5 of them were all talking bad and treating me like crap after I gave my notice. I asked to have my exit interview (with her boss) early. When I had my exit interview, i still had a week and a half to go, but I told her boss that I did not feel comfortable going back, and I didnt. I took the rest of the week and a half off to recoup from their BullSh*t before I started my new job.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I would stick it out... and know that you have the maturity and self-confidence to stand up to bullies... they sound like a weak group anyway. Next time I hear them talking about me I would go in and sit with them and ask them if they needed to run anything by me because nothing I heard before seemed accurate.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Asking for a written letter of reference is a great idea. She will either have to live up to her word and "give you a good reference", or show herself for what she is. Additionally- and more importantly- since you are still in high school talk to your guidance counselor. He or she can advise you. I believe a complaint to the department of labor is a very good idea. It's likely it would have no affect on this employer (unless others have complained), but there needs to be a record of it.

    It's never a good idea to make a scene, but if they confront you nastily, defend yourself with class. As others suggested, it would be fine to catch their eye when they are talking negatively about you - even though they KNOW you are within earshot, it might make them squirm. There would be some satisfaction in it.

    It sounds like you're an ambitious young lady, and will have no trouble finding a better job where your dedication and hard work is appreciated.Good luck!
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    Asking for a written letter of reference is a great idea. She will either have to live up to her word and "give you a good reference", or show herself for what she is. Additionally- and more importantly- since you are still in high school talk to your guidance counselor. He or she can advise you. I believe a complaint to the department of labor is a very good idea. It's likely it would have no affect on this employer (unless others have complained), but there needs to be a record of it.

    It's never a good idea to make a scene, but if they confront you nastily, defend yourself with class. As others suggested, it would be fine to catch their eye when they are talking negatively about you - even though they KNOW you are within earshot, it might make them squirm. There would be some satisfaction in it.

    It sounds like you're an ambitious young lady, and will have no trouble finding a better job where your dedication and hard work is appreciated.Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice! I should've clarified I'm still in school as in college. I'm 23 years young! lol
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Wow, do we have the same boss?
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I worked somewhere like that. They acted like I was SO valuable to the company and while I did work my way up and got a raise in my first year there, I worked my *kitten* off and still wasn't making much and wasn't getting a whole lot of respect. I started to see how corrupt the company was and what an awful person my boss was, so I started job hunting and wound up getting the job with the company where I work now (which I LOVE and plan to stay at for the rest of my working life). The MINUTE I put in my 2 weeks notice, my boss started treating me like crap and being a huge b!tch to me and basically dumping tons of crap on me to get done in my last 2 weeks. Fortunately, I had about 4 days of vacation saved up so I took my last 4 days there as vacation, and stayed in touch with the payroll person so I could make sure they didn't screw me on my check.

    Stick it out. If you've got any sick or vacation days, use them up, they legally have to pay you for those. And once the 2 weeks is over, wash your hands of the entire situation and be done with em!