When do you weigh?

When do you weigh yourself? Do you have a strict schedule, a certain day, a certain time, or do you just weigh at random?

I only weigh once a week, always in the morning after I use the bathroom, before I eat or drink anything, usually on a Thursday.

I'm curious as to what everyone else does...?



  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Every Saturday morning. Get up, go to the bathroom if needed, take off my clothes and get on the scale. :laugh:
    I used to weigh everyday, multiple times a day. WOW, what a fast way to drive yourself crazy. Weighing in just once a week has been kind of liberating for me.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm an addict I have to weigh each morning when I get up.
  • nikki_marie05
    nikki_marie05 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree, I used to do the same thing, now I weigh once a week and the bigger number give me more motivation to keep going, opposed to everyday and not losing anything on some days. I weigh without my clothes too lol
    Every Saturday morning. Get up, go to the bathroom if needed, take off my clothes and get on the scale. :laugh:
    I used to weigh everyday, multiple times a day. WOW, what a fast way to drive yourself crazy. Weighing in just once a week has been kind of liberating for me.
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Me too, I will take everything I can get! lol
  • stacygb
    stacygb Posts: 69 Member
    First thing Monday morning before I eat or drink anything!
  • nikki_marie05
    nikki_marie05 Posts: 88 Member
    Lol, are you actually losing weight everyday? I bet that is nice! I can't weigh everyday or I drive myself nuts if I'm not losing.
    Me too, I will take everything I can get! lol
  • alexandra0713
    alexandra0713 Posts: 41 Member
    I usually weigh in about once every two weeks. I do this immediately following a morning run and before I eat or drink anything. I also try to focus less on weight and more on how I look and feel.
  • Glasspack
    Glasspack Posts: 105 Member
    Usually 1st of the month in the morning.
  • I weigh on Saturday mornings before I eat and without clothes. I find it best because if I go out on the weekend and then weigh on Monday, I'm not happy with the results. It's better for me to weigh on Saturday after I've been good all week than to weigh on Monday after I've splurged a bit on the weekend.
  • tlanute
    tlanute Posts: 13
    Usually every morning.
    Its always at 6:45 am, after I wake up and use the bathroom, and before I eat anything for the day.
  • Slhuth
    Slhuth Posts: 43 Member
    It's a morning ritual for me....I go to the bathroom. take all clothes off and then weigh myself and then start the day:happy:
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I usually weigh in on Fridays. Sometimes if I've been having an awesome few days workout-and-calorie-wise, I'll weigh myself again just to see if I've lost. I'm not very addicted to the scale though...I tend to forget to weigh myself until I see everyone on my friends list weighing in.

    I ONLY weigh myself first thing in the morning though after I've used the restroom.
  • Every morning before i eat and i have to weigh naked..lol.. i want my TRUE weight !
  • nikki_marie05
    nikki_marie05 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree, but the numbers help keep me motivated.
    I usually weigh in about once every two weeks. I do this immediately following a morning run and before I eat or drink anything. I also try to focus less on weight and more on how I look and feel.
  • lee_tina007
    lee_tina007 Posts: 7 Member
    Everyday in the morning, just to remind myself to watch what I put into my mouth.
  • nikki_marie05
    nikki_marie05 Posts: 88 Member
    Wow, once a month, I don't know if I could wait that long!
    Usually 1st of the month in the morning.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    get up, go pee, no clothes:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: weigh in, record, every morning
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I used to weigh daily, multiple times a day (before eating, after, before working out, after, etc.) for years. It was a terrible obsession. I finally mustered up the courage to throw away my scale last week. Proud to say I have no idea how much I weigh & that's totally okay with me. I'm focusing on how my clothes are fitting and how my body feels, rather than some stupid number that would make or break my day (regardless of how my body actually looked).
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Random. I don't own scales, so I only weigh myself at other people's houses. Last time was about 7 weeks ago.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    When do you weigh yourself? Do you have a strict schedule, a certain day, a certain time, or do you just weigh at random?

    I only weigh once a week, always in the morning after I use the bathroom, before I eat or drink anything, usually on a Thursday.

    I'm curious as to what everyone else does...?


    Once per week on a Sunday morning is when I weigh. Always naked, after a wee, when I first rise from my pit.