How are you going to reward yourself?



  • RachelGraceReed83
    RachelGraceReed83 Posts: 133 Member
    When I hit my big goal I will be getting a tattoo. Still working on the design, hopefully I will be at my goal by late summer of this year! :) Can't wait!
  • HendersonDavid
    by taking off my shirt at the beach and tanning my white cheeks.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    There's soooo many ways I'd like to reward myself...but for now I'm just focusing on my mini goals. I still have a good 100+ pounds to lose and I don't want to look that far down the path.

    I like to because it motivates me. :)
  • gatorgirlyyy
    A whole new wardrobe!

    I'll need one of those too! :) I'll look forward to shopping and not leaving crying with nothing in hand. :(
  • gatorgirlyyy
    When I lost 25 pounds in the summer my mom and I went and bought a lot of dresses. :)

    I haven't worn a dress in 7 years! They just show way too many imperfections! I want a little black dress and some sexy red heels. :) lol
  • gatorgirlyyy
    I'm going to splurge on 2 or 3 fancy professional photo shoots. I want to remember how it feels to accomplish my goals (and be my goal weight.) And I feel like the professional photography will sorta immortalize my efforts. Excited about it!

    That sounds like a wonderful idea! You'll really be able to see (and share) all of your accomplishments.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    by taking off my shirt at the beach and tanning my white cheeks.
