Almost ready to throw in the towel



  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Lots of people have talked about possible reasons for the weight not budging, so I'll take the other, equally important angle....

    It's not all about weight loss! Even if you are still at the same weight, you've still made yourself healthier, lowered your risk of lifestyle diseases, and presumably also improved your mobility by doing all that exercise and eating better. I'll betcha your cholesterol levels have dropped at least a little, and that your lung function has improved a lot! You mightn't be seeing much in the way of results on the scales or tape measure, but what you're doing is far, far from wasted effort.
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Maybe you aren't eating enough. If you open your diary people could give better suggestions.

    ditto. open your diary , so people can help
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    It may be time to make an appointment with a dietician.
  • happypath101
    How are you sleeping? If you're not sleeping well, you should focus your attention on that. If you think you're sleeping well, try adding in a bit more sleep and see if that helps. There's a growing body of evidence that sleep can really affect our metabolism. I learned about this AFTER I concluded that sleep must make a difference. I was already eating and excercising well and totally at a plateau when my marriage ended. Because the marriage had been so stressful, that first little while I was separated I started sleeping like a log. I lost 20 pounds in a matter of months. And, honestly, my fitness routine and diet barely changed. My stress level went WAY up. So, I think it really was the sleep. Speaking of that, I should hit the sack! :O) Good luck! And, don't give up! :O)
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Well looking at your diary the past week u r starving yourself and your body isn't gonna let go of any fat that way u are intaking 1800 cals n burn 800!!! Also cleaner eating fresh fruits,veggies,and lean meats sometimes we have to limit the processed snacks to reach our weightloss goals...JS;) Take a look ay your own diary for the past 2 weeks and see if u see the issue;)
  • happypath101
    Oh - and I have a breakfast suggestion for you. I recently tried broiled grapefruit. It is SO good! Just slice the fruit in half and put it open side up on a cookie sheet. Broil it for about 5 minutes or so. Sprinkle some cinammon on it and you have a great, low-cal, no-fat, no dairy, NO EGG, breaky! I hope you like it. (It's less tangy than raw, but the flavour is really rich and delicious.)
  • knconrad
    knconrad Posts: 2
    I don't think you are eating enough....I am 5'5", 123 lbs (42yrs old) and I eat between 1700-1800 calories per day ~ working out 6 days per week. I just finished the Insanity program and lost 8lbs in 60 days...lowered my body fat from 25% to 18%. Today I started a new Beach Body program that is a combonation of P90X and Insanity.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    you don't need to spend 2 hours at the gym
    1 hr is enough...I think u are stressing your body out by training so hard

    u need to do some strength training 3x a week

    hit the weights at your gym 3 days a week and the cardio machines 2 x a week
    do your yard work on saturday and rest on sunday

    give it a couple weekd and see how that does for you
  • arayajane
    arayajane Posts: 4 Member
    NOOOO!!!! Don't throw in the towel!!! Step back and take a deep breath... It sounds like you have been through a lot of stuff. The only suggestions I have are stress relief and don't give up on yourself.
  • manoahula
    If oatmeal isn't good..Please othr ideas that DO NOT include any part of the egg. I will NOT be able to eat it. I just can't even though I have been tempted because I know that it is normally suggested and I have had success with Low Carb/High Protein before, but unless I want to spend the day sick and doubled over and possible in the ER it will not be an option.

    If you're feeling like your breakfast options are limited due to your egg allergy, DON'T! There are plenty of vegan breakfast recipes out there that will not have egg as an ingredient. You don't have to make the recipe 100% vegan (you can use dairy in place of the dairy substitutes). But there are lots of tricks for working around eggs.

    I personally like oatmeal as a breakfast's filling and good for reducing cholesterol. But if you're looking for an egg-free breakfast option that's low carb/high protein, tofu scrambles are a good bet (and there are lots of good tofu scramble recipes out there).
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    i think you should adjust your goal. your calories seem too low. many people experience success when they eat more calories. if you are a really active person in your every day life, you definitely should think about that. and it looks like you are not eating your exercise calories, so I think you may be in what some call starvation mode. good luck!. I have thyroid issues too. so I completely understand.
  • cchartzell
    Don't give up. I struggled with thyroid issues after my daughter was born, and it took me almost two full years to get it working properly. During that time, exercise was tough because of pain and fatigue. Controlling my diet was tough because of extreme carbohydrate cravings (something that happens with severe hypothyroidism). But keep pushing through it. As your body continues to heal, you will start to see some of the results you've been working toward. And really, the most loving thing you can do for your body is to do your best to get it healthy. Maybe, right now, it won't result in dropping a pants size or losing inches. But it will help you to get on the right track and help make it easier for your body to recalibrate and recover.

    From personal experience, it took me about 2 years from start to finish to get my body back on track after total thyroid failure. But I lost everything I wanted to and I'm in great shape now.

    If you need a friend who gets how tough the journey is when you're dealing with thyroid problems you can add me!

  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    Drop down to 3 lifting days a week and take brisk walks on rest days.
    Take weekends off from any workouts.
    Try to only burn 200-300 cals a day.
    eat the calories given for moderate activity and see if there is a change.
    you are overtraining and your body needs to rest.

    Try this for a month and see if you get some changes.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Don't throw in the towel. I am on steriods too right now, feeling great but not dropping weight. I am sure the later part of the week will suck.
    Just focus on you exercise, lots of lean meats and veggies. Low carb.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    what is your BMR
    what is yout TDEE
    What is your Body fat percentage?
    what is your age and goal weight?
  • qofe11
    qofe11 Posts: 4
    Hi Lovely :) really sorry to hear of your rough times :( I umagine it felt as though your world is caving in!

    Is your thyroid underactive? If you are having weight problems then I suspect it is. I have had some similar problems and so will share with you what worked for me.

    I gave up smoking and coffee together. My body must have registered that there was no caffine or nicotine rushing around in my blood stream ... she must be dead :) ... After quitting I had an underactive thyroid and adrenal fatigue. The thyroid is very closely linked to the adrenal sysyem and so long term stress can affect thyroid function.

    What I found worked for me was
    joining gym and doing regular excercise... diet alone wont do it I am afraid... also look into foods that can adversely affect the thyroid.
    A high quality Omega 3 oil is a must ..

    good luck x