Sisterhood of Holy Crap I fit into these Pants -- Week 18



  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Howdy everyone! So last night I put some work into just the normal pasta. Threw in some extra tomatoes, garlic (of course:laugh: ), spinach, summer squash and zuccini (from last year's garden). Added 3/4 pound of burger/italian sausage mix and even the hubby ate it, and ate more of it. :laugh: :laugh: I was going to make some stuffed peppers tonight but hubby brought home calf nuts:sick: , so that's on hold till tomorrow. I think I'll have left-overs:laugh: .

    Major victory worth sharing -- I started week 2 of couch to 5K, and on the last set of 90 second jog, I just kept going. Then the munchkin woke up and I looked at my watch and 7 minutes had passed of me jogging. Now I wasn't breaking any speed records that's for sure, but it was more than a walk. 7 whole minutes. I was pretty proud, especially since I've never thought of myself as a jogger, or that I even could for that long. The planets and stars must have alined for just suck an occasion.:laugh:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    morn ladies and gents (where is that guy hope hes ok) need to go back to school to register today all the way to manhattan (no too bad actually just a train but a pain to go 45 min for a twenty min thing) then i got to go to internship tues instead of today cause my supervisor "forgot" to do my evaluation i call and shes like well did u fill it out yet and im like no we were gonna do it togerther and shes like u should fill it out first then we will go over it. so not fair so i guess vacation doesnt really start until wed? shoot the stress should hopefully be gone at least no more presntation

    sorry for the vent im just frustrated.

    good luck all today let me know if u need help with the fruit veggie thing


  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Whoooo-hooooo!!! Go, Kaycee, go!!! I know it feels soooo good to be able to do more than a minute at a time... It makes you feel like you can start running marathons, right?!!:bigsmile: I need to start getting back on the C25K again-since I got sick, I quit, and need to start over. The weather is beautiful here, and I would love to start running outdoors without embarrassing myself!

    I went to a kickboxing class last night, and then off to volleyball. I was too worn out to do P90X, so I am going to make it up tonight after my kids go to sleep. I also got some good news-there might be volleyball on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which would mean I get to play 3 times a week. It would really bring up my calorie burn!!! Last night I got over 1700!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • kimlee
    kimlee Posts: 79 Member
    Kaycee --- Congrats on jogging !!

    MissResa - You can't taste the spinach at all.

    I did pretty good on the fruits/veggies yesterday - 2 cups of spinach in my smoothie, a bananna, a big veggie laden salad for lunch. No fruits/vegs as of yet - but I am thinking of veggie fajitas for lunch, and some fruit as an afternoon snack.
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    So yesterday I did the c25K thing. Only this time just did 2 sets to warm up, then I went a little over 10 minutes straight! I think those few minutes of warm up alternating walking and jogging are the key. Before I was just trying to walk a little and then take off jogging and couldn't figure out why I was so winded and then get discouraged.
    Resa- I know what you mean about jogging outside and not being embarrassed, but I live in the boonies:laugh: . I was just thinking the other day that I'd like to go see my parents, and would I jog at their house (in the city)? I think I would, because screw anybody that might make fun of me, I'll never see them again, and what are THEY doing to better themselves? That's just how I think.:wink:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    congrats kacee i was in a buble yes but then i realized while walking the streets of Manhattan its Fleet Week sailors everywhere best part they come to the park near my house with helicopters and do demonstrations let u go in helicopter and take pics do great mood.

    good with the fruits and veggies guys if u need help let me know.

    gorgeous here in NYC luv it and gonna do some cardio today with my mother

    luv you all

  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Kaycee-there's a bike path that runs behind our high school and ends up behind the elementary school... It's pretty secluded, other than the people who might get it into their heads to go for a run... I was thinking about taking my little one in a jogging stroller and letting my older daughter ride her bike, and trying out running outdoors for once! The C25K program makes it seem more possible, you know?

    Speaking about C25K-I haven't been doing it ever since I got really sick, so I'm starting it over this week. I even put some new songs on my Ipod to the program, so I'm all amped up to start again. I'd really like to try running a 5K-that's my overall goal to reach!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    congrats kacee i was in a buble yes but then i realized while walking the streets of Manhattan its Fleet Week sailors everywhere best part they come to the park near my house with helicopters and do demonstrations let u go in helicopter and take pics do great mood.

    good with the fruits and veggies guys if u need help let me know.

    gorgeous here in NYC luv it and gonna do some cardio today with my mother

    luv you all

    Hehe hubby was one. He said he didn't get to NYC Fleet week, but he did in Seatle and then in Australia! Silly boys....I'll just leave it at that:laugh: :laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Yesteday I braved out Couch 2 5K for the first time since getting really, really sick. I felt sooooo good, and pushed myself pretty hard. I was so happy because I felt like I could have done it over again another 2 times. Then, I looked to the side of the treadmill's monitor, and realized that I had been running on an incline THE ENTIRE TIME without knowing it!!! Boy, did that make me happy!

    I'm hoping that the weather gets nicer-I want to take the kids, and my dogs, for a walk today and burn off some of their excess energy... You've got to LOVE summer vacation!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    congrats kacee i was in a buble yes but then i realized while walking the streets of Manhattan its Fleet Week sailors everywhere best part they come to the park near my house with helicopters and do demonstrations let u go in helicopter and take pics do great mood.

    good with the fruits and veggies guys if u need help let me know.

    gorgeous here in NYC luv it and gonna do some cardio today with my mother

    luv you all

    Hehe hubby was one. He said he didn't get to NYC Fleet week, but he did in Seatle and then in Australia! Silly boys....I'll just leave it at that:laugh: :laugh:

    lucky girl :wink: im think tom they will b at the park so ill take pics if they do

    wats every1s plans for memorial weekend more importantly food wise???
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    Well I think I'm at a place where I can FINALLY start contributing again! I apologize for the two months with no contact, but we finally got moved in the house and there has been so much stuff going on. Anyways....I'm gonna do my best to get back in it! It looks like we still have a decent core group of original members and even a couple new members! I'm glad to see that the group is still going strong!
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
    may I join? :smile:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Of course you may! :laugh:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Well I think I'm at a place where I can FINALLY start contributing again! I apologize for the two months with no contact, but we finally got moved in the house and there has been so much stuff going on. Anyways....I'm gonna do my best to get back in it! It looks like we still have a decent core group of original members and even a couple new members! I'm glad to see that the group is still going strong!

    omg mister we have so missed how r u we well i was worried, yes old and some new memebers week 18 going strong amazing right?

    hello all i was about to take my walk and thunder and lighting so im thinking 30 day shred but i was so looking foward to my walk hows the weather where everyone is?


    snail aka tortoise aka ari aka ariella
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    looks like its about to rain here too, so i am pretty bummed.

    on the brighter side.... i just made a chicken quesadilla that was INCREDIBLE! its probably a well-known recipe, but i thought id post it just in case anyone didn't know how to make one (as i didn't until 30 mins ago!)...

    1 high fiber low carb tortilla (about 110 cals)
    1/4 cup reduced fat 2% shredded cheddar cheese
    1/4 cup fat free shredded cheddar cheese
    2 oz cooked boneless chicken
    1/2 cup diced tomatoes

    1. spray pan with non stick spray and bring to medium heat.
    2. place tortilla on pan and add cheese (making sure to mix both kinds).
    3. add chicken and tomatoes to one side of the tortilla.
    4. once cheese starts to melt, fold the cheese-only side on top of the chicken and tomatoes side.
    5. cook for 1 minute, then flip and cook for another minute.
    6. enjoy!!!!
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey our Mister finnaly came back! So how did the challenge at work go? Did you win? How is your wife and your puppy?

    Pep- Weather in Germany is sunny and has in in the 80's. I am hoping to get a nice tan today! We are going to the Playmobil Fun park and it should be nice cause it is an American Holiday but not a German one so it wont be as busy. Also as for Memorial day BBQ. I had steak and a baked potatoe and corn. I did well and have not gained. I just ate in moderation. I even had some cake the other night cause I was trying a recipe for my lo's 1st birthday party!

    Well gotta go get ready. Happy Memorial Day!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Today was my 29th birthday!!! I am sooo happy to say that I was able to go to my eldest daughter's very first dance recital... She ROCKED! I was approached by the dance studio's owner, and she wants Shaylynn to be in her Pre-Company, the younger kid's group that goes around and competes in state-wide competitions, and also in the lower states... I was such a proud momma!!!

    I am going to work out with my husband tonight... It's always nice when we get to see each other! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Today was my 29th birthday!!! I am sooo happy to say that I was able to go to my eldest daughter's very first dance recital... She ROCKED! I was approached by the dance studio's owner, and she wants Shaylynn to be in her Pre-Company, the younger kid's group that goes around and competes in state-wide competitions, and also in the lower states... I was such a proud momma!!!

    I am going to work out with my husband tonight... It's always nice when we get to see each other! I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day!!!

    happy birthday :wink:
  • PunkinHeadsMOMMA
    Hi all!!!
    I was so happy to catch up on everyone's posts!
    MISTER SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: Hiya man! How's the belly? growing? hopefully not too much sickness, and hormones:laugh: . Catch us up, we are women and we do like to get the scoop ya know! Great to have you back, we've all been wondering if all was ok.
    Resa -- ahhh, I'd be a proud momma too. wayta go on the incline. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I have the big 29 coming up this year and I've decided it will be my last Birthday EVER!:laugh: :laugh:
    Pep -- I know, they're little cracker jack uniform is so cute. I've only seen pics though, my hubby just got out when I met him. He was special forces so he was glad to get the heck out and back to his horses and mountains. Which is good or else we wouldn't have met:bigsmile:
    Peace -- great to have you here, if you have any questions, just holler!

    I almost forgot to tell you I had a great weekend! Well, not in the food/exercise area, but overall. We went to the "big city", went shopping, then we went to see a friends band for an MS benefit. Then we stayed the night, and went to see hubby's grandparents that came in from Kansas. It was great to get off this mountain. It was even better to come home, way too many people! I thougt I might go postal if we stayed much longer:laugh: :laugh: It was great!
    Weather has been yucky hopefully I can jog today, listen to me "hopefully I can Jog today". When have I ever said that before? Weird, a good weird, but still weird to hear that come out of MY mouth:noway: :laugh:
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    Heya everyone!

    Good to hear from you all - I hope that everyone's having a good day off and remembering our soldiers.

    Welcome back Mister Sister!! We've missed you. :smile:

    Resa, I bet your daughter is adorable! I hope she has a great time with dancing. I quit when I was 8 because I wanted to wear a pink tutu with black shoes... yay...

    MOMMA - it just seems appropriate to call you that as you seem to be the "mother" of our little group! I'm glad you got away from all of us city people... we're a bit weird! :wink: I'm smack dab in the middle of Houston for the summer, and you can't get too much bigger than that!

    My new apartment is great, we have a gym so I've been able to beat the heat (read: be spoiled!) by the air conditioning as I run. Yes, I do know it's not quite as good but I stay there longer! I've gotten my roommates to work out with me as well, it helps having some accountability, and they say "What, is today your off day or something?" if I don't work out! I'm actually known as the girl who does the fitness thing, how funny!

    Can't wait to hear from all of you! :heart: