anybody else constantly consumed in MFP!?!



  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Am I the only person on here who thinks that facebook is incredibly stupid?

    Agreed. I stopped checking it months ago...I should probably delete it now...
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    wayyyyyy addicted to MFP!!! its helped me out a lot!
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    I am so addicted to MFP, I think I may need to attend a MFP anonymous meeting.. :smokin:
  • Malaika946
    Malaika946 Posts: 107 Member
    Guilty as charged. Facebook friebds wondering where I am these days. I love MFP. Its changing my life.
  • I'm totally consumed. I spend more time on MFP than Facebook these days. I think I relate to the people here more since we've all got the same objective.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    Yep! I like knowing that the people I speak with are on the same journey as myself. I learn from other members, I get encouraged, and I encourage others (at least I hope I do). So, onward and upward. :bigsmile:
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I only use FB to post my awesome meals on and make others jealous of the crap they :glasses:
  • gennyturner
    gennyturner Posts: 25 Member
    I'm very addicted to MFP. Can't wait to get home and log my day in. Ialso like to see what I want to have for dinner and how many calories are really in it.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I love MFP and feel I'm on here waaayyyy to much, but I'm learning a lot and trying to learn how to eat healthy and it has motivated me to work out. (something this body didn't do before)....
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 66 Member
    I kind of gave up an addiction to foods for an addiction to MFP. I actually started a FB account to get myself away from MFP. My FB is for extended family and old friends that we don't live near anymore. MFP is for fitness. I don't ever want to be without it. I get so much positive feedback and advice here. :flowerforyou:

    Haha "I gave up an addiction to foods for a addiction to MFP"...classic!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    lol! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm on here all the time! I used to constantly check facebook on my phone while I'm gone, now it's MFP! At least it's a healthy obsession!
  • luvmycoffee
    luvmycoffee Posts: 112 Member
    It's basically taken the place of FB for me. As someone else said, people are more supportive and generally more happy here. I don't care if your dog just peed on your rug. How many calories did you burn cleaning it up is what I want to know. :laugh:

    Just kidding! Kinda.

    ^^^^^^This^^^^^ I used to be on FB all the time & after seeing this thread, it reminded me that I have not looked at FB in days!

    The people on this site are here to support you & understand how difficult this journey can be. :heart: MFP!
  • mic80205
    mic80205 Posts: 12
    I'm checking MFP way more than facebook. Phone and laptop all the time but it keeps me focused on the prize.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    Totally obsessed. I eat a meal, I can't wait to log it in. I exercise, I can't wait to log it in. I run reports checking my nutrition, my carbs, my calories, my cholesterol for the past 7, 30 60 whatever days. Totally obsessed and love the results! Much better obsession than binge eating.

    This :)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am on the site a lot. Basically because I am very into logging everything so that I get my goals. I like to read the posts as well. I am on facebook too. One thing I do wish though is that they would add a "LIKE" button for comments. :-) I like my facebook and am on it more than this but I know what you mean.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    MFP IS my facebook.

    ^^This. :drinker:

    Calculated calories in my head on the way home? Check.
    Have MFP friends who I text on a daily basis? Check.
    Have MFP friends who know entirely too much about me? Check.
    Had dreams that involve MFP? Check.

    I could probably think of more. Umm... yeah, I'm obsessed.

    Holy *kitten*! This is me to a T:blushing: :laugh:
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    yep! Often I have to tell myself off for reading about fitness on MFP instead of actually getting off the computer to do some! :laugh:
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    My name is Evonne Anderson and I'm a Mfp aholic !
    There ! My first step.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Completely hooked!
  • I call it my "Fitness Facebook"
