Limiting carbs...



  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    I had fell off the wagon for a while, but am back on now and exercising regularly. My question is, should I be limiting my carbs to a certain amount? I've heard other people tell me about limiting carbs to 30g a day, but this just dosen't seem do-able on a daily basis. Thoughts?

    Under 30 carbs a day is not hard. The first few days can be bad for some people. Was never bad for me. If you have the desire to lose weight and are willing to get past the withdrawl symptoms (because carbs ARE an addiction!), you would do fine. I have lost 10 lbs in the past 8 weeks, a very reasonable and healthy loss. If you decide to do low carb and want REAL support, go here:

    The people there are all low carb, from varying levels of under 20 to 100+ per day, depending on the diet they are on. You will never get support for low carbing in the general forums - all it does is start yet another debate between the low carbers and low calorie people.

    I don't knock low calorie people - if it works for you, good. It doesn't work for me, or for a lot of others. Everyone has to find what works for them.

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  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member

    This is great advice. 30g carbs a day is VERY low and you will find it hard to stick to that... so why set yourself up to fail?

    Not only that but the withdrawls can be down right terrible. I went atkins diet last year, zero carbs . I was one miserable person for about 5 days, my body hated me. After that though, it was fine. I wouldn't recommend exercising on a low carb diet, but you will drop a few pounds quickly. Ultimately it's not sustainable long term and really the only people that should be using it are for medical reasons.

    Atkins is not a NO carb diet. It is a LOW carb diet. You still eat carbs, but you get them from healthy greens. Then, you slowly add in more carbs, until you find the level where you stop losing, then stay under that number. For most people, the maintenance level of carbs on Atkins is from 100 to 150. The "withdrawls" last only a few days, as your body adapts to the new way of eating. Not everyone has them. I never did. I feel much healthier and have more energy eating LOW carb than I did eating tons of carbs like I used to. The diet is sustainable long term. There are lots and lots of people who have been doing it for YEARS. It is all about what is important to you. If eating the carbs is more important, you won't last. I exercise all the time, as do the rest of my low carb friends. I never get the weak, tired feeling that I got from eating low calorie.

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