Falling off the wagon ... hard



  • kjones3535
    kjones3535 Posts: 139
    My biggest issue is sugar/candy. I am having to completely cut certain things out because I cannot control myself once I start. Today is my 4th day without candy. It helps me to look at the numbers (being an engineer it makes sense for me to break it down) and realize that little things make a HUGE difference. I was eating around 150 calories/day in just candy when I work since it is all over the office. 150 calories times 260 days a year=39,000 calories (about 11 lbs). So, if I do nothing else I will save myself 11 lbs this year by not eating the junk around the office.

    One way to avoid it for me has been to start using the restroom on a different floor. My favorite candy (hot tamales) are right outside my restroom and I was grabbing a few everytime I walked by. By going downstairs I get a little extra exercise and completely avoid the temptation.

    I guess what I am trying to say is find a couple little things you can easily change right away and eventually they will all add up to a much larger result.

    Good luck!
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