Any other PMDD sufferers out there?

Hello! Looking for friends!
I suffer from PMDD (basically, extreme PMS). Rather than being on antidepressants and hormones, I decided to change my diet and start exercising more to help with the symptoms. I use MFP to help track the amount of food I eat and help lose weight, because these things seem to effect the PMDD. It has helped tremendously! I still get some symptoms, but not nearly as bad as they were. I was just wondering if anyone else might have had the same idea that I did (using diet and exercise to help with PMDD). Thought it would be nice to have some friends working toward the same goal and we could encourage each other and lean on each other when that time of the month comes around.


  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    I might . . . LOL

    Not sure if its PMDD but it's something and in the past PMDD has been suggested by docs. Sent a request. :)
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I have PMDD, and actually I am on antidepressants. Unfortunately, I need to be on them, but I would like to see the doses lowered, and especially the symptoms. My biggest frustration now, in the medical department, is I think it might have upgraded to Estrogene Dominance. Either that, or I have previously been misdiagnosed. Meds helped, until I had a baby last February, and since then my hormones have been out of control, and after a year+ there appears to be no change.

    I have been doing some research on estrogene dominance (based on my history, it doesn't sound like Progesterone defficiency). I plan on setting up an appointment with my doctor, and if this appears to be the correct direction, I want to start changing my diet to help alleviate the symptoms. Should be intersting!
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    Thought it would be nice to have some friends working toward the same goal and we could encourage each other and lean on each other when that time of the month comes around.

    This could be nice, besides my emotions being out of whack (and not normally depression), I feel lethargic and "out of it" about a week before. Feel free to add me :smile: .
  • keigyarto
    keigyarto Posts: 15 Member
    I used to have pretty bad symptoms, to the point that I was medicated to reduce them. But, I left my stressful job and that helped a lot. I have not used diet and exercise to manage my symptoms, but I have noticed that my extreme cravings are getting easier to handle.

    If you have a phone that uses apps, I downloaded a menstrual calendar. It is password protected so noone can open it and see what it is, but after a couple of months it calculates your cycle. I use it so I can anticipate my mood swings and be ready for them. Since I've started losing weight I've become more regular and the app has proven to be very accurate to my cycle, within a day or two each month.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I was diagnosed years ago, took antidepressents & now I totally rely on diet & exercise. I like to say that I walk twice a day for my family's safety. Please add me if you like.

    I just read the pster above me & remembered that I am on The Pill (still) to aid in the drop of hormones at tht certain time. (originally prescribed for ovarian cysts)
  • Goosiesnougs
    :tongue: I'm here with you! I have it. Have been on antidepressants in the past for it. Really didn't do anything for me. I'm on YAZ now and have been for about 5 years. It saved my marriage and maybe my life. It's pretty bad! I actually take it now without stopping for the placebo pills. When I took the placebos it only took me those few days to start feeling "bad" again. My Dr. agreed I should just be on them skipping the sugar pills. Once in a while if I have spotting several times during the month I'll take the sugar pills. Diet and exercise definitely help, but even with the blood clot and death warnings YAZ has, it's worth it to me!
    Sending a friend request to all you girls! Nice to have someone who gets it
  • Bullygirl30
    Me too!!! You can add me if you like Bullygirl30
  • smileybooliz
    smileybooliz Posts: 193 Member
    Anyone here who would like to add me I would be happy to be friends with. I also don't know if I actually have PMDD but it's definitely something. I also went off my anti depressant medications last summer then started here on MFP last September. Ido feel better since I've started watching my diet and exercising but that week or so before that time of the month is awful (tired, eating can get out of control, moodiness, etc.) It would be nice to know what others have tried to help with the symptoms besides medication. I still welcome anyone who is on medication because I know that sometimes that's the only way to feel better but I'm just trying to do this without meds for a while.

    Maybe we should form a group here. Maybe there is one already, haven't checked.

  • Bullygirl30
    My doctor just put me on yaz about 4 months ago. How long did it take you to even out?
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    Accupuncture worked for me. I used to get on my own nerves....bad.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    I used to have pretty bad symptoms, to the point that I was medicated to reduce them. But, I left my stressful job and that helped a lot. I have not used diet and exercise to manage my symptoms, but I have noticed that my extreme cravings are getting easier to handle.

    If you have a phone that uses apps, I downloaded a menstrual calendar. It is password protected so noone can open it and see what it is, but after a couple of months it calculates your cycle. I use it so I can anticipate my mood swings and be ready for them. Since I've started losing weight I've become more regular and the app has proven to be very accurate to my cycle, within a day or two each month.

    I actually have an app called period tracker and it backups with my gmail account. I trully wish it was as easy losing weight for me, but even when I was healthy weight and very athletic, I still suffered severely. Doctors tried putting me on birth control as young as 9th grade to help (I had a situation I was hospitalized for in 7th grade), and it made everything worse, mono and tri...

    I used to suffer from physical symptoms so bad I would not be able to get out of bed. Since my second child tho, my physically symptoms are so minor in comparison, yet the doctors have not been able to find a suitable dosage for my neurological symptoms. Hence, I wonder if the second child changed my system.
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    but that week or so before that time of the month is awful (tired, eating can get out of control, moodiness, etc.) It would be nice to know what others have tried to help with the symptoms besides medication. I still welcome anyone who is on medication because I know that sometimes that's the only way to feel better but I'm just trying to do this without meds for a while.

    7-10 days before the menses is typical, and I completely salute you for working to stay off meds. However, should it get out of hand, and as long as you are regular, I had a doctor prescride Prozac for those 7-10 days before (it was great until stress levels increased).

    To be honest, that was one of the best time periods I remember for me. I was not dependent on pills for most of the month and as long as I could track, I didn't have to deal with fatigue, moodiness, anger, etc. For a short time I felt normal :o). Prozac is a short-lived med, and I was given the smallest does.

    Now hopefully, should you seriously consider, maybe his will help you be more educated in a desicion :o)
    Maybe we should form a group here. Maybe there is one already, haven't checked.


    This would be easier, I think, and allow for digressions, yet still band together!
  • mommy062706
    mommy062706 Posts: 27 Member
    I also have PMDD. I was put on YAZ about 8 months ago and it has helped A LOT! It sucks because I have my tubes tied so I don't have to be on birth control but it is so worth it to help with the moods. Some months are better then others. Any one is more then welcome to add me!! :) I don't know any one in real life that has it and it would be great to have someone who understands! It is very encouraging to know that diet and exercise can help!! Thank you for posting this OP! :)
  • mommy062706
    mommy062706 Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe we should form a group here. Maybe there is one already, haven't checked.


    This would be easier, I think, and allow for digressions, yet still band together!

    I agree with this totally! Seems like there is enough of us that a group would be great. Then we can really support each other!
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    :happy: PS if anyone is using a fit bit, I could use some friends on that site. you enter your info onto mfp, and it syncs with fitbit. However, on fitbit you can compare/motivate each other with Fitness! I would have the same user name if any one is intersted. And you don't have to have the gadget to be a part of the free site

    And check out too...I think that one only syncs with But if we are looking to get active (doesn't go by weight, goes by activity), it doesn't help to get free stuff in the process too .
  • lucythinmint
    I was diagnosed around 7 years ago. I was on Zoloft for years and when I decided to loose weight I decided to go the natural approach. I have been off of all medications for 4 years now. It's still bad but not nearly as bad as it used to be.

    My husband is still with me..:drinker: Though he says I try divorce him one week a month. :/
  • porterorchard
    Have PMDD?! Boy do I ever! the only thing that has helped is taking Fluoxitine my doctor prescribed me. Without it, littlerally half of the month I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. IT WAS SO BAD! Anyways...I dont want to try anymore natural approaches, I found something that really works for me. Finding another way would put me back to where I was and I just dont have time to feel that terrible....ya know what I mean? Im here to lose 10 lbs. max. I want to be under 130, Im 5' 7", when I had been at that weight before it was the only weight I felt really comfortable and confident being. Clothes fit good, In fact I think thats the weight I need to be to have no muffin top! I guess I will see how accuurate thie myfittnesspal is because Im being pretty religous about it!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Back in october I started feeling rage with the onset of ovulation. Everyone pissed me off, and I even had "intrusive thoughts" - much of this seemed to have really started after i had a horrible nightmare, but since then I get the feelings when ovulation begins, and i guess it starts to dissipate after i its basically 2 weeks of feeling like crap. woo! my husband understands it better than I do.
  • spskinny
    spskinny Posts: 96 Member
    You can add me. I have PPD which is very similar ( same naughty hormones) just with kids thrown in. I know how challenging it can be. PPMD often continues as PPD :P later in life. Hang in there!!
  • sassy_sparkles
    Totally! I take Zoloft and Yaz to help balance my hormone levels out and control my mood. I tried just altering my diet and activity levels for awhile, but it wasn't enough for me personally. Exercising before and during my cycle helps so much. Even a light walk makes a big difference. That extra kick of dopamine really helps increase my mood. Eating healthy food is really important for me too. I tend to eat emotionally and crave sweet treats. I eat fresh fruit or drink crystal light to help curb my emotional sweet tooth.

    PMDD is so rough, but you can get through it. We're all here to support each other :-)