Toxic fumes raiding my breathing!



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So glad I could provide some entertainment today fart.gif

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Losinit - you definitely started a funny thread that I'm glad I am not the only one who can relate to. Yep, I fell victim to the Alli - well actually I took it when it was Xenical and prescription - so each pill was 120 mg as opposed to Alli's 60 mg (I think) and we were in Jamaica, eating buffet - my boyfriend will never look at say it not spray it the same way again. Ruined a good pair of pants, glad they weren't white either with the orange - again TMI?

    I'm with the lift the leg club as you all can probably tell. I've even driven my grocery cart fast down the isle cause one time a little girl said, "Mommy it stinks here...." being the only one around, embarassing! So now I go at warped speed and hope I don't "drag" it along with me - bf says I do that too when I leave the room - drag it back along:laugh: :noway:
  • anony999
    anony999 Posts: 112 Member
    OK just to save your family from your biological warfare :tongue:
    I recommend drinking a cup of kefir each day on an empty stomach.

    Kefir is awesome and adds good bacteria into your digestive tract... helps to cut down on gas.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I think you should just lift your leg and let em rip, BE LOUD AND PROUD!! :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK just to save your family from your biological warfare :tongue:
    I recommend drinking a cup of kefir each day on an empty stomach.

    Kefir is awesome and adds good bacteria into your digestive tract... helps to cut down on gas.

    Thanks for the suggestion!!

    Its not a matter of cutting down on gas. Some gas is healthy and means your digestive track is working right. Im ok with ripping them off all day long as long as they arent the death bombs that get dropped and have to be "febreezed" away. Seriously, I mean... the reason I started this thread was because last night I was In the laundry room checkin on my new babies (my cat had 3 kittens last Friday).. I was petting them and let the tiniest little poof and within 10 seconds was like "holy cow...Im outta here!" Went out in the garage for about 10 minutes, came back in.. and IT WAS STILL THERE! So...Yeah, its funny...but seriously.. thanks for the suggestions!! I appreciate it!!

    Today seems to be a bit better. I took a fiber tab before bed and also a cod liver oil supplement. Still havent gone #2, but at least my eyes arent watering anymore (ok, except for the time I was in the car...lemme tell ya....that window came down rather fast!!) and Ive been passing gas all day.