I definitely need some friends:)

I'm new to this myfitnesspal thing and today I logged on and was interested to see the friends area blank....does that mean I have no friends?

I am a registered nurse and have worked over 20 years as an ER Trauma nurse. Recently, I have resigned from patient care and management to produce my own community network television talk show called Making Good Choices for Life. I am a mother of 3 wonderful children and have been married to my husband, Bruce for 20 years this June.

I starting logging in today at the request of my sports nutritionist and registered dietitian. I'm trying to get back in shape and will be running the Boston marathon in 23 days on April 16th as a charity runner for the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. I hope to finish the marathon in less than 5 hours which is slow compared to the other runners out there.

I'm not sure how this friend thing works but I would love to have some friends to encourage me along the way, I will be logging in my meals and exercise everyday so I can encourage and motivate all those that sign on to friend me too!!

Hope to be friends with you,



  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    You can add me! I'm always welcoming more buddies. I'm a mom of three kiddies too, but no marathon...yet.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    Hi Mary! I'll be you friend if you'd like! :flowerforyou: I started a few weeks ago and I love the site. I'd love to know more about this show you are producing! Good luck with it and welcome to MFP!
  • clotta22
    clotta22 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new to this also...more company is always good!!
  • fionaface
    fionaface Posts: 42 Member
    You may have just started logging today, but it won't be your last day! MFP is addictive, but in a very, very good way! I joined 46 days ago (I think), and I haven't missed a day since. :) By the way, I love that you have a background as an RN. I'm starting RN school in May and will be done in two years and am so excited about it!!!
  • MrsNewk
    MrsNewk Posts: 1
    I just joined 2day & I love it! I'll be happy 2 b ur friend...I don't know how 2 add friends so u'd b my 1st! Nice 2 meet u! I have 2 sons of my own & I'm an online student :)
  • MJBez
    MJBez Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Mary,
    I have been logging for a little better than a couple of months. I always welcome more friends :smile:
    I try to be supportive, even if its dropping a quick encouragement when you complete your food diary. I personally love this encouragement and do my best to do it for others! Please feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • RuthlessB
    RuthlessB Posts: 38 Member
    Hey Mary I'd be glad to be your MFP buddy! I'm a Home Health RN.....kids are grown...My husband, Mitch, and I have been married for almost 24 years....I started MFP in Jan/12 and have lost 25 pounds...I feel much better and more self confident...Good luck on your journey and KNOW that YOU are not alone!!!!......P.S. My youngest daughter's name is Mary!!! GREAT NAME!!!!
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    My hubby of 30 years had a heart attack on Janaury 14. They had to shock him 11 times to get his heart out of d-fib. He had a 100% blockage in the main artery on the right side. WOW What a wake-up call. Since that day, we have changed the way we eat, added exercise to our days and are trying to "make the right choices for life" . He has lost about 25 pounds, and quit smoking, He is at a good weight now and is happy with his weight (he will continue to lose cause of the lifestyle change, just slowly) As for me I need to lose at least 90 more pounds in addition to the 30 I have already lost. I will send you a friends request.You will love this site, I know I do. It really has helped me to stay on track!
  • bstoetzer
    bstoetzer Posts: 96
    Hi Mary and welcome to MFP. I joined in December and log in every day. We're all here to try to become healthier and the support from friends is amazing. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck with the marathon!!
  • Hi Mary, I just joined recently and I love it so far, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm in school for Physical Therapy :)
  • I've been on just a few weeks. add me. I need the support as well. thanks
  • marvelscale
    marvelscale Posts: 135
    Hello and welcome, feel free to add me as well :)
  • You can add me as well! I've been a member for a while, but I've just recently started REALLY using it. ;)
  • mishka0007
    mishka0007 Posts: 30 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! Welcome aboard! :-)
  • Krissi921
    Krissi921 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Mary! Feel free to add me, I am a mom to 3 also. You will love it here!
  • MissRoz
    MissRoz Posts: 4
    I'm an RN student finishing up my second year and will be graduating in May :) I love this app/site and I directly attribute it for my weight loss success of 20 pounds. It's a great app...before I tried losing weight without calorie counting and using less convenient ways of counting calories but when I found this app for the phone it is soooo convenient and I realized that before even though I was attempting to eat right, I was probably going way over my calories needed just to maintain my weight. Add me! My other friends fell off the wagon :)
  • Welcome. You can add me too. I will be happy to be your friend.
  • Julesbriff
    Julesbriff Posts: 39 Member
    Hi - welcome to the site!! I love having friends so we can motivate each other. I think I would have slowed down by now if it was not for the social side of the site. Feel free to add me, and anybody else who would like another friend. I log in every day.
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    Hi Mary!

    You can add me too, I'm a pharmacist working the midnight shift! This site has been great for me! The people are awesome!
  • Icons
    Icons Posts: 2
    I can use some mfp friends i need some good ideas in changing a boring food plan.:smile: