Log Food prep in Exercise log?



  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Are you hunting and gathering the food yourself? If so, sure. If not... :huh:
  • msmileyface
    msmileyface Posts: 76 Member
    I guess everyone makes their own "rules" for this. Here are mine-

    I say nay to food prep.

    I also don't log cleaning unless it's like an hour or more and I am really moving. Like last weekend, I was really short on time and had to choose either a) work out and have a messy house and go to work monday feeling stressed, or b) clean the house. So I chose to clean for my sanity.. but I put on my HRM and worked hard, and in between tasks I would do cardio like butt kicks, jumping jacks, boxing moves, etc for like 30 secs or a min at a time when I noticed my heart rate was getting too close to "normal." I ended up burning like 300 cals that hour and I think that was fair, since I did cardio. But otherwise, I don't log the maintenance stuff.

    I only log my dog walks when we try to walk for exercise, not when we stroll along.

    I do log gardening when I do it for an extended time, and I am doing something "heavy" such as raking, or doing a mass weeding and planting. I try to work squats and such in. But if I am pruning a few things or watering, no.

    Hope that helps you develop some of your own "rules" :)
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member

    Although the Thanksgiving comment might hold water, but unless you are sweating and almost out of breath, forget about it!!!
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I only do it if I'm cooking a feast (entertaining) or preparing meals for a week ahead. For my everyday normal family meals - I don't.
    But when you are cooking for a crowd, it can be a lot of work. I've spend many of days shopping, and preparing meals and cleaning up my messes. It is definitely work...
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I love to cook, and have been known to make homemade pies, calzone, breads, and even my own ravioli stuffed with my own homemade ricotta cheese-now that was a task! I hand rolled out all the from scratch pasta dough, stuffed it, cut it out, boiled it, etc. I was in the kitchen all day. I also make homemade tortillas, dozens at a time-I bake a lot, requiring me to roll things out with my rolling pin, knead doughs, etc.-on my feet a good portion of the day. I have a 6 foot 9 inch tall husband who has quite the appetite, plus 5 children and whatever various kids we have hanging around the house that night. Some nights I easily feed more than a dozen people-it is a lot of activity to prep/cook/serve it all.

    With that said, I totally wouldn't log it, and I personally don't log it. I just don't feel like it is exercise. I also don't log cleanup, no matter how hard I work cleaning house. I have, however, logged 30 minutes of walking around Disneyland here and there as my light workout for the day a couple of times. :happy:
  • midnightryder
    I personally don't understand when people log anything other than exercise (ie: jogging, running, strength training, aerobics, dancing, swimming, etc). I feel that cooking, cleaning, yard work, regular work are things I used to always do when I was heavier anyways & didn't seem to help me to lose any weight so I can't think of a reason I would log that. If it burns calories then its just bonus on top of what I usually do. People may as well log sex everytime they do that too.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    If Im in the kitchen all day making freezer meals and cooking for the day and on my feel and everything then yes I log it. Same thing with cleaning. I don't usually log any cleaning unless it was a day of cleaning and I was on my hands and knees and things like that scrubbin stuff down, then I'll log, but not just cooking dinner or cleaning up from the day.

    I think this is the most sensible attitude to have :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    No. The exception being times when I cook very large meals, and it takes many hours.
  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    I log cleaning. Im a working Mum of 3 kids and when I log the cleaning its usually the "get on your hands and knees and scrubbing the showers" and " Scrubbing till Im drenched with Sweat" type Cleaning. Not the I just did the dishes type. Regular cleaning I just let it go and consider it incidental bonus calories burned. Cooking/food prep..Nope.