Anyone interested in a Wii Active Challenge?



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good evening everyone!!

    Day 3 done here..whew, what a workout!! I burned 230 calories on medium.

    Welcome to all the new people!!! We're so glad to have you!

    j_g4ever, I use the wireless nunchuck, too. I usually notice I have problems with it when my batteries are getting low.

    queen, hope everything is better for you.

    Jax, lol ...I get the jelly legs, too!!!

    Hope everyone has a great evening!
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    lunge jumps stink so bad. . . lol. it's bad when the running becomes the part i look forward to. . . and i HATE running. although it is nice. I have a nice little circuit around my living room, hall, kitchen island, and back through my den to my living room again, so i don't have to run in place. When it has me do run/high knees/kickups. I can usually go twice around my "track" before the next gate comes. I much prefer it to running in place. The wii doesn't seem to mind either, it seems to pick up the movements just fine.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Lol, Faust, I never thought about running around in the house. I usually just run in place though I have a tendancy to eek forward a little.

    I hate kickups!!!! Oh they suck! I keep wanting to cheat with them but I don't...

    Hope everyone has a great day. I plan on doing workout 4 this evening.
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Hi Wii Teamers,

    Thanks Anna, I am doing better. Was able to do my workout yesterday. Got a new exercise (tricep kickbacks), and did some boxing. I started out on the easy level and will stay on it for the duration of the challenge but am so looking forward to bumping up to the next level for the next 30 days. The easy level doesn't burn as much calories but it's still a workout .This Wii is something else. I love it.

    Be blessed everyone!
  • HealthyIn09
    Hey all! I just found this thread but I started on June 1st and just got down with workout #6. Burned over 500 calories according to my HRM on moderate (which I'm still unsure if that's correct).

    Completely agree with you guys on the Kick-ups. I HATE THOSE! And what's with all the lunges. Good God! I have never done so many lunges in my life. haha.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Day 3 completed..... then i made a custom workout and did another 30 minutes, that one kicked my butt, i didn't realise that there would be more repeats!

    I'm with HealthyIn09.... i HATE the lunges, i'm sure they're being held for longer on my left side, could just be that its my weaker knee!! lol

    I burnt 401 calories altogether! YAY :happy:
  • SassyDiva
    SassyDiva Posts: 5
    I'm a few days behind, but I completed Day 1 today and it was great. Started out on low intensity, but I think I'm going to increase the intensity for the remainder of the challenge. Burned 160 calories. Since the Active doesn't track BMI and Weight like the Fit, I did do my body test on the Fit prior to working out on the Active.

    My favorites were the Target Boxing using the board and the Inline Skating board. Can't wait to get back on tomorrow night.
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    i HATE the lunges, i'm sure they're being held for longer on my left side, could just be that its my weaker knee!!

    lol, have you done the lunge-JUMPS yet? they suck even worse than lunges. but i agree, this game seems to REALLY like squats and lunges.

    btw are y'all doing another workout during your "rest" days? I have been taking those days to do other activities, but I think i may exercise through my next rest day. Hmm, maybe i should use those days to do the easier wii-fit activities, more for fun and stretching.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Fausttt - I exercise when I can get one in - lol regardless of whether it tells me that it's a rest day :smile:

    Diva, I'm so glad to have you on board! I tried the high intensity for the first workout and I thought it was going to kill me!! LOL Now I do mine on Medium.

    Healthy and Jax, Wow, you guys burnt some calories!! Way to go!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Don't forget that tomorrow is our weigh in day!!!! If you want your weight tracked, send me a pm or post it on here. Give me until Thursday to get it completed and posted, please.

    I'll also mark down how many total cals burned for the week and what workout # you are on (information taken from your posts over the week).

    Hope that is all...let me know if I should be doing anything else.


    Everyone get their last chance workout in....tomorrow is W day (weigh in day)!!!! :drinker:

    Good luck to you all!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi guys, today is a rest day for me.... so i went to the gym :laugh:

    My car wouldn't start and i had to wait nearly 2 hours for the RAC man to come and help me!

    Perhaps i should have taken the rest day after all! lol

    Good luck to you all for the weigh in tomorrow.... fingers cfrossed for a loss :happy:

  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Hello :smile:
    I finished another workout (took a rest day yesterday). I think this would now be day 4. Only burned 251 calories but I'll take that! :tongue: Had to do the jumping squats and lunges.....those are definately not my favorite, but it's nice to do something out of the ordinary. I customized my own workout afterwards and did a little variety of things. I am just loving how much there is to do on this game and how many didfferent combos of things you can do! I don't know if I'll ever get bored of this one! :bigsmile: Hope everyone has had a great day!! See you all at check in tomorrow!
  • SassyDiva
    SassyDiva Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone! Got through Day me strange, but I actually like the lunges....:laugh: . After I did the workout, I did a custom workout with the inline skating on the board and the target boxing on the board. Burned 198 calories total today. Tomorrow is a rest day for me, but I'm going to get on the Wii Fit and do some yoga and cardio.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Good morning, i'm weighing in this morning at 224lbs.... thats a loss of 3lb in 5 days!!

    Good luck to the rest of you :happy:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I've been so busy this past week - but I finally did Day 1 today - easy level. I think I burned 200 calories.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning, i'm weighing in this morning at 224lbs.... thats a loss of 3lb in 5 days!!

    Good luck to the rest of you :happy:

    Way to go Jax!!!!!

    I'm down 1.5 lbs this week. I plan on doing workout #4 tonight. Lol, should have done it last night but I got busy (and lazy lol).

    Today is the day that I'll be posting results...I'm really excited!!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Way to go Team!:bigsmile:

    Yesterday was my rest day and I forgot to weigh in this morning (rushing). I'll post my results tomorrow.

    Congrats to all!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I was scheduled to workout yesterday but had to make it a rest day due to drs orders. When I went to workout today, it had cancelled my calorie goals and workout goal. Told me I didn't meet my goal. Does anyone know what the deal is with this?

    Anywho, I did my workout today and am feeling soo much better. How is everyone doing on their challenge?

    Queen, you can reset your goals in the Wii Active. I had to change mine...I set mine up for two week goals.

    What new trophies did you guys get? I finally got the 1000 cals burned trophy!
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Good Morning :smile:

    I only lost .9 lbs.....but I'll take that! That's almost a pound in 1 week so I'm okay with that. I feel like I have had too much sodium this week though, so I think I'm going to try and moniter that more closely. I haven't measured yet though, I wonder if it is possible to lose any inches in one week?? Maybe at least some centimeters?? :tongue: Going to push it for the rest of the week and hope for a bigger number next week! How's everyone else doing??
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Ok, are the results so far. If you have a blank or red lettering (except in the "difference" field) then that means I did not receive results from you.


    Lol, hope I got it right.

    Good job everyone!!!!

    New stats will be kept starting today.

    If you send my your stats for the week, I will enter it and repost it. Please let me know if I have something logged incorrectly.

    Grats to Jax for most lost so far!!!

    Grats to happyplace for a whopping 1200 cals burned!!!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks Annaliza for the brill graph :happy:

    Can you add 401 cals for the day 3 that i did the other day... i'm on day 4 next :smile:
